ASF (Previous version)

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Hello, Author here. I just wanted to address a few things.

Firstly. to those who have read the previous version of this novel, I am sorry for the abrupt stop. However, I felt the story had run away from me at that point and I didn't have the confidence nor the preparations to write what I believed could have eventually become a decent story.

Here, we are around six months later, though and I have come back with - what I hope, would be - an improved story. (Better late than never, am I right? *starts sweating*)

That said, I have changed the whole premise of the story, keeping some things the same, yet changing a lot of other things as well.

This ties into the second point I would like to make, and that is regarding the MC, Nico. Now, previously I didn't have too firm a grasp on his personality. This led to several issues cropping up, and subsequently, his character was underwhelming (as underwhelming as it could be within 30 chaps, lol).

I have tried my best to resolve this issue, spending more time and care in creating his personality. A little thing to note though, is that he might be a little gloomy at the start, but through the friends he makes in the Training Camp, I hope to make him brighten up.

It's the least I could do, with the things I want him to experience later on. (*chuckles in Evil Author*)

One more thing to note is that I have planned for Nico to have conflicting desires on purpose, which will tie into what I have planned later in the story. I guess, only time will tell whether this was a brilliant decision or the worst idea ever to grace a human being's mind. Probably the latter, haha.

Finally, a little disclaimer:

Do not expect this book to have Guiltythree level writing... (He is the Author of Shadow Slave. If you haven't read SS, I highly recommend you do. There will be some of you who simply dislike it or those who find it doesn't suit your tastes, but that is fine. To the lucky ones who get hooked, however, you're in for an awesome ride. Also any SS readers, or people from the server, QueenBee rocks! The second-best character in the novel after Sunny ;) Any of you who disagree, your opinion is immediately invalid.)

Oh, whilst you're at it, you could also check out the novels in the reading list on my profile. I have enjoyed reading them very much and they're a constant highlight of my days.

(Ad break over lol)

Back to what I was saying. I am by no means an experienced writer or novelist. In fact, I have barely written more than 100 chaps combined over the various different projects that I have dropped. The less said about those the better, ahem.

To quote a certain camel I know though, "I can barely string two sentences together." (Pretty sure he said that once, don't quote me on it :P)

But in my case, I can string more than two sentences together (I hope), otherwise I wouldn't have written, or be writing a novel in the first place, right....?

Ahem, anyway, apologies I've been rambling non-stop. I will try to be more positive while writing A Saviour's Fate. Gods know how much I've learned my lesson from last time.

We won't mention those dark times, ahem. ;)

Anyway (for the second time. Dammit, I really need to stop with my terrible humour), feel free to leave any constructive criticism down below in the comments, that would be much appreciated.

Also, on the off chance you like this, you can also feel free to leave any comments asking for more chaps, or bug me on Discord to release more, because chances are I would be:

a) Too lazy to write

b) Doing what I do best: which is to procrastinate.

C) Scrolling through my phone endlessly

Or the unlikeliest of them all:

D) In the middle of writing a chap.

Sorry for this monologue, but I hope you enjoy the fruits of my labour. If not, well, I hope you find another novel that fits your taste. No hard feelings.

Thank you in advance to any readers, who give this book a chance. I will strive not to disappoint and make it worth your time.

Happy reading!

Yours truly,

The Monarch of Ash.