The return to death. The real Antichrist

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Chapter 1 - Unnamed

The phantom boat: It was a cloudy day in the bay of the isle of samery ; the island was a well known port for fishermen, it was populated with only people working in the fishing industry, with their families , the population could hardly reach one thousand, the port of the island was built by a few simple fishermen , but with the time , it started to transform to a larger base for fishing boats , larger boats for fishing started to appear in the island , but not for large crews that could hardly reach twenty of fishermen, the major parts of boats, were led by 4 or 5 men ; some could contain 10 , mostly composed of members of the same family with relatives , Joan was an aged sailor , who served in the marines of the USA , upon his retirement, he preferred to have his own boat and retire in that calm small island, Joan was living by himself ; his late wife passed away just one year after his retirement , he found himself soliciting himself with fishing into the sea with the company of his dog and one old friend, like himself, Salvador ; was a local man from the island; lonely too like Juan , they found in each other's a source of soliciting and company . The boat , they saw was a small boat like theirs, a sole sail that was not fixed well that made the boat moves with the waves Without a direction, Salvador started to call the owner of the other boat , but no responses came back , it was clear that there was someone on the boat, some bags were clear seen for the onlookers, but still no response came back , Juan started to move closer to the like deserted boat , when they were too close, a noise or a voice of a child was heard from inside the boat, to their both amusement, the voice was very clear; a small baby cry , Salvador approached the other boat, till he could catch with his own hands, he jumped inside of it , while Juan was trying to hold it , Juan used a rope to connect their boat to the other one , to secure holding it well til Salvador check it well , there was a bundle of white tissue , from where the baby voice was coming , Salvador approached the bundle carefully , there was a long body in black under the white bundle , Salvador removed a long sheet covering the black body to find for his great horror, a dead woman with a rotten face there , the baby cries continued from the white bundle, Salvador held the bundle and removed the white tissue to find a baby stuck to the breast of the dead woman, but miraculously sucking from her breast that was still intact and fresh, the shock was too big to Salvador s small brain to support, he screamed with horror saying : Christ , Christ without stopping , Joan was waiting patiently to see the result of Salvador checking , when he heard his crying; Christ Christ , he secured himself with a rope stuck to his boat and jumped in turn to see the source of Salvador s cries , to his surprise and horror, he saw the tragedy in front of his eyes , the baby was still sucking from the dead body , while Salvador was frozen from the horrible surprise without any movement, Juan was used to see dead bodies in his long term of military service with the marines , but this figure was very strange and incredible to his eyes , he moved ahead to the dead body, crying to Salvador to awake him from his surprise and fear , he removed the baby from the dead woman body, telling Salvador to to hold him and he folded the dead woman's body with the black sheet very well , then he secured well the second boat to his , telling Salvador to move to their boat with him. The dog of Joan started to bark furiously to Joan s surprise , when Salvador carried the baby with him into their boat , for Joan surprise , the dog frantic barking didn't stop , he tried to stop him , but the dog had bitten him for the first time in his life , Joan moved his boat in the direction of the coast while the terrified dog was still barking like a crazy or insane, when they reached the shore, Salvador jumped out of the boat with the baby in his arms, the baby miraculously was calm and silent , Joan knotted off his dog that for his surprise run away without any delay . The two men secured well the two boat and they moved hardly to the office of the security s guards , Joan informed the man in charge of their findings , showing him the baby and the dead woman's body , the news was spread like a fire in the small island and most of the island s people came to take a look at the dead body , the police in charge was trying to identity the dead body, so all onlookers were asked to see the rotten face , maybe one of them could recognized her, the body was removed to the police s office , laid on a wooden table there , the smell of the body was strangely not felt , some referred that the salty water covering the body , was the reason of keeping the body almost intact , while others were referring the reason for some mysterious reasons especially when they were told that the baby was sucking from a fresh breast . The small island was mainly owned by an old woman , the lady Lisa , she was the most potential personality on the island , when the news came to her ears, she called the police officer in charge to bring her the small found baby , the lady was a childless woman , living in her small castle, as her house was called" the castle" , being the heir of the first founder of the island , the sailor Dark , she was living with two old servants woman and an old strange man, nobody knew ever about his real identity , some were considering him as the lady secret lover, others say that he was a far relative to the lady from her indigenous mother , other tales mentioned that the man was a running away criminal that found a lodge under the lady s protection, all these tales were having no roots , the base behind all these was his special features that made him strange to all , his Arabic origin. Abdul rahman, that was called rahim , was the man in charge of the whole lady s affairs , he was very nice creature with everybody around him, but he was very stern like a tyrant when things were concerning his lady, he was behaving without mercy or pity with the bad characters when his lady s rights were threatened , the lady Lisa , was the owner of the most lands on the island, most the fishermen were were renting their lands from her , she was too the main shareholder of the biggest boats on the island; in fact they were five boats with large crews ; 15 to 20 persons were working on each , the lady sold just a few pieces of lands, others were given to some small owners by her ancestors or sold by them , her first grand father who founded the island as a base for fishing , tales were told about his origin as a pirate or a revolutionary personality run away from the Spanish during the revolution against Spain in the Bermuda archipelago . The Bermuda archipelago, was constituted of a lot of small islands with the main governing island , Bermuda, everybody in the whole world heard about the mysterious news about the mysterious accidents happening to boats and aircrafts in Bermuda s bay. The head officer brought the found baby , with him came both Joan and Salvador, for them all , getting rid of that responsibility, was a comfort , Joan and Salvador were dreaming of some money gift the lady may offer to them , if she decided to keep the baby in her custody, the lady in the presence of Rahim , investigated with the two men about the whole story and she was told of the whole details , as it was expected, the lady decided to keep the baby in her house, because the island didn't have an orphanage and nobody could afford to have the responsibility to host an ambiguous origin baby too , she ordered Rahim to give the two men an adequate amount of money as a prize to their courage and pity , giving a gift too to the head officer who in turn promised her to arrange all the needed documents needed to keep the baby in her custody . The new coming from death baby was called , Christopher , because the lady remembered that Salvador was crying Christ , Christ when he found him as they told her , the small baby s face was very strange , he had one eye in his face deformed and a strange mark on his front , like a strange writing, but his face was very beautiful and he was very calm most of the time , the baby was given to the two lady s servants to take care of him til she find a suitable woman to take that responsibility , a lot of ladies were presented in front of the lady Lisa til she found a young widow suitable to take care of the deserted child . Time passed and Christopher was growing fast strong and healthy , he was astonishing everyone by his smart and alert , when he was five years old , they put him in a school , in few time , he was the talk of the whole school and teachers , his intelligence was unbeaten, he was in control of his whole companions and school mates , brilliant answers were coming from his mouth to his teachers , he captivated the attention of everybody til he became the talk of the whole island . In his 14 years old, Christopher became the right hand of Rahim in managing the lady s affairs , he became really the real governor of the island from the back of Rahim , his wishes were never returned , his opinion in every affair was the first to be taken , it was not love that attracted his personality to everyone approached him , but rather it was a strange and ambiguous personality he obtained that nobody dared to object him in face , including Rahim and lady Lisa , these two poor creatures became like slaves to this strange creature ,the widowed woman who cared about him was dead the day it was discovered that he reached his manhood , she was found broken necked in the big house garden , it was thought that she fell accidentally from the second floor balcony while she was cleaning , her death didn't bring any trace of sadness to Christopher s face , the woman was considered like his mother , but it was clear that he was not a caring human being about human affections . Christopher apparently was obedient to Rahim orders , but secretly Rahim was his own slave , Rahim was considered as the real government of the island , he was in fact the secret husband of the lady and a secret partner of her heredity , his grand father too was a close friend of the lady s first hand father , the island founder , she and him met strangely in Cuba in a motel, where they were taking their coffee in the motel small garden , they talked and soon became close friends , he later on told her about his real identity , for her surprise , she found that he originated from the same island of hers , they decided to get married secretly because he was a Muslim and his features were strange to her people who could not accept him as their immune new master , she was obliged to introduce him as her first aid to manage her finance and trading affairs , they both were old enough to not having babies , so it was suitable for them to live under that new identity, but Christopher, that devil personality soon discovered their truth even without uttering a word from their sides , only she and he knew their secret, now Christopher was their new partner , they knew that he knows, but never he or them uttered a word about it . In his 18 years birthday , Christopher was legally declared the legal heir of the lady Lisa , as a gift for his birthday, in his eighteenth, he was a full man horrible in his looks and personality, he was seen as the real attention of the whole girls of the island and the monster master of the whole men there , his tour with his like father Rahim to manage the lady's affair was bringing the fear to every man in the island , the ladies were attracted with his devilish smiles in-spite of his one dead eye in his face , his physical force and his devilish smiles were captivating the hearts of women who were succumbed to his desire to have affairs with them , but he was in fact a sterile man, unable to give life to a real baby , most of men in the island were aware of his secret affairs with their wives or girls , but nobody dared to open his lips even secretly, the local authorities were too afraid to direct any accuse or a finger towards him , he was potentially rich and scarring everybody there . One night Rahim and lady Lisa were taking their supper together , when Rahim opened the subject of Christopher, Rahim : why did you hurry up to declare him your heir? You still have time til he is in his 21 birthday, lady Lisa: it was his wish that I could not object , Rahim : you could consult me at least before you take that decision ! Lisa: you know honey , he could become nervous if I did not respect his wish, Rahim : are you afraid of him or it is out of love? Lisa with terrified look: sure honey , it is out of love, he is considered as our son , besides we don't have another heir after our passing away , Rahim : but that would give him the absolute power over us and over every body on the island! Lisa( smiling) : you say that as if he wasn't already having the absolute power over everything here, including me and you , even the animals of the island are afraid of him, do you remember the story of Joan upon finding him on that damn boat, his dog was terrified and run away only by his presence, Rahim : are you afraid of him to that degree honey? Lisa smile became broader and she added: I told you honey, everyone around here is terrified with his only presence, Rahim : do you think that he loves us , me and you at least? Lisa: I don't know really , i pity him sometimes and I got terrified some other times by the only mentioning of his name . In his 21 th birthday, Christopher became the legal owner of all Lisa s property and those of Rahim off course, the same night after his birthday s party, the two old secret lovers were found dead; burned to death in Lisa bedroom , the investigations said that the fire was due to some candles left burnt after the party's end that caused the tragedy in the castle , like after the death of his nun , the death of Lisa and Rahim didn't show any sign of sorry or sadness on Christopher, his face showed no sign of joy or sadness, their death meant nothing to him, like the death of a couple of rats or mosquitoes.