"The first step of love is hate."
A new love story is begin with hating each other. Dr. Park Minho is a cardiologist doctor of a famous hospital in Seoul, South Korea. It was another ordinary day for Dr. Park.
Dr. Park "Hello, please give me reports of the patients. And is there any emergency happened in my absence."
Receptionist "Here is your file. No casualty happened. Everything is fine Doctor."
Then Dr. Park went on his daily rounds to wards of patient.
Dr. Park "Hello, how are you feeling? Is there any problem with you?"
Patient 1 "No.. no.. doctor. Everything is fine. I'm feeling my condition is progressing. Thanks a lot."
Dr. Park "You don't need to thanks. It's our duty. Did you done all the tests?"
Nurse "Yes doctor. The reports will be get by tomorrow noon."
Dr. Park "Ok. Then put it on my table along with other reports and history of patient."
Then they complete their round and Dr. Park went to his cabin. He enters the room and saw a gift pack. He saw it's not his so tried to throw it, then suddenly Dr. Oh came and interrupted him
Dr. Oh " Dr. Park, please don't throw it. It's a gift that I personally picked for you."
Dr. Park remained mute for a minute then gave the gift backed to her.
Dr. Park "I don't think our relation is kind of exchanging gifts, so please go out and never appear without emergency. Don't come again without my permission next time."
He had ice cold gaze in eyes. Dr. Oh terrified and went back.
Thus, after dealing with all routine of the day at night he encountered the lady whom he will fall head over heels, the lady that can tame him, make him do anything she wants.
Ko Moon Young was a layer of one of the most prominent law firm of Seoul. Her father was a Psychiatrist of that hospital. She came to give her father the dinner as his father had a night shift. Ko Moon Young was entering in the hospital and was on the call with her father asking for direction. Then at same time Dr. Park also coming with documents of his patients, they suddenly bumped into each other and the food that she brought spilled all over the documents. Dr. Park got very angry and started shouting at her.
Dr. Park "Heyy.... Are you idiot? can't you see people around you. This is a hospital not your house that you are roaming while talking on the phone."
Ko Moon Young "Arr.. rr.... I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry. I didn't mean to do that."
Dr. Park got more furious, "You think a simple sorry can pay for my losses. You are an irresponsible person that don't care about others."
Moon Young also started give tit for tat
"Heyy, it's not a big deal. It's only paper work you can get another copy of it, and what do you mean irresponsible? Did you ever saw your face it's look like..... like.. a.. a mental person had given the authority to roam over here and there and for shouting at people."
Dr. Park got irritated and don't had words more to say "Oh... haa... I can't believe it. A mental lady who doesn't have communication ability is.. is telling me mental. You know what I don't behave improper with the mental patient. As I know they lose their temper very easily like a 'pressure cooker.' "
Moon Young "Owww... ehhh.... WHAT?!! You call me a pressure cooker. You... you wait see what I will do to you."
Dr. Park "What else can I expect from pressure cooker other than getting angry on others and be unreasonable."
Then suddenly Moon Young phone starts to rang, it was her father's call.
Dr. Ko "Hey girl where are you? You know from hiw much time I waiting here for you?"
Moon Young "Dad I'm coming. Wait a minute. "
"And you Mr. Mental I hope we don't see each other for my whole life. "
Dr. Park in a savage mode "Wow miss we have mutual feelings."
Both went on their seperated ways. Dr. Park went in his cabin and was in a very foul mood. Then his assistance Jr. Dr. Lee came inside. He is a funny and type of cute guy who is always ready for date. He knocked the door and came inside.
Dr. Lee "Brother I complete my whole work for today so can I get a holiday. Please.... "
Dr. Park "Did I give you the permission to come in? and what about the reports I gave you for study? You always wants to go on dates. What is that you it so much?"
Dr. Lee "You don't know it's feeling that makes a person relaxes and can give you the aura of heaven. Even when someone is shouting at you if you remember your lover's face you will start smiling."
Dr. Park "It's not love it's mental illness."
Dr. Lee "Hmmm... tell me who made you souch mad that you are talking like this? I'd it about Dr. Oh?"
Dr. Park "No... I don't care about her. It's just that girl made me so irritated. She was shouting and telling me a mental person who goes every where and shouting at people."
Dr. Lee "Well, this is correct you always do that. But the main topic is who is the one who made Dr. Park to think about her. Tell me you like her na... hmmm.... tell me.... is she your first love. Ohh.. it's going to make many girls to cry for days. Their most handsome and cold ice doctor now has his other half."
Dr. Park " Shut up. That girl be mu other half, I will be single for my whole life rather than marrying that crazy psychopath. Well let's go home."
Dr. Lee "I will see how you will betray your words later. Don't you think it's a start of a bitter-sweet relationship."
Dr. Park "Shut up or I will leave you here."
Then they both went and from tomorrow Dr. Park's life is going to be much more crazy.