Chereads / My Grand Adventure Awaits: The New World / Chapter 24 - The Power of the Fidelity

Chapter 24 - The Power of the Fidelity

The five of them stare down the sleepless tyrant, swords ready to clash with him and his other guards but... it's only him. They were confused as to how he was able to overpower the group that flanked the manor. Finally, he was the first to break the silence again. " What? Are you all just going to stand there quivering or- hey I know you. You're that little brat who let all my demi's ran away." As Connery lifted his sword pointing towards Roth. 

He winces the fact he already knows who he is, is worrying. He doesn't respond to his slow slurred speech. Yoseph and Sillo both look towards Roth in disbelief that it was true that he was involved with this group. " I had enough of this! Sillo! Cover me!" Yelled Yoseph as he charges towards Connery. Sillo waves his staff in the air in a circular motion as a ball of water followed its trail building up its momentum. "Wait you idiot!" Yelled out a frustrated Shiana.

He swung his sword downward onto the tyrant's head. Only for it to be blocked by a barrier just inches away from his face. Connery doesn't even move, his eyes half drooped stared directly into Yoseph's eyes. "Is that all...? Boy for a man who oozes raw strength you sure seem weak..."

"W-Weak?!?" His blood is boiling but can't push down any further.

"Yes you. You're weak, same goes for you four eyes." 

Sillo becomes irritated and launches his water ball. Only for it to explode just a foot away from him. He gasps and was startled to why his water ball exploded. As Connery looked back just a moment he was kicked and flung hard into the other three. Yoseph was now enraged and tried to charge again but was halted immediately as if he ran into a wall. 

"You four just sit there nice and quietly I'll deal with you all later." As Connery pointed his sword at them. The area the other four were at was covered in an invisible dome shape trapped that was barely noticeable. All of them banged on the walls of the invisible dome and only ripples of waves form from where they were striking. They clashed, punctured, jabbed the walls but it was no use. Roth was stunned and couldn't hear their pleas. 

"What the hell did you do!?!" Yelled out Roth furiously.

"Relax... they are only just hold up by my barrier I don't want them to interfere with us... you understand..." His slow and uncaring tone was irritating Roth to his core. All of the criminals he faced are sociopaths and lunatics. 

"You see... you disrupted my business. That... is a no no. I got a little scolded from the big man, and let's just say... he was not happy."

"I don't give a rats ass what happened to you, I'm going to take you down and turn you in. Next thing I'm going to do is find all your other little acquaintances and put a stop to all this!" His determinate voice echoed the whole garden.

Connery laughs very slowly, " You see that's just it, how are you going to do that when I'm going to kill you. I was scolded but he gave me a second chance to fix this. I'm not stupid I know you have more than one elemental. And if I can take you out then you won't be a threat to us anymore and I can have my mind rest easy knowing I was the one who took down the kid that was in over his head..." Connery poses with his sworn drawn ready for Roth to attack. 

Roth's breathing his heavy and time feels slow around him. No one moves an inch, and the sound of the fountain garden can be heard. Suddenly Roth charges but Connery, with his tired eyes barely open, just waves his sword ever so slightly and Roth fell to the ground as if someone punched him. He quickly got up startled and looked around but there was no one. He turns towards Connery only for him standing there still waiting for Roth to charge. He quickly gets himself up and charges only for him to get kicked in the face by an unknow force.

"What's the matter kid...? It looks like you keep slipping." He sinisterly chuckles to himself. 

"You, you're using light magic. The barriers you're... punching me with barriers..." As soon as he made his theory, he was immediately slashed across the face leaving a giant cut going across his cheek. 

"Mmmm I don't know, I won't tell, it's a secret..." As Connery puts his finger against his lip mimicking a shush noise. Roth becomes annoyed and puts both hands towards Connery and shoots out and incredible beam of water and fire in each hand. Connery doesn't budge and the two elements it just in front of Connery hitting his barrier. What did catch his attention was that the water and fire was creating an incredible amount of steam. Clouding the area with a thick steamy fog. Connery looks side to side slowly trying to hear where Roth was coming but quickly turned to block. Just as he turned, the blade of Roth made contact with him surprising Connery. "My my, aren't you a little sneaky...?" He smiles and soon Roth was sent flying to his side as if someone kicked him in his ribs. He slowly gets up and uses appraisal on him. He is shocked that he's only level seventy. 

Connery then looks up into the sky behind him and laughs. "Well now I see my sister is having a fun time like me." Roth turns around quickly and sees the night sky in a glow orange color. A huge plume of black smoke rises in the direction where their base is set up. Roth panics and yells for Mina. " Yeah, hopefully she doesn't kill the little girl, but I have a feeling she's going to bring her to me alive. Then I will be praised by lord Touma! You kid will be my golden goose for rising higher in the ranks. I should congratulate you." He makes a piercing motion downwards into the floor as if he was stabbing someone. 

Roth yells in pain as something sharp pierced through his shoulder. Connery was nowhere near him but was able to feel the piercing blade as if he was right Infront of him. Now Roth doesn't know what to do. If Connery is this cunning how are the others supposed to be. Roth in a desperate attempt he aims high into the air and shoots a powerful stream of water that blanketed over the area. It was now pouring simulating a heavy rain fall. Connery was soaked and was disgruntled. The only spot that was untouched was the invisible dome surrounding the other four leaders. Once the whole area was covered in water to the point that it was actually flooding just enough for a puddle; Roth reached out and placed his hands in the water. 

He shoots a jolt of pure electricity that flowed everywhere. Connery's tired disgruntled expression widened to a fully awakened one and screamed in agony. Roth immediately got back up and continued to fire electricity through the entire area that was wet. The four leaders in the dome couldn't hear anything either. They were all in disbelief seeing this kid shoot lighting. It was unheard of. It was unnatural. It terrified them. As Connery screamed, he knelt down stunned and soon vanished like he was a mirage. He was startled but heard someone fell next to him, it was Connerey. 

"Wait what the??? You were invisible?" 

With a strained voice Connerey looks up from the puddle of water his face was buried in, " Y-you have... is that possible..." Roth looks at the stunned man as he flips himself over on his back. The barrier slowly breaks, and the four leaders emerged slowly.

"Kid that was... that was so awesome...." Said Tobias in disbelief.

"You defeated him when we didn't even have a chance to fight. I- I thank you." As Shiana bows her head. 

"Guys it's okay you don't need to bow. I'm just glad we could take this guy out quickly."

Sillo stepped in to say something unexpected," I don't know what to say but... please forgive me for being so rude to you earlier. I was wrong in doubting your abilities." Sillo head hangs in shame. 

Connery looks at all of them happy and cheery and is disgusted by it. They were all too busy to notice him, but he slowly reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out two viscous vials. He ripped the corks off and proceeded to drink the vials.

Yoseph looks down and notices it and immediately reaches down towards him, " Hey stop him he's drinking something!" They all rushed down and tossed the vials away and grabbed his cheek to spit the drink out, but it was too late. Connery yells in agony and his eyes turn blood red. The sclera had no more white only blood red colors. With a surprise he was able to stand with all of them holding down and with a burst of energy he flew everyone away with a burst of light. He Reached for his sword and charged at Roth immediately. Sillo however was brave enough to step in front of him and tried to cast a water spell. Connery's fury rage wasn't unwavering, he slashed at the staff breaking it in a clean slice. Sillo became terrified of the raw strength and demeanor change. Then was sliced across the chest and kicked away. 

Shiana screamed for Sillo and ran towards him holding his wounds. Yoseph and Tobias tried to hold him down by his arms. Connery Yelled in pure rage and broke free from Yoseph's grip and punched Tobias which sent him flying into a brick wall. He then turned towards Yoseph and punches directly into his chest and was sent flying back as well. A huge indent was left deep in his armor as he was struggling to get back up but couldn't move. He continues to Roth's path as he was stun on what is happening. 

He puts his sword up to block Connery's slash but to his shock the sword breaks through Roth's sword shattering to pieces. Roth dodges and maneuvers each swing from the drug filled brute. He grabs his hand and as Connery goes to swing with the other, he catches his other arm as well. Without a moment's hesitation he headbutts Roth and Roth's vision became insanely blurry. As he fell to the floor Connery looms over him and proceeds to strike down on his chest. Roth quickly uses a barrier to block the incoming attack and works, however, Connerey is hellbent. Still trying to push the sword deep into his chest the sword was slowly making its way through the barrier little by little. The sleepiness and tired face were now filled with hatred and distain.

Roth looked everywhere and was running out of options. Just then he sees the split staff that was held by Sillo. Sitting and splintered in the puddled water, he reaches out for it. The water around it soon began to vibrate and was slowly making its way towards him. Connery paid no attention and was still focused on plunging the sword deep within him. The staff finally reached him and held the staff with the jagged edge facing away, like a makeshift dagger. Now Roth has to time it just right. The barrier already cracked and torn shattered into pieces. Roth quickly moved his head and grabbed the chest armor to pull him closer and jabbed the broken staff deep into his throat.

Connery's eyes widen and blood began to spurt out his mouth. He blinked several times as he stared back into Roth's eyes. His eyes slowly dissipated from blood red to his natural white. He tries to speak but nothing comes out as he fell backwards clutching his throat. The water around him began quickly turning red from the amount of blood loss. Roth gathered himself as he got up from the bloodied water. He looms over Connery with an emotionless stare watching him as he takes his final breath. Silence, Connery's body went still. The body suddenly began to glow, and the golden aura of mist exited out of Connery and slowly filled Roth's body.

He closed his eyes and lifted his head backwards as the red murky water dripped from his body and the blood from his wounds. Suddenly he felt a water droplet land on his cheek, then another. Soon it began to rain. Washing off all the blood he was covered in taking a moment embracing the cold shower he has been given.