Chereads / The Soul’s Shadowed Deal / Chapter 36 - Chapter 36: Gerald's First War

Chapter 36 - Chapter 36: Gerald's First War

The Gate was broken and Gerald commanded his army to form a shield wall. At the same time, the Wegrros prepared to launch a final push for the gates, The Archers on the wall were constantly firing at the Weggros but the Siege tower was scaling the wall, and the Wegrros finally came charging on the wall. And one of the most fierce fights began, the Weggros were taking control of the wall and most likely to capture the wall.

Seeing the situation Gerald commanded them to abandon the wall and retreat, the Battle for the gate was no good, so they had no option but to retreat, So they fled, they had already lost half of the village, The king hadn't arrived yet, Gerald was left with two option, To Abandon the Village or fight till death, and he said to himself, 'Retreat was never an option!' so he commanded the Men, 'Men, don't let fear conquer you, it's here we die or we live!' as they charged the Weggros.

In the middle of hell, Gerald came to meet Maria, 'What are you doing Maria, stay back, what if you get hurt?' Said Gerald worriedly for her safety, but she said, 'And I think the same about you.' Gerald came forward placed his hand on Maria's cheeks and said, 'Please, Maria, I have only two reasons to live, and that is, my family and You!, Please leave and stay somewhere safe, please try to understand!' and thankfully Maria understood and she went back.

The fight was even at this moment, but they were getting pushed back and soldiers were getting tired, they would, if not now, but soon retreat, so seeing all this, Gerlad commanded them to fall back, letting them have 80% of the village, the gates were opened and the Women, Children and The Old were leaving the Village, while The Soldiers were fighting to their deaths at this moment, Gerald's heart pumped when he heard Women screaming and he knew what had happened, there was a massive opening on the left side of the army and they were surrounded, they were holding now so that the citizen could escape then they will try to escape, Weggros was gaining ground on them now, Soldiers were getting weary, their hope was shattering and they were running back, Gerald was constantly chanting, 'No retreat, not now, fight, fight till your last breath!'

There were massive gaps in the formation, and the citizens were finally out, Gerald finally said with a broken heart, 'Man retreat, we have given them enough time, let's retreat!.' and they finally started to retreat, they could leave the village but many could be left behind, but what could have they done, it was gone, there was still that the King will come but many were shouting, 'JUST A FOOLS HOPE!.' 

The Weggrros were constantly shooting at them, they were shielding back to defend, but just then, just an inch foot was left between the Humans and The Wegrros, they heard the horns, The King had finally arrived, and his shock cavalry, The Deadliest Cavalry of the world, crushed the Weggrros, like hot knife through butter, they didn't let a single Weggros retreat.

Gerald began to search for his father and his love, but he couldn't find them in the crowd, he was losing hope, he ran to the village, he searched and searched every single body, at mid-day and in scorching heat, he finally found his dad, he was laying on the floor, with an arrow right through his heart, he cried for his dad, he was hugging him to his chest saying, 'Dad, please wake up, what will I tell Mother, I lost you and I couldn't defend him, his only son.' in that pain he forgot about Maria, he then took his father and placed him under a tree, away from direct sunlight, and began his search for his love, she was nowhere to be found on the battlefield, just then a girl of age 19 came to him and said, 'My Lord Gerald, Maria she told me to tell you to come to the house area, there were kids there, she went to let them escape!.' without second thought he took some soldiers and ran to the housing area, he searched every house and on the last house he saw a body of a boy of age 6 just laying there dead, he said to the kid, 'Oh my Son, you didn't deserve this.' the soldiers around him were sad, he then entered to see the horrible seen of 6 childens body just laying there, among them was a women body, Gerald slowly walked towards the body and, picked the body to see her face and his would left his body as is was no one then Maria itself, he screamed and cried over her body crying for hours and hours end.

On her grave, he used to sing,

"Oh my love, the light has faded,

 No hope is there, I saw,

 No hope, to live from now,

 Am dead from the inside, Oh my dear,

 Oh, I wished I could die now too,

 To be reunited with you in the afterlife,

 Oh Maria, why you left me,

 Alone to fight the darkness of this cruel world.!" 


Tasarai had watery eyes by now, he asked, 'My lord, you never find anyone to share you're life, after that.' Gerald was drinking a glass of water, when he said, 'There was no one, I could love and share my life with other than Maria!.' he laid back and said, 'Oh my Maria I miss you so much, oh I forgot, you're wedding will be held tomorrow night.'