Chereads / Archimedes - Part 3 / Chapter 44 - Wilhelmina

Chapter 44 - Wilhelmina

Wilhelmina was the name she was born with. Wilhelmina was a year older than Axel. After Axel was born, everyone would say that she would always keep an eye out for her brother. Their saying rang true. Even at the tender age of five, Willie had saved her brother from a terrible danger. Axel was an adventurous kid from the get go, he would try and climb the summits of the peaks when the sun came out. Willy would see hum running towards the peaks and she would get on the mobile and catch up with him. "You are causing me a lot of trouble" she would say to Axel. Axel would simply smile at her and Willie's anger would fade away in an instant. " So when she saw her brother on the table fighting for his life" the only thing she could think of was , how is she going to save him. In her mind, there was no one is capable of saving her brother except her. She looked through the glass window as Gorgan operated on her brother. Myrkin was calm and settled down by now. He sat in the corner with his eyes closed.

Gorgan was operating his arms," He had cut his original arm and replaced it with a mechanical one" It was Willie's turn to slam the window. Gorgan looked at her " she tunred away". The mechanical arm had been her invention, along with so many others. In her childhood she not only was a protector to Axel, she was also a genius. She was always tweaking something. "The blood of Viktor they would say". Willy had also made the levitating snow mobiles. Before her time , they used to have a hard time covering the ground. A lot of the machines used to get stuck in the ground and they had to abandon it. And when they returned to retrieve the machine, they used to find it was completely torn apart, rendered useless. "Good girl" the elders used to say when they saw her working on her next big project.

"Her biggest accomplishment according to her, was that she continued the work of Viktor" . The starships ran on the same compound Pluton. So did all the mobiles. Of all the bad things that the planet had to offer, it did offer a good thing as well. Planet Caraes had a moon. A very good moon, indeed. It did not have Pluton, but it had the closest thing. It had the material that could be combined to make Pluton. The finding of this material was a costly affair. As it was her father Migator who first had the idea that their moon could have Pluton on it. No one believed him, but Willy always did. She would look at the telescope along with her day. They would go away with the same conclusion, that their moon was compound rich. So went Migator, one fine day against the voice of many. He took his starship and flew to the moon. He searched the moon for days and the days tuned into weeks. " Willy was not worried, she knew that her father would return back home " . Every night she would look at the telescope and point it to a location on the moon and say " He must be there today'". She would go home and sleep at peace. The others were beginning to get worried, and wanted to arrange a search group to locate Migator. Willy would always say that it was not needed, her father would be alive" Of course no one paid heed to her words and they continued with their plan. On day 27 after Migator had left for the moon, a search party went to the moon.

They returned back the same day, with two separate bags. One had Migator in it. Willy was devastated and she hugged her father so much that they had to use a lot of force to separate her from her father. "You have to be really strong now, for your brother" they said to her. Willy continued to cry. There was another bag which was concealed tightly. This is yours , they said and handed the bag to Axel. Axel took the bag and locked it up in the safe cupboard. Myrkin then, approached Axel and said to him" Do not forget to give it to her, she will know what to do with it". Axel nodded. Willy mourned her fathers death for months , she did not tweak anyhting nor go hunting. She sat and stared at the telescopes at night like her father would always do! When the nights were unbearable " She would ask the gods? why did you take my father away" There would be no answer. She would turn the telescope in haste and shed a few small tears. "Save my brother, she said to the gods" and her tears rolled back to her eyes in an instant. Her brother gasped for breath. He was alive , Gorgan immediately got a breathing tank to his bedside and attached the mask to his nostril. "He is alive" she shouted to Myrkin. Myrkin ran towards her and weaved a sigh of relief. You can relax now, said Gorgan to Willy. There was a smile on Willies face. " What is that sound"? asked Myrkin. What sound ? Willy asked him back. There is some noise coming from outside. Willy listened closely " It is a starship, albeit an outdated one" she said to Myrkin. Get the guns out, she instructed to Myrkin.