Adrian's eyes grew gloomy as he watched the CCTV footage, showing Cassandra walking away after successfully withdrawing her shares and removing the funds from the company's account.
The way Cassandra looked normal made everyone wonder if she was even guilty after what she did to Felix or if getting the money was more important.
Vincent was appalled to see Cassandra in the video turn away and say, "I warned her to stop this madness, but guess her greed for wealth was much stronger than her family. I am embarrassed to call her my mother."
Vincent was astounded that Cassandra would turn her back on her bleeding father and run off with the money.
"She had this planned already or else how would she get approved to withhold so easily," Adrian said, glancing at Vincent.
After hearing about Cassandra's reality from Vincent and his father, Adrian was repulsed by the woman he had respected all his life.