Chapter 22 - Chapter 11: Exorcists

(Location: Hajime's House)

It is a sunny day in the morning as the sun's rays hits the window of a house that belongs to a certain god in mortal flesh.

And inside the house the alarm clock then starts to ring at 4:30 AM and when it did a certain black-haired and yellow-eyed teenage boy gets up from his bed with a beautiful smile plastered on his face as he woke up.

Later on a certain blonde teenage boy then wakes up after the 1st teenage boy as they both revealed to be Hajime Owari and Samuel Williams being all up and happy.

Both of them would then quickly look at each other and politely greets...

>Hajime Owari: "(Politely) Good morning, Sam."

>Samuel Williams: "(Politely) Good morning, Hajime."

And with that the 2 finally gotten off of their beds and when they did they took turns taking baths and dresses up after said baths.

Later on the 2 would cook breakfast and call the girls to which all of them came after their breakfasts finished cooking.

Later on they would all then prepare to go to school and go outside of the house as they all walk together.

(Location: Kuoh Street)

The sextuplets are seen walking at the street with happy faces as they enjoy the morning sun as Hajime wears his wireless headphones on his ears as he listens to music while Sam is talking to the other 5.

As they do so Hajime then senses 5 more people coming and when he did he would then take off his earphones, stop in his tracks to which is then followed by the others, turns around, and sees Rias and The ORC as they are seen talking and walking until finally stopping to look at Hajime and his friends with smiles on their faces.

>Hajime Owari: "(Politely) Good morning, guys. Ready for school?"

>ORC: "(Happily) Yep/Hai/You bet!"

Later on all 11 of them are seen walking in the street while chatting amongst themselves as they made their way to school.

Sam and Kiba are seen talking as they walk with the rest.

>Samuel Williams: "(While walking) So yeah, there was that 1 time I faced a Minotaur looking Stray Devil and beat his @$$ to death with my powers. Heck, he was so easy I didn't even bother using all of my power."

>Kiba Yuuto: "(While walking) (Amazed) Damn! You're so strong I bet you didn't even bother 10% of your power."

>Samuel Williams: "(While walking) In fact, I only used 0.1% of it and that's that."

Kiba was only amazed of this while Sam is showing a proud face after taking down a stray to prevent it from taking lives.

Rias and Hajime are then seen chatting amongst themselves as they enjoy each others' company.

>Hajime Owari: "(While walking) So yeah, my aunts really taught me a lot to the point that I am still the undefeated champion of the juniors' martial arts tournament. Heck, no one has ever taken my title, like ever."

>Rias Gremory: "(While walking) And how many trophies did you win?"

>Hajime Owari: "(While walking) I had around 12 trophies and that's that. Heck, I even beat a guy 2 times my size back then too and he was 1 hell of a challenge but he wasn't someone I couldn't handle since he was a little prideful of his own strength. And he should be thankful that he wasn't Hercule Satan or else I would've beaten him to a pulp since Hercule Satan is a fraud who steals credit from someone else's hard work."

>Rias Gremory: "(While walking) (Amazed) Wow, your aunts taught you really well."

>Hajime Owari: "(While walking) Indeed, they did."

The others are seen talking more and more as they all talk with smiles on their faces as they enjoy each others' company.

It had been a week since Hajime's fight against Riser and his peerage and when he delivered the message from himself since none of them but The ORC knew that he was The Iron God it scared so many devils shitlessly.

Furthermore, Hajime sometimes sees Sairaorg and his mom walking around Kuoh from time to time to not only visit him but to also spend some quality time with his mother as well.

(Location: Kuoh Academy)

As they all arrived at the school everything was only normal except that Rias is seen clinging into Hajime making so many girls, including the 3 Fallen Angel Heralds, look on with some slight jealousy while Hajime is still unaware of why.

Even Issei was jealous of Hajime for being able to get the girls but he knew not to pick a fight with him since not only is Hajime someone he thanked for taking out Riser but also because he knew best not to antagonize someone like Hajime thanks to his enormous power being capable of taking out everyone with ease.

(Location: Issei's House)

After school ended both ORC as well as Hajime and his friends/heralds are gathered in Issei's house having some kind of a meeting about contracts formed among ORC Members.

The reason why Hajime and his friends/heralds attended is because not only were they invited to hang out but also because thanks to Hajime being The Iron God he had no worries about anything bad happening as he had already lessened the chances of bad things happening around all of existence.

Back to everyone they are then listening to the contracts formed by each members with Kiba, Koneko, and Akeno having a lot of contracts formed.

Rias would then go for Issei next while holding a plate and cup of tea...

>Rias Gremory: "Now for Issei... (Sips from her cup of tea) (Stops drinking) 0."

As she said this Issei felt down as he got no contracts formed making him sad and disappointed while Sam only laughs at this.

>Hajime Owari: "(Comfortingly) Don't worry man, maybe next time so just wait."

After that was done, including Sam's laughter, Hajime then faces everybody as he too will have his meeting and he believes The ORC should hear it too.

>Hajime Owari: "Anyways, after hearing Issei having the lowest contracts formed I say we now commence our meeting. (Looks at Sam) Sam, how is the situation for the USF?"

>Samuel Williams: "Well, let's just say the US Government is in an outrage after hearing about the project and from what I can see are having doubts and suspicions towards The USF due to the CD Virus being invented by them. Moreover, the citizens however are in an even more outrage to the point that there will be no doubt that riots will be formed sooner than later. What's more is that due to the fact that the USF isn't united as a whole could mean a dangerous event might happen but hey... We can take care of it. Heck, I even helped out in making the riot possible and inevitable by raising morale disguised as a random US Civilian. I nearly got arrested but at least no one suspected it was me due to my disguise."

Hajime then nods in acknowledgement to Sam before looking at Asia as he ask...

>Hajime Owari: "Now Asia, how was Africa?"

>Asia Argento: "It was more easier than I thought because not only there was a man whom had built over 100 wells of clean water for Africa but a new stable bridge was built followed by some other good things that the man did. Since he did all those I solely focused on secretly healing anyone injured or those that were in near death and no one saw the healing and only thought that they were fine and only received minor scratches."

>Hajime Owari: "(Curious) A man who built 100 wells, you say? (Realizes) (Happily) Mrbeast!"

>Samuel Williams: "Damn, I guess he did it again. Man, what a good guy."

>Hajime Owari: "I agree. Heck, he I even subscribed to his YouTube channel and to be honest I even had considerations of asking to turn him into a herald but I decided not to because he has his own life and we have ours. Regardless, I will do everything in my power to save that guy. Heck, he's done a lot of wonders like donating food, curing blind people, giving away money to those who are in need, and many many more."

>Asia Argento: "Wow, he is so nice."

>Kiba Yuuto: "I may not have heard or seen him but he seems like the best person that had ever lived."

>Hajime Owari: "Indeed he is, and he's funny too. (Recomposing himself) Anyways, back to our topic. (Looks at Yuuma, Kala, and Mittelt) Now girls, how was Russia and Ukraine?"

Asking them this made the trio slump in exhaustion or even irritation, or more like they would've been exhausted if it wasn't for Hajime's power, as they then made their reports...

>Yuuma Amano: "To be honest with you, Hajime. It was stressing. So much so that we really had to make sure war between those 2 countries wouldn't happen."

>Kala Amano: "I agree. Heck, both presidents had their different ideals and some conflicts were brewing as well."

>Mittelt Amano: "They were so close to going to war that we were lucky we found a way to stop it and there's that."

>Hajime Owari: "Damn, that must've been very hard. I promise you girls a compensation for it, anything you want."

This made the trio have their spirits up as Hajime just made them happy while Asia, Sam, and The ORC watches on as if it was the usual thing.

After the events of Riser vs Hajime, Hajime and his heralds started doing good things throughout the world in secret as they help people in many ways if there are no supernatural dangers. And every time each member gets the most hardest, most irritating, and most worst assignment gets a compensation for everything and so far he gave all of them compensations and has more than enough power to do it again.

The ORC would eventually figure everything out and Hajime lets them know about it since he was planning to make this a secret to his allies anyways.

>Rias Gremory: "I see that everything in your end is under control, Hajime."

>Hajime Owari: "Trust me, Rias. The job ain't easy but it was all worth it in the end. Heck, seeing every innocent life so happy makes me happy too. Not only that but seeing actual evil, cruel, and abusive people gets karma more often via my powers and I literally made every abusive people who want their rents from innocent people in debt die by my hand in the most slowest and most painful way possible as I kill them genetically, cellularly, molecularly, atomically, sub-atomically, physically, spiritually, historically, temporally, and permanently."

Hearing this made some of them shiver knowing of Hajime's brutality when it comes to malicious and abusive people but all of it is overwhelmed with gratefulness and thankfulness knowing of why Hajime is doing it and the good things happening thanks to him.

Hajime would then continue by announcing...

>Hajime Owari: "Alright then, now that we've got things handled so far I say meeting adjourned. Now, what do you guys say we go to Vincent's Pizzeria? My treat."

Hearing this made everyone cheer and celebrate in happiness for as they would all gather to the same pizzeria Hajime eats and everyone in The ORC and The Heralds are invited to it.

>Issei Hyoudou: "(Excited) Oh man, I can't wait to eat some pizzas again!"

>Samuel Williams: "(Excited) It's Hajime's treat, so of course everyone is excited."

>Kiba Yuuto: "I am as excited you both are but maybe you guys should tone it down a bit?"

After Kiba said this the door to Issei's room then opens and in came Miki Hyoudou, Issei's Mother.

Miki Hyoudou is a beautiful young woman with brown hair and a slender figure. (That is all really)

As Miki Hyoudou entered she was also holding not only a tray filled with cookies but also what seems to be a book of some kind.

>Miki Hyoudou: "Hello everyone, I am happy that Issei is making a lot of friends. Also, I hope I wasn't interrupting anything."

>Hajime Owari: "(Politely) No worries, Mrs. Hyoudou, we just finished and surprisingly you came in just in time. I kinda smelled cookies and I knew that maybe you were coming and indeed I was right."

>Miki Hyoudou: "Oh, what a smart and polite boy. I hope Issei wasn't giving you trouble?"

>Hajime Owari:."No worries ma'am, he hasn't and nor is he putting himself in a lot of trouble lately."

>Miki Hyoudou: "Oh, that's good to hear. Anyways, I brought snacks."

Hearing this everyone were happy to hear this as they all then started to grab cookies from the tray and fortunately there was more than enough for everyone as they all digged in eating cookies and enjoying them.

>Samuel Williams: "(While eating) Man, these cookies are so good. (Looks at Miki Hyoudou while eating) Thank you for making this Ma'am, you're a really good bake."

>Miki Hyoudou: "Why thank you, young man."

Everyone enjoyed the cookies as they all eat happily. As they were about finish their cookies Asia then noticed the book Miki Hyoudou is holding.

>Asia Argento: "(Curious) Mrs. Hyoudou, what's that book you're holding?"

Miki Hyoudou then remembered as she pulls it out and politely and excitedly answered...

>Miki Hyoudou: "(Politely and excitedly) Oh this? This book contained all of Issei's pictures and memories that me and my husband took and I am quite excited to show a lot of them to all of you."

Hearing this made Issei want to tell his mom not to show them due to embarrassment but before he could respond Hajime responded 1st without showing any hint of mischievousness on the outside.

>Hajime Owari: "Go ahead ma'am, show us."

And with that Issei was embarrassed for as his mom shows them a lot of his childhood memories with a few embarrassing ones making Issei embarrassed.

But as Mrs. Hyoudou went further and further everyone would then see a picture of a kid Issei with another little girl his age as a kid both gathered up in some kind of sword as Yuuma then ask...

>Yuuma Amano: "Wait, who's that with Issei?"

>Mrs. Hyoudou: "Oh this, this was Issei's childhood friend when they were little."

>Kala Amano: "What is that thing next to them?"

>Mrs. Hyoudou: "Oh this? To be honest I don't know but from what I can see it looked like some sword but thankfully it wasn't anything harmful."

As they were having this conversation Kiba was eyeing the sword more often than everyone to which Hajime then noticed as he didn't know why but he inspected Kiba for more information just in case.

As Kiba looked on the sword flashes of horrible memories came to him but fortunately no one but Hajime noticed. With Hajime's power he then used Information Analysis and Empathy on Kiba and when he did he could only feel 2 things in his mind.

1.) Rage: All due to the hell Kiba and his friends had suffered for as Hajime learned that the church was even more corrupted than ever thank to this thing called The Holy Sword Project and Kiba being 1 of these projects while his friends died saving him making Hajime hate the church and maybe heaven even more than ever.

2.) Sadness: He feels sadness all because he feels sorry for what Kiba had went through and wishes to help him with everything he has and wanting to help Kiba avenge everyone but he had to make sure Kiba is not going insane or anything.

And this is also the last problem Rias needs to correct because even though her peerage are way better than ever before the last flaw is that Rias is not a good leader and 2 of the reasons why are because not only does she not further train her peerage to become stronger against newer threats but also because she never really helps her peerage deal with their past problems as well.

(Location: Vincent's Pizzeria)

Hours later both Hajime's Group and The ORC are all having a fun time eating pizzas but Hajime was the only 1 who noticed Kiba forcing a smile not letting anyone know what's going on.

Hajime didn't pay it any mind for now because he knew that that would be tomorrow's problem for now and is willing to help Kiba with whatever power he has.

>Hajime Owari's Mind: "I hope I can help you, Kiba. I promise you that everyone who wronged you and your friends will suffer the most painful death worst than Hell."

(Location: Warehouse)

The next day it is now afternoon for as both Hajime's Group and The ORC are fighting some kind of stray devil using some kind of magic that will erase anyone from history and with it their bloodline.

Hajime, now as Iron God, didn't need to worry about it due to his power being able to undo whatever damage is made even if they failed but not like he had to worry at 3all.

Raynare, Mittelt, and Kalawarner are seen firing a barrage of cosmic light spears in mid-air at the devil while Asia is providing support on everyone by forming an individual energy shield on everyone including herself making everyone immune to the stray ddevil's magic if it finishes its activation.

After the Fallen Angel trio stopped firing their barrage at the stray devil leaving said stray devil with several holes Sam would then use his Were-Monkey tail as a weapon as he extends its length while a energy constructed chainsaw is on its head as he swings it around like Bladewolf from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance slicing the stray devil into pieces.

And with the stray devil in pieces Iron God then fires laser beams from his eyes fully disintegrating the stray devil and thanks to it the spell is permanently halted making it no longer a threat.

After the battle Issei just said...

>Issei Hyoudou: "That was a bit overkill."

Iron God just transforms back to Hajime Owari and said...

>Hajime Owari: "Not really, we just enacted retribution upon him, that's all. And besides, I either he dies or the innocents around us."

>Akeno Himejima:

To be honest, I actually like it~

But as they look around Hajime and his Heralds' overkill they would then hear a loud smack as if someone got slapped and they all turned to the sound and saw Rias with a magical glyph on her right hand with Kiba who looked like he got slapped to the face.

Everyone slowly approached them as Rias says to Kiba...

>Rias Gremory: "Despite your help you were still disappointing during the battle and thanks to you not only you accidentally got the entire club to nearly screw up but also nearly costed our lives. If it wasn't for Hajime and his group we might've died."

>Kiba Yuuto: "Forgive me, milady. I take responsibility for my failure."

Hajime then interjects and say...

>Hajime Owari: "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, calm down, Rias. We get that Kiba screwed up today and nearly got you guys killed but remember that he was able to make it up during the fight as well despite how disappointingly he fought today. Maybe just give him a break and maybe he'll be back in his prime."

Rias could only sigh knowing that Hajime was right and knowing that Hajime is the type of person to sometimes act as the voice of reason to calm everyone down.

He was so good in fact that Rias even admits that Hajime was a better leader than her and probably the true leader of everyone around.

>Rias Gremory: "Fine, I'll let Kiba off the hook for now, Hajime."

>Hajime Owari: "Good. Now then, considering that everyone but me and my group had a hard time dealing with that stray devil I think it's best we all take a break, get something to eat, rest, and be back in the game after. What do you all say?"

And so everyone agreed to it for as The ORC are heading back to their clubhouse while Hajime's Group also went their separate ways and back into Hajime's house to regroup and discuss more important matters.

(Location: Hajime's House)

It is a rainy day and everyone are seen on the dining table gathered in Hajime's House in some kind of meeting with a hologram of The Earth in the middle projecting the Earth thanks to Hajime using his powers to create a holographic technology to project the Earth in case of any threats.

Right now there's only a few red dots on the threat indicating 1 thing...

>Hajime Owari: "Alright guys, listen up. As of right now there are a few Fallen Angels scattered around town but fortunately no innocent life is in danger probably meaning that if they do hurt or kill someone I would immediately show up to save every innocent life and kill those fallen angels. (Looks at Yuuma, Mittelt, and Kala) Alright girls, what plans do you girls remember during your time with them?"

>Yuuma Amano: "Apparently, we weren't given access to their entire plan but what we did remember was that the leader of The Fallen Angels, Kokabiel, is planning to gather every Excalibur Fragment to create some kind of doomsday weapon. But what we don't know is why."

Hearing this gave Hajime flashes of memories coming from his predecessor and when he did he was filled with slight rage even after returning to reality but thankfully Asia was next to him to calm him down.

Back to the meeting Kala would then remember something...

>Kala Amano: "Speaking of which, remember that sword Issei and his childhood friend was gathered on?"

>Hajime Owari: "(Curious) What about it? (Realizes) Wait a second, you're all telling me that that's 1 of them?"

>Yuuma Amano: "Yes, and to be honest we don't know if that Excalibur Fragment was taken or not. Either way, we just hope that we can put a stop to it."

>Samuel Williams: "Don't worry, whatever that Kokabiel guy is planning we can stop it. Heck, he wouldn't even see us coming."

>Asia Argento: "But what I'm worried about is that what if The Taimanins or The Justice Alliance were to get word of this? (Worried) Both sides might come for you, Hajime."

>Hajime Owari: "Don't worry about it, they're too busy with other important matters and fortunately for me none of them knows that I was the 1 saving those who are about to be hurt before any harm can be put. Anyways, I could also sense 2 holy energies meaning that 3 exorcists from the church are coming. I can't trust them in this operation but as much as I don't like anyone from the church to be here but I believe that we'll need all the help we can get as long as they don't piss me off. Rias also informed me that tomorrow a meeting will be held between The ORC, Sona and her peerage, and those exorcists and Rias invited us in it so for that once the meeting ends I need everyone to spread out and take care of the threat that is those fallen angels because all of Creation is our territory and we can't just let innocent lives die. Understood?"

>Sam, Yuuma, Mittelt, Kala, and Asia: "(Sam) Roger Roger, (Fallen Angel Trio) Right!, (Asia Nods)."

>Hajime Owari: "Good, now then. Everyone is dismissed."

And with that everyone but Hajime just went to the couch and when they did Sam turned on the TV to watch some Brooklyn 99 hating The Vulture while Hajime just goes out of the house for groceries and everyone knew that Hajime would be going for groceries after the meeting when Hajime told them about this before starting the meeting.

The reason why his friends/heralds aren't training today was because they needed a break for once and a break he gave them as they all rested for now.

As Hajime opens the door inside his house he would then walk outside and with Reality Warping casted an illusion to any mortal so they see Hajime holding an umbrella but in truth he wasn't holding an umbrella but not like he needed it.

(Location: Kuoh Town, Street)

Several minutes after picking up enough groceries he is seen walking with lots and lots of plastic bags following him due to his telekinesis but for every mortal they only see Hajime holding them without trouble while holding an umbrella for as Hajime kept on walking and walking while thinking on what to do.

>Hajime Owari's Mind: "So, those people from the church are way worse than The Brotherhood Of Nod from Command And Conquer huh? Well then, if those 3 exorcists are ever going to insult my friends in a racist way then they'll have a lot of karma coming."

As he pondered this he would then sense a familiar devil energy from a certain knight as well as a certain ugly priest and when he did he didn't have to worry about teleporting out of sight in public due to the illusion being still up.

(Location: Kiba's Location)

Meanwhile Kiba is seen heavily injured yet still willing to fight and right now he is facing Freed Sellzen for as the former seems to have taken a lot of damage while the latter wasn't.

>Freed Sellzen: "Well, well, well, it looks like it's my lucky day to finally kill a devil scum like you without interference."

Kiba could only look at Freed with hate in his eyes rather than fear as he stands up determined to fight until he kills Freed.

Freed on the other hand just does a disturbing cocky smile thinking that he is about to win this and win this he surprisingly can as he starts to charge forward with his lightsaber ready and with 1 overhead swing swings at Kiba and bisects him.

Or he would have if it wasn't for the lightsaber to be blocked by an energy constructed shield surprising both fighters.

Before Freed could do anything someone then grabbed him from behind for as this unknown enemy wrapped his arms around Freed's torso behind him, lifts him up, and then bend backwards to deliver a really hard suplex so strong that Freed's skull got cracked.

After that suplex the unknown attacker would then bend forward to straighten himself and lift Fred up with both hands but only for him to bring Freed down to his knees breaking Freed's back and spine.

After that was done Freed is then thrown into a car causing it to explode and with it Freed is sent flying in the air while the unknown attacker constructs an energy guided missile launcher similar to a Spike SR Missile Launcher to which he then pulled the trigger and fired the energy missile inside and said energy missile makes contact with Freed's flying body and then explodes.

The unknown attacker is revealed to be Hajime Owari as he deconstructs his energy guided missile launcher but he knew Freed will return but wouldn't be able to kill anyone for now.

As much as Hajime wants to kill Freed he still didn't do it because not only is his focus on Kiba but he also thinks that Sam should be the 1 to do it since Sam was killed by Freed when he was mortal so for that it's only fair if Sam does it.

Hajime turns around to look at Kiba after repairing the car with his powers as he then uses his powers to heal Kiba back to full health concerned for his friend.

>Hajime Owari: "(Concern) Kiba, are you alright?"

But only for Kiba to respond with...

>Kiba Yuuto: "(Angrily) I don't need your help, Hajime!"

>Hajime Owari: "Oh really? Last time I checked he was kicking your @$$?"

Hajime would then walk a little closer and puts a hand on Kiba's shoulder and say...

>Hajime Owari: "(Concern) Listen, as much as I feel bad looking into your history with my powers but know that I'm here to help you out. I'll help you get revenge but you can't just push your friends aside and not let them know your problems as well. Please, let me help you."

>Kiba Yuuto: "(Pushes Hajime's hand out of his shoulder) (Angrily) I don't need your help! I don't need anyone's help! I AM FINE ON MY OWN AND I WILL KILL THOSE BASTARDS EVEN IF I DIE DOING SO!"

After Kiba said that he is then suddenly met by an uppercut from. Hajime to which sent him flying and quickly come crashing down to the ground making a massive crater after crashing back 1st onto the ground.

Kiba could only groan in pain as he sits up and soothes his jaw and later looks up to see Hajime surrounded in a terrifying aura turning Kiba's anger into fear. The aura was so powerful that every raindrop that touched it quickly evaporated while the rain kept shooting more raindrops as this went on.

As much as Hajime hated using force to discipline his friends he knew he had no choice at the moment and right now he needed to put some sense into Kiba as he says in Iron God's Voice...

>Hajime Owari: "(Sternly) YOU ARE A KNIGHT! NOT A CHILD! ACT LIKE IT!"

Hearing this made Kiba look at Hajime in fear while looking at himself in shame knowing that Hajime was right.

Weeks ago Hajime and Kiba had mended their friendship and the former even thought the latter of how a chivalrous knight should truly be.

Thanks to these lessons Kiba became better and now he realized that what he's doing now is wasting not only his potential but also spitting on the friendship he worked hard to mend.

Kiba would then look down on the ground in sadness and shame as he says...

>Kiba Yuuto: "(Sad and Shameful) Yes, Hajime. You're right. For so long I was focused on vengeance that I forgotten who I truly was. I pushed everyone aside thinking that maybe no one will have to suffer the same fate as my friends but now... I feel like a jerk."

Hajime would then turn off his aura, kneel down, and put a hand on Kiba's shoulder and said...

>Hajime Owari: "(Empathic) I know how you feel, Kiba. In all honesty I want vengeance as well despite not meeting or knowing your friends but your way isn't the right way. Know that you shouldn't always push your friends away and you shouldn't let vengeance cloud your judgement as well. I am saying this not because I am righteous but because I don't want anyone to follow my example. A brutal god determined to heartlessly kill malicious beings to save others. I promise you this... We will honour and avenge your friends, but we will do it right."

After saying this both of them only hugged each other as Kiba cries out whatever was left in him while Hajime only comforted his friend while the rain ceased.

(Location: Hajime's House)

The door then opens and everyone looks outside to see Hajime and Kiba holding the groceries together but only this time there was slightly more groceries than last time.

>Asia Argento: "(Concern) Hajime, are you alright? We felt your aura rose and disappeared suddenly. (Curious yet concern) Why is Kiba holding the groceries with you?"

Hajime only responded with...

>Hajime Owari: "Let us 1st put the groceries into the dining table and I'll tell everyone everything."

And so they all did and when they did Hajime explained everything that had happened and Hajime even told Sam that Freed is heavily injured and Sam is the 1 to kill him making him happy.

After everything was explained Hajime then said...

>Hajime Owari: "Well, since his actions may or may not brand him into a Stray Devil later on Kiba asked me to sleep here for the night and I accepted."

>Kiba Yuuto: "(Scratches the back of his head nervously) Yeah, it turns out I might get hunted and now that I'm here I might end up getting everyone in trouble so... Sorry, my bad guys."

>Samuel Williams: "Don't worry about that, Kiba. Not only are you hidden while here but you're also safer here for now until we return you to Rias because knowing her you might get spanked or some shit."

>Hajime Owari: "Now that everything has been cleared up, what do you all say we watch some anime and eat dinner?"

This made everyone cheer in happiness as they all went to do just that.

(Location: ORC Clubhouse)

Inside of The ORC Clubhouse The ORC (Excluding Kiba), Sona and her Peerage, followed by Hajime's Heralds (Excluding Hajime) are all seen gathered around to have a meeting with some exorcists about something important and Hajime's Heralds are mostly the only ones calm, except for Asia, she was the only 1 of the heralds to be nervous since exorcists from the church were coming but thankfully Sam and the Fallen Angel Trio are there to help her just in case of someone coming to harm her.

Rias, Sona, and their peerages knows not as to why Hajime wasn't attending while the ORC thought that Kiba is missing and they all thought that Hajime was not only looking for Kiba but also doing something important and knowing Hajime his job wasn't easy due to the responsibility he is holding.

They had to pay it no kind because right now they all had to focus on the most important thing for now... The meeting.

As they all waited 3 figures then came inside The ORC Clubhouse all of them wearing brown cloaks with hoods on trying to look like Jedi Wannabes with 2 of them having swords behind their backs and all 3 sitting down on a separate couch from the others with 1 of them seemingly eyeing everyone.

All 3 then put their hood down to show their faces to everyone present at this meeting.

The 1st girl is a beautiful young woman with violet eyes. She has long chestnut hair that is usually tied into twintails, each held with a blue scrunchy, but on some occasions, she lets her hair down. She wears what seems to be the church's main battle attire and on her back is a katana.

This is Irina Shidou, Issei's childhood friend.

The next 1 is a young woman with chin-length blue hair with a dyed green fringe on the right side and brown eyes. She wears the same outfit as Irina Shidou but with a different sword on her back.

This is Xenovia Quarta, Irina Shidou's fellow exorcist.

The last person is a sister with the appearance of a woman in her late 20's to early 30's with blue eyes. Issei noted her as a beauty who looked like she was from Northern Europe and had features that were standing out like an actress. Unlike the former 2 she wears a nun outfit.

This is Griselda Quarta, Xenovia's Legal Guardian.

When Irina shows her face Issei was quite shocked like the rest of The ORC followed by Hajime's Heralds being shocked and surprised as well.

Irina was surprised as well seeing her childhood friend again.

>Issei Hyoudou: "(Surprised) Irina, is that you?"

>Irina Shidou: "(Surprised) Issei? What are you doing here?"

Xenovia then interjects with some hint of hatred towards her eyes...

>Xenovia Quarta: "(Stoic yet hateful) That's because he is a devil. (Looks at Sona and her peerage and then Hajime's Heralds) Like the rest of them. (Looks at The Fallen Angel Trio) Especially those 3."

>Samuel Williams: "(Annoyed) Wow, you really are stupid for an exorcist. For 1, these 3 here are not even working for Kokabiel. And 2, we ain't devils."

>Xenovia Quarta: "(Hateful) So what are you all, devil supporters? If so then you shouldn't even be here you disgusting good for nothing devil supporters."

If anything Xenovia not only hates devils but also devil supporters due to being a dumbass on believing the church's corruption and propaganda.

>Samuel Williams: "(Annoyed) Racist much!? You know what, why don't I just rip out your throat, shove it up your mouth, then rip your intestines, use it to wrap around your neck, and make you choke on it, huh!? What do you think about that!?"

Both Sam and Xenovia looked ready to rip each others' throats off but only for Griselda to calm them both down making Asia sigh in relief while the Fallen Angel Trio were still offended.

>Griselda Quarta: "Now, now, let us not fight here please. We must understand that we have a common goal here so let us not fight."

Xenovia obeyed and so did Sam but he still was just as offended... Perhaps even more than The Fallen Angel Trio.

The meeting would then begin and it was simple for as the exorcists then warned everyone that some Excalibur Fragments were missing and everyone were to stay out of their way.

Not only because the exorcists have suspicions on devils working together with Kokabiel but also because they think that it is meant to be done by people from the church only.

Sam only scoffed at this as if the church and their exorcist could boss him and his friends around as he says...

>Samuel Williams: "(Rudely) Hate to break it to yah but I ain't following shit."

The exorcists then looks at Sam, who is currently laid back on the couch without care, after saying what he wanted to say.

>Griselda Quarta: "(Curious) Pardon?"

>Samuel Williams: "(Rudely) I said I ain't following shit, especially your orders."

>Xenovia Quarta: "And what gives you the right to disobey!?"

>Samuel Williams: "Because 1st off, we are our own people and you can't just order us around like dogs or robots, and 2nd, is because this world is our territory and we will do whatever we want and help the innocent mortals you all forsake. And besides, my boss is scarier than all of you combined and I don't think he'll enjoy seeing you all here demanding us to not get involved when our concern are the people. And you're also lucky he ain't here... For now. So for that, I suggest you girls can just walk away back into the church, let us deal with the situation at hand, and forget this ever happened."

Xenovia Quarta: "(Angrily) Why you..."

But before she could even put a hand on her sword Griselda stopped her and calmed her down while Sam stayed calm and laid back.

>Griselda Quarta: "I think it's best that we'll be on our way. (Looks at Sam) I am very sorry about her... She's..."

>Samuel Williams: "(Rudely) Don't care, just leaves us and don't even come back."

And with that the trio were finally about to make their way out until suddenly Xenovia then notices Asia and when she did she then stopped everyone from going and they all faced Asia.

Sam, despite still being laid back, didn't like what was going on but he was prepared just in case and so were Yuuma, Kala, and Mittelt.

The ORC just watches the scene go on but Issei was ready just in case.

>Xenovia Quarta: "Wait, you're Asia Argento, are you not?"

>Asia Argento: "Yes, I am."

Irina then speaks next but not in a rude way yet was a little racist but not knowing about it.

>Irina Shidou: "Wait, you're the rumoured witch that was banished from the church for healing a demon."

>Samuel Williams: "(Angrily) SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU RACIST BITCH!"

Everyone then looks towards Sam who is now standing up and what they see is him with an angry face and holding a Desert Eagle in his right hand gangsta style.


As he declared this The Fallen Angel Trio then decided to react and grab hold of Sam and restrain him trying to calm him down. Thanks to this he was now shooting the gun at different parts of the clubhouse as he shakes and struggles to get free.

The exorcists, Sona and her Peerage, and The ORC then focuses back to Asia and when they did Griselda then ask...

>Griselda Quarta: "(Curious) Does that mean you have become a devil, little 1."

>Asia Argento: "No, nor am I a devil supporter, but I too work for Sam's boss. He took care of me, comforted me when I needed it the most, and most of all... He saved me from many dangers and I am grateful for it."

>Xenovia Quarta: "(Stoic) But tell me, are you still faithful in God?"

Asia only looks at Xenovia and say...

>Asia Argento: "Yes, I am."

>Xenovia Quarta: "(Stoic) So be it then. (Draws her Excalibur)."

As Xenovia draws her weapon she readies to kill Asia making the latter fearful not knowing what to do yet she was still faithful that someone will save her.

When everyone saw this Issei was 1st to speak while Sam was still restrained.

>Issei Hyoudou: "(Angrily) Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing!?"

>Xenovia Quarta: "(Stoic) What else? If she is still worthy to The Lord then she must die... Once that happens, she will be forgiven for her sins on healing devils and being friends with them."

Griselda tried to stop Xenovia but it became clear that the latter could not be stop now. Xenovia readies her weapon as she puts it above her finally ready to kill Asia while Issei prepared his Booster Gear to stop her.

And so Xenovia then swings her but before it could even make contact with Asia both the weapon and the blue haired exorcist then suddenly stopped as if she was still while shaking at the same time.

>Xenovia Quarta: "(Surprised) What!?"

Irina and Griselda tried to approach Xenovia to help but before they could do a step the same thing happened to them as all 3 exorcists are then put into suspended animation while shaking at the same time. What came next was a surprise as the trio then started shouting in pain even though nothing was touching them but rather it's as if they were feeling pain without anyone doing anything.

Everyone was confused and Sam stopped struggling and shaking and was now free from his restraints and seeing the trio in pain made him smile knowing what's happening while Asia stood frozen knowing what's happening too but not knowing what to do at this point due to slight fear..

And suddenly, Xenovia's arms and legs the explodes into nothing more than blood and bones increasing the pain around her body and the same can be said for both Irina and Griselda as their limbs explode making them limbless.

As they all scream in unbearable pain the trio are then seen floating up in the air and are suddenly thrown backwards and into a wall as if a telekinetically force was controlling their body.

>??????: "All of you are fools to think that I will ignore your actions, you judgemental hypocrites."

They hear the voice everywhere for as The ORC and The Heralds knew the voice while the trio were intimidated by such voice as they try to look around while still feeling pain around their bodies.

>Xenovia Quarta: "(In Pain) Who... Are... You!?"

Her questions are then answered when a being phases through another wall opposite to where they were as the being floats and levitates in the air slowly approaching the trio before stopping a few feet away from them and seeing him made the trio's eyes widen in shock.

>Irina Shidou: "(Shocked) (While in pain) Is... That?"

>Griselda Quarta: "(Shocked) (While in pain) The Iron God."

And infront of them is none other than The Iron God himself in all his glory and his face was filled with rage making the trio tremble in fear while feeling even more pain than ever.


Xenovia was even more fearful and thanks to this she needed to think of a way to appease The Iron God. During her time in the church she read stories about The Iron God and his achievements.

And when she had all she can think of was fear realizing why Heaven and Hell never went against him and ironically... Understanding why he nearly destroyed both sides.

She also read stories about his time saving the innocent and protecting mortals from danger and ironically... Praises him for it as well.

>Xenovia Quarta: "(Fearful while in pain) Please... Milord... I am... Responsible... Kill me instead of... My friend and guardian... Take me inst-"


And with that said Iron God's eyes then fires electrical beams that then hits Xenovia and spreads to both Irina and Griselda in a chain lighting as Iron God starts to electrocute them with the most painful electrocution they'll ever feel as he increases the pain.

The ORC with Sona and her peerage felt a little fearful but knew that Iron God was doing what he was always doing, Sam, Yuuma, Kala, and Mittelt were indifferent as they never cared about the trio of exorcists being electrocuted to death, while Asia... Was worried due to her kind heart.

Even though Asia was thankful that Iron God saved her she was still worried about what he was about to do to the exorcists. She didn't want him to kill them even though they deserved it. Deep Inside Asia knew that the exorcists were not as bad as The Iron God nor anyone might think and even though she was revealed to the church's true nature during her time as a Herald she still feels that the church can still be saved from their corrupted ways.

So for that Asia then calls out to Iron God.

>Asia Argento: "Milord, Wait!"

Iron God could only listen but not face Asia as he still tortures the exorcists while glaring daggers at them as Asia then begs...

>Asia Argento: "I understand your anger and hatred towards those who wronged me and every innocent life but please don't kill them! I don't want anyone to die because of me! Spare them, let them live, and I promise that they can show you that they're not the corrupted and xenophobic people like you think The Church are!"

As Asia begged Sam felt a little disappointed that he may not see the deaths of the 3 exorcists who dared insult Asia but he got nothing to do with it and since he didn't have a problem with Asia he just lets the whole scene play out.

Meanwhile, Iron God continues his torture and as he does so he then thought back on what Asia had said and with it he then stops torturing the exorcist trio as he lets them fall to the ground face first making them feel even more pain.

A few seconds later the trio would then look up while still on the ground but as they did they somehow see their heavily injured bodies already healed as if no damage was given to them. After that, the trio then stands up while confused wondering how their body healed but then Iron God speaks with hatred...

>Iron God: "I healed you not because I pity you so-called exorcists. I did it because of my herald's request."

This made them all realize that they not only made a mistake by attacking 1 of Iron God's heralds but also how powerful and how vengeful he is. When the trio looked at him they did nothing but how at his presence as they felt fear.

>Xenovia Quarta: "(Fearful) Forgive me for my disrespect, milord! If I am to be punished for my crimes so my friend and guardian can live then so be it! I will accept death by your hands!"

>Iron God: "Enough! Stand up and swear that you will never be using anything related to xenophobia ever again!"

>Xenovia Quarta: "(Fearful) I-I-I Promise!"

>Iron God: "Good. (Looks at everyone) Now then, I believe that we are all here gathered for a common goal are we not?

>Rias Gremory: "Yes indeed, Milord. There have been a few Fallen Angel activities such as stealing Excalibur Fragments for who knows what. However, knowing that you are present they have refrained from attacking innocent mortals knowing that you would arrive to stop them."

>Iron God: "Regardless, whatever plan they are currently brewing must be stopped. (Uses Energy Construction To Form The Earth) Fortunately for us, I was able to easily track and monitor each 1 of them before my arrival. And with this I was able to know what they are going to do and where they will be. (Zooms In On The Energy Constructed Earth And Points To A Vincent's Pizzeria Building) My 1st Herald and Ms. Gremory's Knight are currently searching for any supernatural activities and are ready for battle once the mortals are put into danger. However, due to the number of enemy fallen angels spread around in several warehouses and abandoned buildings I suggest to split up and deal with them before they can prepare. An attack like this would never be seen coming for as they know not of our surprise attack. (Turns Off Energy Construction And Looks At Everyone) Can I trust all of you to accomplish this mission?"

>Samuel Williams: "Don't worry, boss. Me and Asia will take care of the docks."

>Yuuma Amano: "Me and my sisters know of every single hiding spots they're all in so for that we can deal with the rest of those other fallen angels inside. And we promise that we won't let any innocent mortal die."

>Iron God: "Good, then you are all dismissed."

As he said this the exorcists and The ORC alongside Sona's group got themselves ready as they understood what they need to do as they would all carry out their assignments.

As the 3 exorcists prepares themselves the 2 Excalibur Fragments that Irina and Xenovia have suddenly flies out of their backs to which gained their attention as the weapons would then fly into Iron God's hands as Griselda then ask...

>Griselda Quarta: "(Surprised) Milord, why are you taking The Excalibur Fragments!?"

>Iron God: "I cannot trust these weapons to such incompetent, ill-mannered, and xenophobic little girls who are so-called exorcists. Therefore, I am confiscating these weapons not only for safety purposes but also because of those 2 being unworthy of wielding such weapons. I will give these to my 1st Herald and he will return them to you if you can prove that you can be reformed and redeemed."

Hearing this made the trio surprised but they were happy to know that the 1st Herald would return their weapons to them once they prove that they can be redeemed for their actions and change their ways.

>Iron God: "(Menacingly Hateful) But if you fail, then these weapons will not only be destroyed but I will make sure that you all suffer a fate worse than death."

Hearing this made the trio scared while Iron God just quickly disappears out of sight with The Excalibur Fragments with him leaving the 3 exorcists unarmed. Sam could only say in satisfaction...

>Samuel Williams: "(Cockily) Oh how the so-called exorcists have lost the very main weapons they needed to protect. Maybe next time you guys ever meet devils and heralds I think it's best that you should act more politely rather than be fucking hypocrites. (Laughs In Satisfaction)"

As Sam laughs in cocky satisfaction he would then walk towards his fellow heralds. But before he could make it he stopped, turned around, and said...

>Samuel Williams: "And 1 more thing... Our boss always keeps Hajime well informed so for that you guys can say goodbye to your precious little swords... Not like you guys deserve them anyways. (Laughs)"

As Sam laughed at the exorcists' karma he would then turn back and walk towards his fellow heralds before teleporting them out of sight while The ORC and Sona's group had already left leaving the exorcists now alone in the room speechless about what had happened.

(Location: Vincent's Pizzeria, Interior)

Meanwhile inside of Vincent's Pizzeria we see Hajime finishing a slice of pizza covered in hot sauce as he quickly finishes it with just a few bites. What's more is that it is then revealed that he had downed at least 12 huge plates each enough to hold full pizzas while Kiba is seen lying his head back and sitting down holding his stomach.

What's even more is that Hajime is also seen with the 2 Excalibur Fragments from earlier and somehow no one noticed due to him casting an Illusion to make it look like there aren't any swords and thanks to his Technopathy was able to make sure cameras didn't show the swords.

>Kiba Yuuto: "Man... You are hungry."

Hajime could only burp and say "excuse me" after burping. Kiba then ask...

>Kiba Yuuto: "How much can you take? And how come you don't look so fat after that?"

>Hajime Owari: "I'm a god, I can do anything. And besides, I prefer being like Matt Stonie, healthy and physically fit despite eating a lot, rather than being Nikocado, who is fat and cringe, no offense to him."

>Kiba Yuuto: "I see. Anyways, what was their faces when you scared the shit out of those exorcists?"

>Hajime Owari: "To be honest, I wasn't really planning to scare them, I was planning to kill them. And due how hypocritical and xenophobic they were they don't earn my respect, so much so that I may as well just use them as disposable meat shields rather than real living beings because people like them don't deserve to exist. Not unless they prove me wrong of course."

>Kiba Yuuto: "You're kinda scary."

>Hajime Owari: "I know."

(Location: Kuoh Town Street, Close To Vincent's Pizzeria)

Outside we see the exorcist trio all walking with Irina and Xenovia seemingly feeling frustrated and down for as not only did they disrespected the Iron God's heralds but they also lost the very thing they needed to protect as Iron God stripped them of their weapons. Fortunately, they were also told the location of his "1st Herald" as said herald was now holding their weapons and when they finally got the location they then finally make their way to where he would be. As the trio kept moving theybl then saw the sign that says "Vincent's Pizzeria" and when they did they saw Hajime and Kiba eating pizzas and behind Hajime are the 2 Excalibur Fragments floating behind his back.

>Irini Shidou: "(Points To Hajime) That's him, the 1st Herald."

>Xenovia Quarta: "You're right, especially when I can see our Excalibur Fragments floating behind him. But he is also eating with a devil?"

>Griselda Quarta: "It must be because he has the same objective as we all do. But we need to talk to him peacefully or else we may not be able to complete our objective."

Saying this, they all then agreed to what she was saying and as they do they then started approaching to where Hajime and Kiba are currently eating by entering the Pizzeria.

(Location: Vincent's Pizzeria, Interior)

As they do enter, they then started making their way to his table and as they finally make it they then stop when they got close to which gained Hajime's attention as he looks at them and ask...

>Hajime Owari: "(Curious) May i help you?"

>Xenovia Quarta: "(Stoically) We'll be asking the questions human! Who are you?"

>Hajime Owari: "I am Yu!"

>Xenovia Quarta: "No not me, you!"

>Hajime Owari: "Yes I'm Yu."

>Xenovia Quarta: "(Getting Irritated) Just answer the damn question. who are you?"

>Hajime Owari: "I have told you."

>Xenovia Quarta: "(Irritated) Are you deaf?"

>Hajime Owari: "No, Yu is blind."

>Xenovia Quarta: "(Irritated) I'm not blind, you blind."

>Hajime Owari: "That is what I just said."

>Xenovia Quarta: "(Irritated) You just said what?"

>Hajime Owari: "I did not say what, I said Yu."

>Xenovia Quarta: "(Irritated) Thats what I'm asking you."

>Hajime Owari: "And Yu is answering."

>Xenovia Quarta: "(Irritated) SHUT UP!"

Xenovia then sees a Vincent's Pizzeria Employee and calls to him...

>Xenovia Quarta: "(Irritated) You."

>Hajime Owari: "Yes?"

>Xenovia Quarta: "(Irritated) Not you, him! Whats your name?"

>Vincent's Pizzeria Employee: "(Points to himself) Mi."

>Xenovia Quarta: "(Irritated) Yes you."

>Vincent's Pizzeria Employee: "(Clarifying) I am Mi."

>Hajime Owari: "He's Mi and I am Yu."

>Xenovia Quarta: "(Looks at Hajime irritated) And I'm about to whoop yo human @$$ human 'cause I'm sick of playing games."

She then gets the attention of everyone eating in Vincent's Pizzeria whether the customers, employees, and security guards due to Hajime driving her insane with his joke.

>Xenovia Quarta: "(Angrily points at Hajime) YOU, (Points to Mi) ME, (Points to everyone) EVERYBODY'S @$$ AROUND HERE! (Points to Kiba) HIM!"

>Irina Shidou: "(Trying to calm Xenovia down) Xenovia, Xenovia."

>Xenovia Quarta: "(Angrily approaching Hajime while being held by Irina) Imma kick his @$$ I'm sick of this!"

As she was being held back security guards suddenly appear behind the trio into a wall formation and when they did 1 security guard then came and ask Hajime...

>Security Guard: "(To Hajime) Are these ladies bothering your, sir?"

>Hajime Owari: "Yep. I don't know why but they just came out of nowhere and then started bothering me and my friend."

Hearing this the security guard looks at the other security guards and with a commanding hand gesture every security guard lay their hands on the trio and in a cartoonish fashion the trio are then thrown away and out of the Pizzeria with Xenovia and Iribna both hitting the floor face 1st. When they all finally got up Xenovia was so angry she was angrily shouting in a cartoonish way as she shouts...


>Irina Shidou: "I think it might be because his name is actually Yu. And don't forget that we're all in Japan so I think he was telling the truth."

Hearing this Xenovia quickly grabs Irina by the collar of her outfit and started shaking her angrily and cartoonishly.

>Xenovia Quarta: "(Angrily shakes Irina irritated) Why didn't you tell us instead of having me argue with him!?"

Irina was feeling dizzy due to the shake while Griselda tried to calm the girls down. But their attention will then be gathered to the door as they look to see Hajime and Kiba recently exiting the Pizzeria and then started looking down on them with a smirk in Hajime's face after leaving the Pizzeria.

>Hajime Owari: "True, there is a name Yu in Japan but sadly for you I ain't him. I was just bluffing so you 3 could be kick out of my favorite food place."

Heaieng this made Xenovia angry and tried to lunge at Hajime but Griselda and Irina were both holding her to make sure she doesn't do something stupid. Hajime looked satisfied and as he looks at them Griselda then ask curiously...

>Griselda Quarta: "(Curiously) But why lie about your name to get us kicked out? Why do all that?"

>Hajime Owari: "Because that's the 1st of the many karmas you 3 and the church will be getting from me because my boss informed me that you 3 tried to kill Asia and dared to talk some xenophobic shit to her. Even though my boss already took care of you 3, I am still not satisfied because you 3 don't deserve my respect for more reasons than 1. But enough about that, my boss entrusted me with these swords and if you 3 are ever getting them back then I think reforming or commiting suicide is your best option."

>Kiba Yuuto: "(Curiously) Are you sure that's really necessary, Hajime?"

>Hajime Owari: "Trust me when I say I ain't returning these unless they prove themselves. And besides, these swords are nice... Maybe I'll keep them instead if they fail."

>Irina Shidou: "(Begging apologetically while holding Xenovia) Look, we're sorry for what we said and what we did to Asia earlier but please understand that we need those to--"

>Hajime Owari: "(Rudely) Sorry but I ain't listening to a damn thing you'll say because what you did was unforgivable so for that you 3 are just going to watch me and Kiba in action."

As he says this he then uses Energy Construction to create 3 Dunce Hats on top of the trio and with those on the trio were now officially on time out while Hajime and Kiba will take care of things from there on.

(Location: Abandoned Warehouse)

Meanwhile inside of an abandoned warehouse, we see a girl wearing a Kuoh Uniform running for her life and as she does so she then trips and falls face 1st to the ground forcing her to sit up straight and crawl backwards until hitting a corner for as Fallen Angels are seen surrounding her with Light Spears ready. There are at least 48 Fallen Angels gathered as if there was an important meeting to where they would gather and arm themselves to prepare.

But now here they are surrounding a girl and chased her all the way to this warehouse and now has her cornered as they're ready to get rid of witnesses. But 1 Fallen Angel ask...

>Fallen Angel 1: "(Paranoid) Are we sure that we should do this? I mean we're in the Iron God's sights and if we do anything he might appear and kill us all."

>Fallen Angel 2: "But we can't leave any witnesses. And besides, I don't think he'll mind if we kill 1 of thes--"

As he said this he was quickly interjected when his head blows up into brain matter and everyone were surprised to see this.

>?????: "To answer your questions, he actually minds... We all do."

Everyone's attention then goes behind them as they look to see Hajime holding a energy constructed sniper rifle and with him are Kiba, Irina, Xenovia, and Griselda as Hajime is seen smirking before changing his mood into an angry 1. This terrified the Fallen Angels while the girl looks on confused to see her classmate and Kiba as the 2 guys every girl in Kuoh Academy desires are now here with these other people with them as if she was dreaming.

>Fallen Angel 1: "(Scared) I Fucking told you so, guys! What do we do now!?"

>Hajime Owari: "(Threateningly) Now, you die."

Saying this, the Fallen Angels all then started flying towards Hajime in fear for their lives leaving them no choice to fight while Hajime draws Excalibur Mimic after making his energy sniper rifle dissipate as Excalibur Mimic then glows into a bright light before changing shape as when it finally finishes changing shape Hajime's hand now holds a nunchacku and with it he starts brandishing it before swinging it around like Bruce Lee before doing a stance Bruce Lee does with a nunchacku. With all Fallen Angels flying towards Hajime, he wasn't afraid as he stayed calm and as he waited for them to get close he finally then started using his new weapon as he swings his weapon to the 1st Fallen Angel at least 3 times with the 3rd hit causing his enemy's head to blow into brain matter before swinging the nunchacku to the nunchacku to the side and hitting a Fallen Angel so hard his head came off.

But Hajime didn't stop there as a 3rd Fallen Angel is then met by multiple nunchacku swings from from all angles by Hajime before swinging his nunchacku up and sending the poor Fallen Angel's head in the sky as she was decapitated from the swing while Hajime takes this opportunity to swing his nunchacku at the falling head and into another Fallen Angel piercing through her chest and killing her.

Hajime then sees a few taking into the air and started throwing their Light Spears towards Hajime but only for their projectiles to be destroyed by his nunchacku and after that he then appears behind the ones in the air with great speed and before these Fallen Angels can react their wings are then quickly ripped off of their backs causing them to fall to the ground face 1st and in pain as the stumps of their wings bleed out while Hme lands on his feet in the middle of the Fallen Angels that were still on the ground as he holds the ripped off wings before throwing them aside as he is currently surrounded. But Hajime wasn't worried as he then puts away Excalibur Mimic and sheathing it on his back as it floats behind him and pulls out Excalibur Destruction and from there the Fallen Angels all did something stupid.

The Fallen Angels tried jumping on Hajime but when 1 got closer Hajime didn't hesitate as he swings the sword with grace and elegance even though it was big as he slasesh at 1 Fallen Angel, and then at another, and another, and another but he swings with great skill and power as each swing completely destroys his enemy 1 by 1. Kiba watches on as he looks at his friend while the exorcist trio looks at Hajime amazed by his set of skills in wielding a blade as Irina and Xenovia sees Hajime wield Excalibur Destruction like some sort of an elegant weapon rather than a big and bulky great sword.

Griselda Quarta: "(Amazed) Impresseive, he knew that The 1st Herald was great at such skills. Especially when using 2 Excalibur Fragments."

As she said this everyone then sees that Hajime is now dual wielding as he is seen holding 2 large @$$ swords as when he drew Excalibur Mimic it turned into a sword similar to Excalibur Destruction as he swings them around like how Jayden Shiba was swinging 2 Fire Smashers in Power Rangers: Super Samurai.

As he does this Kiba was only looking on with a proud and amazed looknaas he watches his friend. Xenovia then says...

>Xenovia Quarta: "(Amazed and curious) How is he so strong? Especially wielding 2 Excaliburs at once?"

>Kiba Yuuto: "Trust me, Hajime is always known for great exceptionak skills in terms of combat. Heck, all I know was that he said his aunt's trained him to be the best of the best. And this was before he became 1st Herald."

>Irina Shidou: "(Amazed) Cool! I wish I can swing like him!"

As they were having this conversation they see Hajime still swinging his 2 blades and when he did he then slashes another 1 before looking to Kiba and asking...

>Hajime Owari: "Hey Kiba, wanna join in?"

>Kiba Yuuto: "(Shrugs) Sure why not."

And so Kiba then draws his blade and with great speed he rushes at 1 Fallen Angel and slashes her a number of times before killing her. After that, Kiba then sees an incoming Light Spear and quickly dodges the incoming attack beforce finally coming close against the Fallen Angel as they both engage in a short blade battle but with Kiba easily winning thanks to his speed backing him up as he slashes the Fallen Ange to pieces.

A Fallen Angel then flies past him and looks towards where the Fallen Angel flew as he sees Hajime now using Excalibur Mimic in it's Hammer Form and sending many flying with each strike while Excalibur Destruction floats behind his back. Kiba then turns around and dodges a few slashes from a Fallen Angel, catch its arm after dodging another slash, and then proceeds to cut The Fallen Angel down dead.

Hajime is then seen push kicking a Fallen Angel and making his enemy fall back 1st as he then takes this opportunity to crush his enemy into nothing but paste. He then turns around and delivers a upward swing and right into a Fallen Angel's nuts as he whit the Fallen Angel so hard that said Fallen Angel's head flew away from the rest of its body.

Kiba is then seen parrying strikes from 3 Fallen Angels and even sending them back by using his legs to kick for as thanks to Hajime's lessons Kiba decided to study Kickboxing and when he learned Kickboxing he could utilitize his legs for combat while using his sword at the same time as he then enters a Blade Lock with the 3 Fallen Angels before kicking 1 of theme in the nuts and proceeds to do the same for the other 2 with great speed and strength causing his enemies to be stunned and staggering in pain as Kiba takes this opportunity to decapitate all 3 with 1 slash. After that was done, he then blocks an incoming overhead swing putting him and his enemy Ina blade lock before cutting it short by Kiba quickly leaning forward and sending a kick to the Fallen Angel's gut causing his enemy to stagger while Kiba quickly straightens himself, turn around, and did a combo by 1st doing a spinning roundhouse kick to the face to stun his enemy, then cutting off the Fallen Angel's weapon arm, and then jump up and land an overhead swing cutting the head of The Fallen Angel in half.

And then suddenly both Hajime and Kiba does a back to back but only this time Hajime is seen barehanded with both Excaliburs behind his back and doing a Krav Maga Stance while Kiba is doing a Kickboxing Stance as they're ready to face off against the remaining Fallen Angels with Hajime saying...

>Hajime Owari: "Best bros of a feather fight together!"

And with that both of them then start to deal devastatingly fast and powerful on punches and kicks as the 2 of them then starts to hit each and every enemy closing in as they each use their own martial arts to help the other. Hajime deals deadly and strong blows that killed Fallen Angels with ease while Kiba uses fast and powerful strikes that quickly overwhelmed his opponents that tried to get close.

As this was going on, 6 only stood remaining and when they so how hopeless this situation was gonna be they then decided this...

>Last Fallen Angel 1:"(Scared) Screw this shit I'm out of here!"

The others agreed and they tried to fly but Hajime quickly sees them and when he did he then appears behind them and rip off their wings with 1 hand causing them all to fall face 1st to the ground in pain before standing up and all started running to the exit until Hajime then draws Excalibur Mimic, turns it int a glaive, and then throws it as the glaive goes through 1 Fallen Angel's neck before circling around to return to Hajime s well as killed the other 5 Fallen Angels in the process before returning to Hajime's hand. Meanwhile m, Kiba then deals with 1 last Fallen Angel by doing a jumping roundhouse kick that the Fallen Angel ducked from but when he started getting up he is then hit in the face by Kiba's other leg whike still in mid-air stunning him while Kiba falls back 1st but quickly flips back up and then quickly draws his sword to which he uses to quickly slash his enemy to pieces.

It was over, the battle was done and the exorcist trio were more than amazed at what they saw as they never had thought that a herald and a devil killed what was nearly a full platoon as they also witnessed the bloodbath that occured as the ground is littered with blood, dismembered bodies, decapitated heads, and dead bodies as well as brain matter and more as Kiba is regrouping to the trio while Hajime turns Excalibur Mimic unit its original form and sheathing it on his back. The same girl from before was surprised and horrified by this but she was surprisingly more amazed than all 3 as she was so amazed that she needed up fainting.

After that was done, Hajime noticed the now fainted girl, approaches her, picks her up bridal style, and then regrouping to the rest as Kiba had finally regroup led with the trio. Hajime then says...

>Hajime Owari: "Now you girls know what we do everyday?"

The trio just nodded still surprised and amazed while Hajime just walks off to take the girl home and when he was out of sight he uses his Reality Warping Powers to clean himself and then proceeds to use his powers to quickly make the girl think she fainted due to heatstroke as well as rewriting her memories of the event as a dream while she fainted from.the said heatstroke. Meanwhile, Kiba and the trio just leaves the warehouse later on and when they did Kiba just runs off after saying goodbye to the trio.

(Location: Hajime's House)

It had been a day since that all happened and as Hajime, Sam, and Kiba had already gotten up Asia, Yuuma, Kala, and Mittelt also gotten up as well and when they all did they were already eating breakfast which are cerals while talking about what had happened. But then suddenly they hear a knock on their door and when they heard it, Hajime quickly goes to the door and then opens the door to see the exorcist trio somehow at his front door.

>Hajime Owari: "(Curious) How did you know where my house is?"

>Irina Shidou: "Issei told us, and we came here to say we're sorry about how Xenovia tried to kill Asia and how xenophobic and racist we were."

>Hajime Owari: "(Sternly) To hell with your apologies, after you guys nearly tried to take her life. You should apologize to her and if you want our forgiveness then try making it up to both eher and us by showing that Yu guys can change. Now, what do you really want?"

The 3 were surprised and impressed of how observant he was so for that Griselda then says...

Griselda Quarta: "Even though you and The Iron God may not trust us in the church, I just hope that maybe you can help us show the way of how you heralds treat others fairly and I also hope that you can... Train Irina and Xenovia. (Begging) I know you hate us but please, if the Excalibur Fragments fall into the wrong hands then you know the dire consequences so please, train them and teach us and in return we will no longer judge others by raise ever again."

Hearing this, Hajime just thinks this over by looking down on the ground before looking at the trio with a stern look.

To Be Continued

A/N: Hey guys, me is back and currently I am not at my prime but I will do my best to improve for as I had just returned to this story after some time in school but I hope you guys like this new chapter because I love this for more than 1 reason. Anyways, that will be all for this chapter and I hope you like the starting of my Season 2 so, This is IronGodAuthor, over and out.