Chereads / Game of Dragonborn. / Chapter 22 - Chapter 22 - Hunting The Three-eyed Raven 05.

Chapter 22 - Chapter 22 - Hunting The Three-eyed Raven 05.

[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]

Third Person POV.

Somewhere on North.



Among the snow scattered across the ground, she began to rise as a sound started to be heard, spreading in slow motion as the thousands of footprints hit the ground. There was a group of 500 animals running towards a man wearing the attire of the free people, who by his side, had at least 30 summons. But, even with such a small number, the man did not seem to be afraid as he ran towards the horde of hundreds of enemies. 

Around him, lightning and fireballs began to be thrown at the animals from a distance, as the fire and lightning atronachs used their powers from afar and the 4 ice atronachs ran alongside their master. 

Jon kept looking at the horde of animals coming towards him, analyzing what would be the best strategy to take care of all of them and come out victorious. After thinking for a bit, he, like an experienced commander, began to devise a plan. The first thing he did was use a specific Thu'um, taking a deep breath while running with his spear in one hand and the runic sword in the other, he released his voice. 

"FAAS RU MAAR!" He shouted in the language of the dragon riders, making a thunder appear in the middle of the day once more. The effect of these words created something among the enemy animals. Because, even with the control of the warg and not being able to be controlled by Jon, the effect of this shout, brought fear. 

Jon saw the animals reacting to the sound of his words, because at least 100 animals, mainly the smaller ones, began to disperse, escaping the site as they ran in fear to the opposite side and were often trampled by their companions as they hindered his advance. Jon had taken care of the first part of them, but this was not enough to ensure victory. 

Then, he saw the mammoths coming after the bears in the middle part, and he approached until he was a few meters from them while leading his attack, many animals had already fallen due to the constant attack of fire and lightning, leaving a few dozen bodies along the way as they screamed in agony from electric shocks and agonizing as the fire consumed them. 

Jon, approaching the center where the larger animals were, he used a skin spell, the most powerful in his arsenal to protect himself like armor and took a deep breath before launching a new Thu'um, Dragonskin. 

"FUS RO DAH!!" He shouted with another thundering sound and a powerful force of impact came out in front of him, digging the earth at his feet while everything was thrown back and into the enemy field, as bears were thrown in his direction and even the mammoths fell to the side, Jon continued to advance stepping on the destroyed terrain, as he made a breach in the enemy group and advanced with his summons behind him. 

He advanced, beginning to slash with everything he could, while burning with his runic sword and easily piercing them with his ice blade. The battle had turned into chaos after that, as spectral animals and normal animals fought against each other, while other creatures launched their powers over the enemy force still at a distance. 

Jon closed his mind at that moment, surrounded by enemies, blood spurted as they cut them, lightning and flames flew everywhere while animals growled and screamed in agony the whole time. 

Ygritte watched from afar, a bit frightened, the screams of agony coming from all sides, while Jon was in the middle of all that chaos. Animals ran, fled; some bled and fell dead. 

"Jon, be well," she murmured, as she picked up her bow and began to shoot arrows at the animals, after climbing on top of a rock and observing the battle from a distance, not knowing what Jon's situation was, but knowing that he was surrounded in that chaos. 

Jon was really in a difficult situation. The animals were persistent and began to surround him. He felt teeth sinking into his arm, but quickly moved his body and pierced a wolf that had sunk its teeth there. This did not bother him, since he had cast a protection magic like dragonskin on himself, to protect himself from any bites and claws.

As he moved his sword and spear at high speed, cutting down everything that appeared from all sides, he had to be very quick. His animals could slow down the enemy a bit, but the creatures' only target was him, the summoner, and the warg was behind the minds of all the animals; he knew this very well as he launched his attacks on Jon without caring about the other creatures. 

Jon kept cutting, and his armor became more and more damaged by the force of the animals. After all, the damage was constant, and with him in the middle of the battle, there was no way he wouldn't get hurt. So, without wasting time, he needed better protection. 

'I never expected to use this so soon after entering this world, but I have no other choice...' He thought as he breathed in and felt the power accumulating in his throat. 

"MUL QAH DIIV!!" He shouted these words, and quickly, a change occurred. From his body, energy exploded and enveloped him in the middle of the battlefield, throwing all the animals that were on top of him away. 

Even Ygritte was surprised by this, making the whole place tremble, as she wondered what Jon had done and after the light dimmed, even she from afar opened her mouth in astonishment. For Jon reappeared in the middle of all that chaos, but with distinct forces this time. An energy began to cover his body; his hands seemed to have ethereal spiky gauntlets with colors at their tips, while his chest was protected with an ethereal dragon scale armor with red, blue, yellow, and many other colors, extending from his horns to the small tail behind him. 

This was the form of one of the most powerful shouts: The Dragon Aspect, an armor that not only made him almost impenetrable but also strengthened him in such a way that he reached his peak at this moment. 

This shout is so powerful that it should only be used once a day, and Jon did not waste it. Feeling the strength exploding in his body along with his increased speed, he began to attack all the animals that were still recovering from the ground. 

He cut through wolves, shadow cats, bears, and other animals so quickly that they had a clean death, the mammoths were already recovering while an ice atronach fought against one of their charges. Jon saw the second mammoth coming towards him. 

He prepared himself, jumping on top of the creature's head, while it could not react as that human jumped more than 5 meters shining with his armor, Jon plunged his ice spear into the head of the animal, which died the next moment. 

But Jon didn't stop there; he jumped off the animal, grabbed its trunk while falling, putting his weapons in the dimensional arsenal while holding the trunk with both hands, and with the strength acquired at that moment, began to move the inert creature, making it lift off the ground and hitting all the animals around, gaining a bit of space. 

Ygritte almost choked on Jon lifting a mammoth as if it were a child, Jon quickly grabbed his spear and sword, appearing in his hands again and continued attacking. 

After he cut down a few more bears, he took advantage of the space he created with the mammoth and took a step back, took a deep breath, and launched another shout. "FO KRAH DIN!!" This Thu'um was a blast of ice, which quickly swept in front of him with a straight white light, freezing everything in its path and turning the animals into ice sculptures. 

The lightning atronachs shattered them all, launching bolts. His attack had not stopped, after all, he had only eliminated half of the enemies since he started, and almost all his summons were destroyed. He saw the few summons that surrounded him preventing the animals from approaching, while some others shot from a distance, without wasting time, he began to conjure more spells, forming several purple orbs on the site, summoning new creatures from Oblivion. He was surrounded by 8 ice atronachs, which served as a filter protection limiting the number of animals that faced him, allowing him to easily deal with all that passed through the barrier of the ice creatures. 

Some animals went towards Ygritte at a distance after they saw Jon winning the battle, but she, as she was being protected by fire atronachs, began to be attacked while she herself shot arrows to protect herself as well.

And Jon continued fighting and fighting. Perhaps the warg never imagined he could be so powerful, because it didn't take long for the last animals to start falling. A rain of lightning struck the last mammoth, as it was surrounded by ice giants who began to beat it to death, while Jon finished off the last bears and wolves, since the smaller animals had all fled with his initial attack. 

He grabbed a bear while his spectral armor still covered his hands and began to twist it, breaking its neck without using weapons, just with his brute strength, bringing down the last animal. 

Jon sighed a bit while still all his powers were around him creating a constant sound of energy, he looked around, and there were animals agonizing as they died all over the place, he went back to the atronachs and instructed them to end their suffering, more than 400 animals were all dead, and as soon as his summons began to disappear, Jon sighed and felt Ygritte approaching him passing through various fallen animals and staining her legs with their blood. 

"Jon..." She looked at him with a bit of fear. 

"Do you fear me?" Jon asked calmly, after all, he used a lot in this battle while fighting alone. 

"No... but it only reinforces the idea that you are some kind of God." She admitted and Jon wanted to hit his head. 

"I am not one, I already said." He reinforced and turned his attention to the tree still some distance away. 

"Can you keep that thing on you?" She asked looking at the Dragon Aspect that had not yet been removed. 

"I can use this for 10 minutes once a day, it will stay a few more minutes before leaving. Now let's continue." He said to Ygritte and turned to the atronachs that were protecting Ygritte, "You, burn all the bodies here and can return to your realm." Jon said and started walking towards the great Weirwood with Ygritte following him.