With his rebirth he remember Whis training so this is powerlevel chart
Jason base form
Super Saiyan
Super Saiyan two
In base form he will be as strong as jiren until he goes full power. His Super Saiyan should be able to keep up with him as well. Super Saiyan two maybe as well.
500 000 tons
Which is
1 000 000 000 pounds
Can run or fly around the world 15 times in one second in base form.
This is current right now with Whis training and how durable he was thanks to ancient Saiyan body, and senzu beans. And as you know no matter how much ki he has his body isn't strong enough to lift. So in this life he started to lift as well. Remembers ki training from yardat so ki control is greater. So right now his base form is jiren LVL of power. He trained in there for nine years but to him it would be more since one day outside well equal one year inside and he stayed in there for nine years of training. So canonically he will be 17 but really he will be over one-hundred years old. The reason how he's still alive.
I also forget to mention that he has god ki to but know Saiyan god transformation yet. So his base is strong as well.
This is current right now.