Chereads / Game of Dragonborn. / Chapter 21 - Chapter 21 - Hunting The Three-eyed Raven 04.

Chapter 21 - Chapter 21 - Hunting The Three-eyed Raven 04.

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV.

Somewhere on North.



After spending another night in the cave, they finally decided to continue their journey. Ygritte was still a bit tired since they had made love several times during the night; after all, she had enjoyed the experience a lot and took the initiative to continue, even though her body was still screaming for some rest.

"Let's go." Jon said, packing everything into his dimensional space and started to leave the place, while he shattered the ice he had created at the entrance with a punch.

"You know you've stolen me now, right?" he told her as they exited through the cave opening.

"Do you accept this even knowing I might be with two other women?" He asked her as he looked against the morning light.

"A strong man always has more than one wife." She retorted.

Jon just nodded, seeing that things in this world were different. Even though he had seen many things in his young life, it was still a bit surprising how people in the north dealt with marriage in such a wild manner, almost like the Forsworn, groups of wildlings that Jon had to kill many of.

"For us, in the north of the wall, women always seek men who can provide strong children, so women accept sharing a strong man." She said, even placing a hand on her belly. "And I want to have a child," she said without any shame.

"I wouldn't like that, not here," Jon looked at her with a raised eyebrow, after all, he didn't want to have a child north of the wall.

"Our child will be strong, so don't worry about him," she still rebutted stubbornly.

"I will take you south of the wall before that happens." He said, starting to enter the forest, passing through more fissures in the ground.

"Are you going to take me to the south?" She said surprised, "Like to those stone houses where the kneelers live?" She said with some expectation.

"Yes, but not now. Besides, forget about it for now, let's continue our journey and stay alert for any animals that appear, especially the crows." He said before once again releasing his summoning magic with the specters to scout the area for any creature or even the crow.

They continued until they left the Pine forest and the ground fissures behind, passing through some more holes, and finally emerged into an open space before the rest of the forest, which was a large frozen lake, circling the place and heading West, before entering that side of the forest.

"We're getting close, since it is still persistent." Jon said as he looked around, where he and Ygritte were surrounded by the carcasses of at least 16 dead animals. Once again, they had been attacked while Jon devastated all of them along with his conjurations without letting them get close to Ygritte.

"How can he control so many animals? We've never heard of a Warg like this..." Ygritte kept repeating this phrase throughout the journey, after all, if there was such a powerful warg, who among the free folk wouldn't know him, Sixskins was famous, but compared to what they're facing, his power is mediocre.

"If you didn't know someone like this, it means that this person is plotting something, after all, they want to remain hidden and targeted me for some reason, which turned out to be their death sentence, for I will kill them as soon as I find them." Jon said as he started to burn the bodies, taking something that he didn't kill with magic. Jon only ate the game his blade cut and refused to take anything his magic or summons killed, as he had said before, this was against the beliefs of many gods in Tamriel.

"It doesn't matter now, we must continue. This being is dangerous, and I have to eliminate it," Jon said, heading into the forest. As they entered, night fell, Jon had already set up a camp for them to sleep. Their animals alerted them to an attack coming for them, and this night was no different... Except that what they faced were not animals, but a group of Wights following the light of their fire, or so it seemed.

The dead were first fought by their wolves as they howled to alert their master. They managed to kill some before being killed by the small horde.

"I'll take care of them, just stay back with arrows ready by the fire and take this." Jon said, handing a runic sword to her. He opened his dimensional space and took out the spear he had won from the White Walker.

The first wights emerged from the forest and advanced against Jon as they reached the camp space, with Jon cutting down the first ones. The ice weapon had an even better effect against these creatures than fire, because it only took piercing them for them to fall to the ground inert.

There was no White Walker in this horde of 40-60 wights, so he quickly began to deal with them as more and more came out of the forest. Ygritte helped in the rear with fire arrows, killing some that approached her from the flanks, but she set them ablaze with the sword, while Jon took care of most of them.

It took no more than half an hour for the last to fall and the place to take on a night silence again, only with the flames burning the bodies on the ground from Ygritte's arrows and her sword.

Jon released some atronachs to burn the bodies and kill any that appeared again, after all, he was just having fun that night, which is why he fought on his own. The next day, after resting for a few more hours while their creatures patrolled the area, they continued on their way until they found traces of people in the place and it didn't take long to see an abandoned village, devastated some time ago.

"This was just a few moons ago..." Jon said, analyzing the place. There were cremated bones, but it was not difficult to see that most of this place was dead or worse...

"They didn't even manage to escape, did they?" Ygritte commented, looking at the blood staining some tents, with holes that had been made by wights when they launched their attack.

"You're right." Jon spoke those words only. They weren't his people, after all, Jon couldn't care much for the inhabitants of this world, he was a stranger here, but he knew the situation was quite sad. He recognized that the Free Folk had many bad people among them, even entire tribes that should be killed, in his opinion. But many tribes among all the people who live beyond the wall were still people who just wanted to live their lives in peace. However, the White Walkers began to return, and peace in the north became a fight for survival, having no choice but to form a force to launch an attack over the wall.

"Most of the northern people are already dead, and if we don't cross the wall, no one will survive..." Ygritte commented, looking at the broken and burned tents while the snow almost completely covered them.

"Let's continue, we have nothing here," Jon spoke, and Ygritte nodded as they left the village, continuing their way through the dark forest woods.

The rest of the day was quiet, without any interference from the warg. They continued on their way, going deeper into the forest until they found a high peak and saw a quite attractive view. They could see the forest stretching below them with a large frozen lake in the middle of the place. It was a unique sight.

"How beautiful..." Ygritte murmured.

"Let's keep going." Jon spoke again, not wanting to waste his time here. They continued down the peak, following along the line of the spell that Jon was casting.

As soon as they entered the forest, new attacks began again from animals; they found themselves facing animals and the undead. "How persistent..." Ygritte complained, but already accustomed to the density of the pressure they were under, because she was with Jon, after all, no one but him could survive that.

"It seems we've arrived..." Jon commented, stopping some time after eliminating a group of bears. Along the way, there was a large tree with red flowers, even Jon didn't know a weirwood could get so big.

"I've never seen such a large sacred tree..." Ygritte murmured.

"He's there, I can feel it," Jon said, sensing a magical presence in that place, much more powerful than anything he had felt in this world, yet still weak compared to the greater powers he had felt in Tamriel. 

They continued toward the tree, until reaching a spot with more open space and a snow dune covering the sand, Jon stopped Ygritte. 

"Wait... Something's coming," he said, seeing a large group of animals emerging from the dune. "He knew we were coming and prepared a large army to stop us," Jon spoke, looking at various animals that began to appear in the area, there were wolves, crows, bears, shadow cats, foxes, and various small animals, and even 2 mammoths as they made the snow crack. 

"This guy... he really is cautious and prepared," Jon murmured calmly. "Let's see if he hasn't learned the last lesson." He said, and took a deep breath before launching his Shout. 

"RAAN MIR TAH" His thu'um echoed like thunder while Ygritte covered her ears from it, making even the trees shake, however, it didn't have the effect Jon imagined, because he couldn't tame them. The animals still stared at him with fierce teeth, ready to kill him. 

"It seems that being so close to him, I can't control the animals?" Jon wondered while scratching his chin, but opened a small smile murmuring. "Interesting." 

"Jon, what are we going to do? Can we handle this? There are at least hundreds of them," Ygritte, worried, asked quite scared, seeing that crowd of animals, very different from what they had faced until now. 

"Yeah, I think there must be about 500 there," Jon spoke calmly, while analyzing the whole situation. The situation wasn't good for him, but still, he was trained and had the experience of many similar situations, he didn't easily shake. He sighed and turned to Ygritte. 

"Whatever is going to happen here, it's better you're not close. I'll deal with them, but you have to hide, understand? This place won't be safe even if I try to protect you," he said. 

"No, I can't leave you alone here with all of them," she said fiercely. 

"Sorry, Ygritte, but you won't be able to help much. Leave this to me," Jon spoke seriously. Ygritte, a bit reluctantly, nodded in the end. After all, who was she compared to this man whom everyone considered a God? 

As she began to move back, Jon quickly started to summon various creatures from Oblivion. He summoned two storm atronachs, while placing 4 fire atronachs to protect Ygritte at a distance. He summoned wolves, bears, saber-toothed tigers in spectral forms to fight against the army in front of him. 

The Warg's animals, didn't waste any more time: both Jon with his group, and the enemy animals started running towards each other, as the Warg's animals roared, the spectrals were not far behind.