Perseus POV
"Ok, so explain to me why I can't take off the ring now before I set off to gather these items which when I bring them back, will have the possibility of revealing your true form of being some hideous monster that I have to beat. With a ring, I would try to make a lord of the ring reference, but the author apparently never watched it."
"Oh it's just in its calibrating phase, it'll bond with your soul and will soon link up with the other ring, after that, you're good, it'll always come back to you, you can't lose it." Ghost Dawn answered.
"I really want to make a reference to the movie somehow, with a joke or something, but damn the author for missing a classic."
Don't bring me into this. I've watched the hobbit if that counts.|
It helps, but nah.
I am not raised with English movies, I couldn't even speak the language properly till 8th grade. I've watched most movies translated, and I'll be honest, they suck compared to the original, but that's another story for another day, back to you.|
"And why are you so fixated on me being some sort of monster?" Ghost Dawn asked as she then hands me a hand-drawn map "I am only assigned to give information to travelers."
I've never tried using my abilities on a ghost, do they work on living beings? I don't know. Even if I can't detect any lies from this ghost woman, I don't want to trust my own instinct, this is how ghosts lure you in, they lower your guard and you then have your soul consumed and your organs harvested.
"Perseus shut up, and be grateful." Ruka ordered "So how will these treasures help Perseus fight the stupid dragon."
"Well, they're weapons made to be super effective against the dragon, the orb itself can't be destroyed, well not with your current strength anyway." Ghost Dawn explained "But its metal scales are weak against those weapons, and to activate them, you need the powers of the black rose, my eldest daughter, and the blood of 2 mortals blessed by my 5 children who were born as gods."
"Wait, there are 5 seasonal gods?" Mark asked
"Yes, I believe that she's the goddess of magic and has also taken the title of goddess of demons." Ghost Dawn answered
"Huh, that's not how we were taught..." Mark responded
"Are you insinuating that the words of my mother are wrong?" Ruka asked
"Well, they were raised in the human continents, I know that our village is on the same western continent, but our stories are more similar to Tehios."
"We were told that there was another god who is the parent of the goddess of demons." Terrence chimed in "Supposedly there is a god of the sky who was born after, the god then fell in love with, well, you, her grace, the sun goddess, but he was devasted when he found out that she already belonged to the moon god.
"And in an attempt to win over the sun goddess, he created a god that was told to kill every other god in existence so that the sun goddess will turn to him since there was no one else, but the demon goddess killed him in his sleep since she misunderstood her assignment, and she has been going after the other gods as she was assigned to ever since, though obviously, she hasn't been successful."
"Wow, humanity really is creative." Ghost Dawn clapped
"You've never heard that story?" Ruka asked
"I've heard many versions, there's even a story of how Lilith was created by me mixing the blood of every creature with my own and that's how she was born."
"Sounds familiar." Mark commented "Perseus is also dating that demon general whose name is Lilith, I get he isn't just targeting your daughters, but people with the same name as well."
"Yeah, I believe that the name of that goddess is Lilin." Terrence chimed in "But it's not really well known to most humans, heck, I don't think most humans know that there's a demon goddess, it's not really taught, you'll have to go to Tehios to know, and even then, information in sparse as Tehios, compared to other nations, don't really pray a lot."
"There's no need to pray, as long as you have faith, it'll work."
"I seriously question what the mighty goddess sees in you." Mark retorted
"Oh man, I can't wait to see your pope having a heart attack once I marry her, I can't imagine his priceless expression once she does her regular descending to meet you guys with a ring on her ring finger."
After bidding farewell to the ghost who may potentially be a dangerous monster, we left the house in search of these other treasures with instructions all written on the scroll I gave earlier.
2 of the treasures are in the other house, but I don't have any doubt in the abilities of those guys, they'll find it, Leilah should notice minor differences here and there since she used to live there, she's pretty observant.
One of the first spots is under this trapdoor that was painted and made to resemble the moon's surface, we got inside and Ruka said that it has the same magic that allows us to breathe and be protected, so we then stopped using our air armor thing and went to do the task.
It was quite simple really, the puzzle was a literal puzzle, it was several thousand pieces, and unlike a regular puzzle, all the edges of each piece were unique, and there were transparent.
To make a picture appear, we have to douse it in the blood of the 2 to-be saints and my blood, the blood of a half-breed. And the picture disappears after a while,
"Oooh, I like solving puzzles." Ruka said "And with it being mostly transparent and wet with blood makes it harder t solve as well."
"I keep forgetting that you're a closet sadist."
"And it's sweeter because it's the blood of my one true love that is used." she said sarcastically and flashed her ring
"hey, we're here too, so please hurry up ma'am." Mark pleaded