Chereads / The Soul’s Shadowed Deal / Chapter 16 - Chapter 16: The Camp

Chapter 16 - Chapter 16: The Camp

The Patrol left the Castle. They started from Grinor to Bearfold, Nas came to Darien and asked " What do you feel about me, am I a good warrior!" Darien looked at him and said "No!." Nas sighed and said, "That's rude!."

And went in the front to command the other 200 men when they entered a forest 20 km away from Grinor, a log which hanging came down fast and Nas and two other men knocked them down and then Arrows came killing many many Men, they regrouped and came in a shield wall formation to be safe from arrows, Darien commanded: "Slowly advance, we need to retrieve Nas and other wounded!." Just as he said The Wegrros came charging and a battle began, Darien saw Nas getting taken away, he tried to go forward but there were too many, a black hooded figure came and gave Darien a scroll but attacked again but a slow one, Darien was confused he blocked and the hooded figure retreated, they came back in the shield wall and slowly started to retreat, they rode their horses to the wall as the first gate opened, Darien didn't stop he galloped his horse to the second and from there to the Hall.

He rushed in and saw Gerald discussing with Kerunlé the Governor, Gerald was confused and he asked "What happened?"

Darien was painted and said "Ambush, Nas they took him!." Gerald's mood changed he was angry he said"Herald prepare an army, Kerunlé bring the map." he then turned to Darien and said, "Where did you get Ambushed!." Before Darien could say anything he remembered the scroll and said "King, A hooded figure approached me and gave me this, he was a human!." Gerald took it and opened it was a map a smaller one there was a marking and it was written " We are here rescue me and Nas!." and they were was the name of someone they knew, They were so confused but they didn't take to long and went to the spot they were called at, they hoped that Nas will be alive because without him they knew they had no chance of fighting this Strom.

Nas woke up at a camp, his head hurt so bad, but he was tight to a wood with his hands tight sideways, he tried to move but it was difficult to even move a muscle, just then a Weggro came and said "Stay still boy, you are our feast for today!." Nas looked at him with disgrace and said "In you're dreams, Asshole.!"

Wegrro sighed and said, "If you say anything again I will eat you now alive, Be quiet Women!"

Nas was angry he said, " Fuck you're racing."

Wegrros said "That's it!." he took out his dagger and was about to stab him when a hand came on his shoulder who whispered "Do it and you be as good as dead!" the Wegrro put his dagger back and said, "Be grateful that you are among us, if it wasn't for Master, I would have killed you!." The hooded figure said

"you will be late 'cause I would have done it first!." He shoved the Wegrro back and picked a Nail and hammer, put the nail on Nas's hand and smashed it with the hammer, Nas screamed so hard in pain, that it was unbearable "Who are you, Bastard!." The hooded figure unworn his hood, and it was Aster, Nas said "Why, why!."

Aster said to him "Because of you, how come you saved everyone except Dragiest, any reasons you have my brother!." Nas cried and said, "I'm sorry, I tried my best, I'm sorry!."

Aster shoved his hand now "Will you're sorry to bring him back!". Nas looked at him tears falling, He said "I don't think so Nas boy!".

He said "Before I take your soul, then tell me where we're everyone and the hero Nas who saved everyone, didn't come to look for me even after knowing I was not dead!." as soon as he finished he took out his shield and sat with his back Infront of Nas's face, Nas was confused that from what he is trying to defend from, then suddenly volleys after volleys of arrows came and killed all of the Weggros, the King and his friend emerged from the bushes. Nas was happy but his happiness soon turned to angriness when he saw Darien shaking hands with Aster "Why are you shaking your hands with a Traitor? Have you gone mad?." They laughed with Nas confused, Aster freed him and took out the nail, surprisingly, his hands healed in a matter of seconds, then Aster said

"Dumb as ever, even after being a hero, listen

When I was captured, some of Wegrro's blood entered my mouth, later I woke up in a cage in a camp, with this giant monster in front of me, Borgo was his name, I heard him saying "We need that human Nas dead so we can siege the fort!" I heard a Wegrro say "Master, even if he dies his soldier will stay alive, right!" Borg said

"No, they will die as Nas dies!" I shouted to him "If I brought Nas, will you make me you're servant!." he took me out and said, "How will you dot it, pesky little human!." I said to him that I knew exactly when the next patrol begin if he let me you're army to control I'll bring him back.

He agreed, and after some talking to Finard and making plans, Finard made sure that you come to Grinor, and that's how it went, so when we ambushed you, I gave a scroll to Darien and on the scroll was the location of our camp!."

Nas laughed and laughed "That's too much for my brain to handle at once!." Gastat said, "I'm with you on that brother!." They laughed and Aster said to Gerald "My lord the siege will begin three days from now, Gerald said "Let's prepare for the storm, let's go!." and they went back to the castle.