Chereads / Onerous Reincarnation / Chapter 4 - Thou Are Cold

Chapter 4 - Thou Are Cold

A few moments seemed to pass as I looked over my mothers deceased cold dead body, the tears I shed may have seeemd genuine, but in actuality I didn't really Feell anything at all for this woman.

Sure she was the one who gave me life, but other than that, nothing. I hardly knew her, nor do I have any intentions of wantitng to know her.

After a while, I managed to surpress these emotions that I had, managing to bottle them up in the back of my infant psyche. At first, it was hard to manage given that I was still a new born. I hardly had any control over my body's weight, let alone the nonexistent muscles I had to defend myself.

But after a while, I began to understand more and more about my body. Surprisingly enough, my body despite being a baby, had some intriguing perks to it. For starters, my eyesight: I could see a bit more clearly despite the darkness that enveloped the surrounding area, even seeing the torn ripped flesh off the bodies of the many soldiers who laid dead and bare in the could hard muddy ground.

Another thing I noticed about my infant body, is the fluctuating temperature of my body. Despite feeling the cold and wetness when I first opened my eyes in this world, my body immediately began to adapt to the sudden temperature change, to the extent of not even flexing how cold the wet rain was on my infant skin.



The sound of the stone began to grow louder as time passed by, but oddly enough this was rather soothing to me. With each lightning strike briefly illuminating the battlefield, I'd get to see the carnage of the aftermath of the battle that ensued before I was conceived.

With the very little muscle control I had over my facial features, I managed to make a smile appear on my face. The blood I had on my small little lips from chewing away at the umbilical cord to separate from my mothers dead corpse, only cascaded a horrific image on this already death filled battlefield.


A couple minutes afterwards, the group of mercenaries arrive at the battlefield.

"Ugh…smells like shit here"

"Yeah, we got our work cut out for us don't we?"

Thorsan Complained of the smell that permeated the area, while Mikel could only find Silas in their line of work.

"Let's not complain, everyone spread out find anything of value. Magic tools, Grimoire's, Weapons that are still intact, and if you find any survivors…"

"We kill them right?"

Mikel looked over at Fels, reluctantly he gave her a nod, but advised her to do it quickly so that they don't prolong their stay on the battlefield. Thus avoiding any near by enemy camps that are patrolling the area.

"Move out"

Mikel spoke with a stern voice. The rest of the others split up into different groups, Fels ventured off by herself, Thorson and Mikel walked off towards the broken carriages from in search of any salvageable supplies, while Lilyana and Zestine began to search the corpses of the fallen soldiers laid about in the cold muddy ground.


Over where thorson and Mikel were, the carriages they were inspecting seemed unlikely to have anything worth to take.

"Ugh, can't find a single thing worth taking. You'd think those foreign bastards wouldn't destroy everything of value"

"Complain all you want later, for now keep searching. Besides even if they did destroy the carriages, I'm sure the engines here rent stupid enough to not look for anything of actual use"

Mikel spoke with a somber tone, while thorson merely rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Whatever you say"

Thorson responded with a simple solute, venturing off to the other destroyed carriages. Mikel gave a exhausted sigh, looking over his shoulder, his eyes narrowed at the sight of the fallen soldiers laid bare to see, torn flesh and all.

Mikel stayed silent, only hearing the sounds of rain pouring down, followed by the thunderous roars of the raging storm above.


Elsewhere on the silent battlefield, Lilyana and Zestine could be seen searching the corpse of the fallen soldiers.


Lilyana's face churned with sadness and disappointment, her heart feeling a bit empty stepping what was left of the armor that the soldiers had worn.

Zestine looking over her shoulder at her friend, gave her a quick whistle.


"Remeber Lilyana, they came here ready to fight and lay down their lives for the sake of our home. You shouldn't show them such a disheartening expression"

Zestine spoke with a supportive tone of voice. Lilyana fell silent, despite already knowing that, she couldn't help but feel sadden at the thought that these brave individuals fought so hard…yet for it to amount to them losing their lives in the end.

Lilyana kneeled down to remove a unsalted leather glove form one of the corpses to take the them, but as she did so, a small shimmer of light caught her attention.


Looking a bit harder, Lilyana saw something attached to the dead soldiers finger. It was a ring, the dead soldier laying beside her was someone's partner in life.

This merely brought more saddens to her already disheartened heart, slowly though she began to remove the ring from the oldies cold dead hand.

As she did so, Zestine walked over to her kneeling down next to Lilyana, the poor woman gave a sad sigh of dread, showing Zestine the engagement ring.

Zestine's face turned into a frown, simply shaking her head while patting Lilyana's shoulder. They both knelt there in silence as the rain poured down harshly on the battlefield.


Somewhere deeper on the battlefield grounds, stood Fels walking around humming to herself.

"Hm hm hmm, hm hm~"

As she walked, Fels sudd sky felt something tug at her leg. Taking a moment to look downwards to see what it was, Fels saw that a hand was grasping rather weakly onto her leg.

The hand belonged to a bloodied tattered soldier, he gasped and coughed up some blood, but tried his best to convey his words.


Fels listened to his desperate plead for help, only tilting her head and placing her index finger at the bottom of her chin as if pondering what to do next.

The soldier trying his best to hold his composure asked again, though his voice merely came out as a ragged plead.


"Yes yes, I heard you the first time. But I'm afraid I can't help you"

Fels spoke in a casual manner. The soldiers eyes darken into despair, trying his best to keep his thoughts steady, not to lose consciousness.

Once more he tried to talk, trying to ask Fels why she wouldn't help him. Fels merely shrugged her shoulders in response, looking down at him with a tired expression.

"I can't help you, but I will help you"


The soldier looked at Fels with a confused expression, trying his best to make heads or tails as to what she was trying to say.


But before he could make any coherent thoughts, his visions suddenly went black, his mind became blank, and his sense numb.


The sound of something heavy hitting the muddy harsh ground echoed out the battlefield.

Fels merely looked down to her right, to see the severed head of the soldier, his facial expression that of confusion and fear mixed the disbelief.

Fels sighed a little, sheathing her dagger back into its small leather sheath. Looking up at the rain filled pitch black sky, she smiled a bit.

"And here I thought soemthing exciting as gonna be out here waiting for us, guess I got my hopes up-"

As Fels turned to walk away, she couldn't help but notice soemthing off in the distance. She could've sworn she saw something moving amongst the corpses near a dead rotting tree.


Fels got curious, unsheathing her dagger once more, she began to all over to the rotting dead tree. A smile visibly curling around her face, only anticipating what she might find or rather how she might find.



I found myself crawling on top of a dead corpse of a soldier. Thought I failed about three times, I finally managed to wiggle myself on top of the chest of the dead corpse.

Though now my body was covered in a dirt and mud, but I didn't mind it all that much. Looking around the dark death written battlefield, I took in every little detail I saw, from broken weapons, tattered limbs and broken carriages.

Despite the rain pouring down onto my small infant body, I could still make out plenty of the things normal individuals wouldn't be able to see in such a darken area.

But, before I could analyze anymore of my surroundings, I saw a silhouette of someone off in the distance approaching slowly, my thoughts became a bit skeptical of what or who may be left alive on the battlefield.

Or maybe it could be someone who had killed most of these soldiers, especially the one that I'm currently sitting on top of.

Rolling backwards, I slowly fell off the corpses chest, landing back into the muddy ground of dirt, using the rain I managed to get most of the dirt off my body.

Although I didn't remove all of it, using what little I have in m, I managed to crawl my way through the battlefield only using the corpses as a cover form whoever I was approaching.

"…Yes yes, I heard you.."

Little by little as I crawled closer, I began to hear the voice of a woman. Her voice was slightly muffled due to the sound of the pouring rain.

As I managed to get just a bit closer, what I saw left me in awe. In a split second, the woman with black hair stared blankly down at the injured and very pale solider. Unsheathed the dagger located behind her waist, cut the soldiers head off.



The sound of the stone rang out with a loud boom, followed by the sound of lightning striking down and cascading a bright illuminated light throughout the battlefield.

To others this scene may seem horrific and terrifying, seeing a man being decapitated by someone els. But to me, it was such a surreal sight to behold, it was beautiful.

As I made an attempt to move closer, my infancy hand landed down in the muddy ground with a little more force than intended, causing me to stumble a bit into the muddy ground.

This caught the attention of the woman, cussing her to turn her head over in my direction.



Using the small amount of control I had over my barley formed muscles, I managed to make a full crawled sprint over by a rotting dead tree.

However the woman wasn't to far behind me, I managed to crawl behind the rotting tree, moving over the dead roots that protruding from the ground.

However as I turned my body to see where the woman had went, she as no where to be found. Even being able to see slightly over the darken area, I wasn't able to find her.


In a brief moment, I heard the sound of something heavy swinging downward towards me. In that moment I used every ounce of strength I had to push myself over to my right shoulder, and rolled through the muddy dirt ground.


The sound of something steel like hitting the dead roots of the tree rang out, as I slowly managed to find my center of gravity. I began to pull up my infant body to see who or what tried to kill me.

And to my surprise, it was the woman. She looked down at me, even more surprised.

"A Baby?…"