Perseus POV
"Denied." the chief of this village said
Science really don't make sense to a lot of people here, it's deemed important but not for those in rural areas who have a super old mindset, the chief was more convinced that we're here more for the fallen star than actually learning the ways to enchant, which was completely true since it's only a coincidence mix with my protagonist luck that Zach's teacher is from here.
Plus he don't believe that I have the capability to solve this situation based on a 'speculation', which is pretty fair, this gas could be something else and more explosive or something, it's fricking risky.
But he completely reject the idea of the existence that there are 'different types of air', which sort of piss me off, but well, he's the one with authority here, so I can't do much unless I challenge him to a one on one duel which would not give this village a good impression of me.
"I'll pay you 2 million bels to let me go in there."
"Also denied." the old chief shook his head
"Little help here, he's your older brother and all, I know how to make your residence like 80% safer."
"Well it'll be a lot easier if you just accept the offer to stay here for 1 year and a half now." Ulrich replied "It's not like I'll forbid you to teleport home once every week, you'll just have to spend most of it here."
I asked them for a place to stay for a couple of days and they led me to this small 1 bedroom guesthouse, it could fit 4 people if we don't mind luxury, 2 beds, 1 small bathroom, a small living area that is merged with the privacy can be kept away from those who live within the house, I'd describe it as a somewhat spacious apartment, I've been in New York, it was hell, so expensive just to basically live in a closet.
We settle down our things and think about it for a minute.
"Lilith, are you like willing to give up a few state secrets?"
"No." she shook her head "I thin you're a great person and everything, but Ruka's right, if we were forced to fight, I'll fight you, though I will keep you alive for my future entertainment and you also got some use, so for now, no."
"Well, it's not like it's that big of a question, just went are the demons planning to launch their attacks, if it's 7 years or longer, I'm taking this deal, I'll be 17 year old enchanter plus I'll at least be a a borderline or right on the edge of 6 star level by then if things goes right."
"Hmmm, do I have your word that you won't tell it to your human allies?" she asked
"I also need payment."
"What? I thought you wouldn't care if I kill the demon lord."
"Oh, I won't." she confirmed "But still, I have have some obligations to many rules put onto my disguise."
I then just gave out an exasperated sigh as I facepalmed.
"What do you need?"
"Your vir-"
"Hell no." I rejected her request
"You didn't even let me finish." Lilith had her eyebrows scrunched up
"I already know the question and my own answer, no."
"What do you mean? No!? People would offer their whole life savings just to even get a date with me. Do you not know how good a deal this is?""
"And do I look like I give two shits?"
Buddy got on my lap and stuck a tongue at her as I hear Leilah cheering quietly in the back, probably mocking her younger sister. And as for you readers wondering about my thoughts in this, I know that I'm an idiot, this is basically the best deal ever.
"Well, any other thing you want? Like instead of marrying your mother, I can make her a mistress?"
"What about not going after my mother?" Lilith replied as she pouts
"Do you have a picture of her so I can decide?"
She then took out this painting out of her storage spell, it's a beautiful painting of this young blonde woman in a white dress standing in front of a lot of green plants.
Hopefully the pic in the paragraph comment will show because some original pics of my characters doesn't show up so I had to change the description to fit my new one.|
"You sure this is here?" I turned to Ruka
"Yeah." I didn't detect a lie as she then asked Lilith "You paint?"
"I lived for centuries, I get bored." Lilith responded "And this was when I had mother transform to look a bit younger to give me an actual older sibling experience. Do you not paint?"
"I do, I just prefer pottery." Ruka replied
Not gonna lie, she's very beautiful, so I just have to imagine this woman as a bit older, but not too old, the gods obviously likes to have good looks, and they are proud of it, they prefer their original looks over any of their disguise, even if that disguise is unanimously agreed to look better, so I'm more than sure that I will not be able to hold myself from giving out compliments.
But I dunno...I have a weird feeling of deja vu when ai look at that picture, I think I've seen it somewhere before.
"It looks like it was a mistake to take out a somewhat accurate painting of her." Lilith grumbled "I know...when you go on that date with Leilah, bring me along."
"What's with you? I thought the only reason you want him is because he's mine." Leilah joined in "Why so persistent?!"
"Fine, deal."
"5 years, we got 5 years." Lilith answered "But there's an argument of nobles wanting it to be 6 since if we're going for the long game anyway."
"Looks like I'll just hope that this fallen star is worth a lot because I will just give up on enchanting, anyway, I'm gonna go find a guy to duel, I'm not gonna do all that just to have nothing."