Kala was entering the month of Ramadan. Ana went to her neighbor's house and asked her neighbor to take a picture of herself and her parents to complete the KIP College registration file.
"So where did you study, Ma'am?" asked by Ms. Yuni or her neighbor Ana.
"I'm still registering to study at Airlangga University and Padjadjaran University through the SBMPTN," said Ana.
"Oh. Which course to choose?" asked again by Ms. Yuni.
"veterinary medicine" Ana replied
"why not choose Pharmacy major, because you are also a graduate of Pharmacy Vocational High School?" said Miss Yuni.
"Yes, I graduated from a Pharmacy Vocational School, but I still want to continue studying in the major I chose at SBMPTN registration," Ana replied with a tired face.
"Mbak Yuni just gave you a message. Whatever things we don't like at the moment, maybe someday they will become a continuation of our lives, "said Ms. Yuni.
The message conveyed by Ms. Yuni to Ana was very deep in meaning, hinting that things we don't like, one day may even become the future in our lives because of God's will. Hearing Ms. Yuni's message, Ana was worried whether she would willingly switch and become a veterinarian when she did pass the SBMPTN. In fact, the message was always ringing in his mind. Every time he wanted to discourage him from starting to work in the field of veterinary medicine, however, Ms. Yuni's words made him believe that all God had given him a much better life to live.
While laying down on the bed, Ana accidentally thought of a campus in Jakarta that provides medical majors for SMK graduates, namely Krida Christian University, Jakarta. Immediately Ana looked for information whether New Student registration on the campus was still open. After learning that registration for new students on the campus was still open, Ana immediately registered and prepared all the registration files.
The days have passed, Ana did not study at all to prepare for the SBMPTN. He is lazy to study because he doesn't like the major he chose when he applied for SBMPTN. But the water has spilled from the glass onto the ground and cannot be collected to be put back into the glass, meaning that what he has chosen cannot be changed anymore.
The 14th day of the month of Ramadan. At night after breaking the fast, Ana turned on her cell phone and opened her email, a message from Krida Christian University Jakarta entered her email inbox, and the message said that Ana had passed the selection to enter medicine, so she felt very happy. Presumably the graduation announcement would be issued the following day according to the schedule that had been notified by the PMB campus team at the time, but the announcement was made that very night. The thing that made Ana feel sad again was when she found out that the re-registration fee cost hundreds of millions of rupiah. He was confused about how to tell this to his mother, so he thought of hiding it from his mother for a while because he did not want to spoil his mother's pleasure when she told him that he had passed the selection to enter medicine.
A week before the SBMPTN selection was held, Ana started to study quickly studying try out questions, 2020 SBMPTN prediction questions, and other material that might be tested at the SBMPTN later. His initial intention was to be enthusiastic about studying but when he suddenly remembered that he didn't want the major he chose, it made his mind even more stressed so he couldn't focus on studying. Ana can only leave the results to God, whether she will pass or not at the SBMPTN later, that has all been determined by God.