Chereads / My First person shooter system / Chapter 1 - Hot dog eating contest

My First person shooter system

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Chapter 1 - Hot dog eating contest

Deth was walking around as he began to see that there was a man that was being held at kinfe point by a thug along with his buddy

"Come on why won't you just give us the money." The man said that had the knife that was pointed at the man through.

"Hey you two stop it right there." Deth said.

As both of the thugs looked to see that there was a man that had blue eyes, white skin and short brown hair wit blue eyes and had a blue wrist band along with wearing a T shirt that had a hamburger on it the mans name was Deth.

The man that was being mugged began to push away the man that was holding a knife at him and began to run away.

"Well since that man is gone now I will be on my way." Deth said.

Deth however was pulled by his short as the people began to punch him in his face Deth fell down to the ground as they began to kick him and proceeded to do so breaking many bones in Deth's body.

Deth was now laying on the ground as the thugs saw that there was a man that was filming them in the street.

Deth was now in the hospital with only one thought of his mind he was never going to provoke anyone again.

A a year later

Deth began was walking with his older brother Teth as they where walking in a mall. Deth saw a sigh that was at a mall along with there being tables that where a sigh up desk was in the front near the desks. The sign simply said Hot dog eating contest sigh up. There was a line of people that where already going to sigh up for the hot dog eating contest it was a line as long as 3 long buses lined up to each other.

Deth went to the line along with his brother Teth. It took the two a few minutes inutes to get to teh front of the table.

However before a Deth was about to sigh up a man went in front of them cutting in line.

The man that had cut in line as was a big and had huge muscles as he also had a beard.

"Hey you just cut in line you should go to the back." The man at the desk said that had sun glasses said.

The man that cut in line glared at the desk man that was talking causing the man to glare back. The man that cut in line began to turn glaring at Deth.

"Do you have a problem with me cutting in line. " The man said.

"Well uh no I do not." Deth said sweating.

"Well you may not but I have a problem with that." Teth said.

The man looked to see that there was a man that was in a Miltitery uniform that had a shaved head that was behind Deth.

"Huh well you know what, fine then I will go back to the line." The man said.

Deth looked at Teth with in aw of what did he just did.

"How where you able to do that." Deth said.

"When you are yelled contently ever day you don't really worry that much about what people think of you." Teth said.

Deth then made it to the hot sigh up table and began to sigh the his name for the hotdog eating contest as he began to go out of the building that he was in the mall.

After Teth sighned for the hot dog eating contest as well Teth and Deth then began to walk to one of the food courts as they began to talk to each other.

"So why did you not stand up to the guy that was cutting you in line." Teth said.

"Well you know I did not want to escalate the conversation and that would lead to physicals harm." Deth said.

"Dude all he did was cut in line like that is pretty evil but I don't think that he would go that far." Teth said.

"Well you never know." Deth said.

"Are you still worried because you where attaked by thugs a year ago." Teth said.

"Ya pretty much." Deth said.

"Well maybe I could help you deal with that later" Teth said.

Deth and Teth then procced to make to what was a table that was of many in the food court.

Deth followed Teth to a table there was women that was in a red dress that had black tips on it that was sitting at the table.

"Hello Deth this is Shilla, Shilla this is Deth." Teth said.

"Hello so you are Deth's brother." Shilla said.

"Oh we well we where just talking about the fact that he did not stand up to someone that had cut him in line." Teth said.

"I see I think that you should have just told someone else about it so that you could have to worry about confrontation." Shilla said.

"I did tell the man to get back in line but I think that Deth should try to be able to stand up to people." Teth said.

"Well I don't think that you should always stand up to people sometimes its just better to just let it go so that you dont have to deal with that persons harm." Deth said.

"That's just something that might happen happen but the point is that you show them your teeth." Teth said.

"Well can we maybe change the topic I want to eat something now." Deth said.

"Why are we eating something now should we not eat something as we should save our stomachs for the contest." Teth said.

"I read somewhere that by eating a small meal can help you win a contest." Deth said.

"Well I see then how about we order some fries." Teth said.

"I am not sure about that but if yo want to test what you read go awead in fact how about I eat with you so that we could win the contest if your right." Teth said.

"So anyway what is the plan to eat as many hot dogs for the contest." Teth said.

"All right then lets order some fries." Deth said.

Deth began to go to order food at the spot called Burger Sword.

Deth came back with all of the fires on the tray as he went and put them down on the table.

They then priced to eat the fries and Teth began to talk.

"So is there any other plan that you have Deth." Teth said.

"Well the only plan that I have is to eat very fast as it takes 20 minutes for the human stomach to prcces the fact that it is full." Deth said.

After a few minutes of waiting there was a man that went on a box with a microphone.

"The hot dog eating contest begins in 10 minutes every go to the tables as the contest will start soon." The man with the microphone said.

"Alright lets go to the table to eat the hot dogs." Teth said.

Theth and Deth sat on the table as they began to wait for the ten minutes as they waited for the hot dog eating contest to start.

There where so many different type of people that came.

When the ten minute ended there was a man that stepped on top of the box it was the man that was at the sigh up the desk.

"It is time for the hot dog eating contest too begin." The mustache man said.

When the bell noise started Deth began to eat the hot dogs as they went into his mouth. Teth however was incredible fast as he began to consume a lot of the hot dogs that where on the plate. Every person that was on the table began to consume the hot dogs that where on there plates.

The consumption of the hot dogs kept going.

Soon after a couple of minutes there where people that where falling and and some fell down on the table as they where too full to continue.

As the contest continued after 15 minutes Deth was on of the last people that was eating in the hot dogs eating contest along with Teth . Deth began to have his head fall on the table as he felt tired after eating a lot of the hot dogs so he began to think that he had a gun that was pointed at his head so that he could eat more hot dogs.

Teth meanwhile was consuming all of the hot dogs with ease.

When the hot dog eating contest kept going there began to more people that could not go on as now it had passed the 20 minute mark.

There where was three people that where left. Teth, Deth and the man that had cut in line in front of Deth.

Deth was consuming the last of the of the hot dogs as after he finished teh hot dog on his plate a person came in and took the empty plate and put another plate there one that was filled with a ton of hot dogs.

Deth then began to fell down as he began to go down as he felt that he could not take it anymore. But Deth got back up as he was not going to give up only to fall down slamming his head into the table as he felt that he could no longer eat any more of the hot dogs.

It was only two people that where there that where left. that was Teth and the man that cut Deth in line that was wearing a gym suit.

Teth was still consuming the hot dogs while the man that cut in line was also eating the hot dogs.

The contest kept going for another 20 minutes that was until it happened.

Teth was able to eat the hot dogs more as the man that cut in line and the man had just fell down on the plate that was filled with hot dogs.

Everyone celebrated as they saw that there was a winner in the hot dogs eating contest.

A man that had a a gun holstered on his wrist began to give Teth the prize of the hot dogs eating contest.

"This will help you become a more powerful person." The man said as he gave him a plastic hot dog holder that had a hot dog that looked like it was painted in gold.

"Uh, well thanks." Teth said.

Teth then got the hot dog that the man gave to him.

Teth and Deth then made it bto the exit of the mall as Shilla also was there following them out of the mall.

"Well its time for me to go home." Shilla said as she went the other way to her car.

Deth and Teth began to walk home together.

"Here Deth I think you should have the hot dog." Teth said.

"You sure about that you where the one who won it." Deth said.

"Well to be honest its just that man that gave the hot dog to me said that it will make you a powerful person or something like that I think that he just meant that the hot dog was a good luck charm or something but I want you to eat it as I think that it could help you just in case." Teth said.

"I see then thanks" Deth said as he got the hot dog holder.

They then went to the apartment home that Deth was staying at. Deth put the Golden hot dog in the fridge.

After watching a few episodes of Breaking Good and Narudo Teth had to tell somthing to Deth.

"I need to go back to work." Teth said as he looked at his phone.

"All right then thats fine have a good day working at the Rect Milatery." Deth said.

Deth change his shows to watch as he wanted to watch something else as he did not want to get awed as Teth was watching the shows with him as well.

Deth began watching Telephone Wars the cool new show on Gamaflix.

Deth then fell asleep on his bed as a episode was playing.

When Deth woke up he checked his phone to realise that he was going to be close to being late for the bus that was coming to pick him up for work.

Deth began to hurry up and began to wear his work cloths. Deth stomach rumble as he was hungry.

Deth began to go to the fridge opening the fridge up.

Deth saw he Golden hot dog that is in the fridge. Deth grabbed the golden hot dog out of the fridge and began to take a bite out of the hot dog. However as he was walking fast to the elevator he ran into a man that was walking outside of the hallway hey crashed into each other causing the golden hot dog to fall on the floor.

"Sorry about that I should not have walked that fast." The man said that had a business suit said with the gold hot dog stain ed on his suit.

Deth looked at the hot dog that fell on the ground as it began to melt.

"What in the world why is it that the hot dog is melting." Deth said.

The man looked at the hot dog as well.

"Ya that is strange never seen anything like it anyway lets go to the elevator there is a party that I need to go to." The man said.

As they both went into the elevator there was silence until Deth decided that it would be a good idea to break the silence.

"So anyway what's your name and that the party that you are going to." Deth said.

"I am gong to a wending currently and my name is Fling." Fling said

"A wedding on a work day?" Deth said

"Ya well the guy that is getting marred wanted to have people that truly cared about his marriage so that is why he did it on a work day." Fling said.

"Well good luck on the wedding." Deth said.

Deth then looked to see that there was a icon of a spinning circles that where there in front of him.

"What is that." Deth said as he pointed at the spinning icon that was in front of him as it moved slighty near him as he went back a bit.

"Are you messing with me man I don't see anything at allow." Fling said as he began to laugh.

"Wait you don't see it?" Deth said.

"Okay that's enough joking around please." Fling said.

The elevator door then opened as Fling began to go out of the elevator.

Deth began to get out of the elevator as well as he began to go out of the building luckly the bus was there waiting for him as he got on the bus he put his bus token in and sat on the seat.

Then something strange happened a icon that appeared on his of his face after he was about to close his eyes to rest on the bus.

A icon began to appear that was square and had text that was written on it.

[Congratelasons you have gotten the First Person Shooter System also known as FPSS would you like to learn a tutorial for the system YES OR NO.]

Deth having no idea what he was seeing realized that it was the hot dog that gave him powers simply for the fact that what kind of hot dog melts when it falls on the floor. Deth decided to press yes because it felt like he would get more of his questions answered on what was going on here.

The pop up screen then showed him a health bar that was floating to the right side of his body it was a white cross with a 100 that was in the center of it.

The screen that was in front of him began to show him that there where weapons that where in the screen.

"You will be able to level up your inventory and get new guns when you level up to kill creature." The voice said.

Deth was a bit stressed when at showed him to kill. Could he even do something like that then again maybe he should not get so worried whatever this is it said that he was going to level up stuff and besides there are people that would do anything for this kind of thing maybe him getting worried about this was just him being ungrateful.

Besides it says kill creature it does not mean humans but still that it could be a mental challenge to kill a creature unless maybe they were trying to kill him first then that would be a different story.

The only thing that Deth had killed actively where people in video games. but that was it.

Ether way Deth knew one thing whatever was in that hot dog it was going to help him become tough.

Deth saw that there was another word that said.

[Do you want to want to see the tutorial room Yes Or No.]

Deth pressed yes thinking that it was going to show video to the tutorial room on the screen that it was showing him.

Instead Deth was transported to a room that had white paint with lined textru on the wall.

Deth also notice that eh had a gun that was there in his hand a black Glock pistol. A light of holo hoop circle appeared in front of him and what was in front of him was a blue saber tooth lion.

[Saber Tooth Lion] Level 6.

The sabertooth lion began to charge at Deth.