A few hours earlier...
Attention: 86 / 1000
Preview Rewards?
I've been looking at this blue button hovering over the first main quests I have. I don't really know whether I should click this button or not, so I've been sitting here contemplating.
Why? I mean yeah it sounds good on paper, but what if there's a hidden twist of consuming my soul for it or something?
I know, I know. It sounds absolutely crazy, but I just shifted dimensions by walking, I think I have the pass to questioning everything right now.
Besides, the other main quests don't even have this odd button, so I'm quite weirded out.
But would my own system really harm me? I'm sure that's just some weird fantasy system comedy relief trope.
Tsk... Did I develop trust issues or something?
Reward: Ability Selection
I finally pressed the button. Yes, I was bracing for something but luckily I was just overly cautious.
Anyways, it seems like I can choose from three options. The first is:
A.) Spearmanship
Though, it's a common ability. It's still a decent shout as It's better than most weapon-wielding abilities. I mean, the spear was formed to suit the human body. It has an incredible range, and it's very flexible in terms of combat.
Besides, the Sentinel of Spear started with this ability. He raised and worked hard until his hair nearly fell off, to reach the apex of spearmanship, Gugnir's Spear.
Anyways, now comes the interesting part... I can't even believe what I'm seeing.
B.) Lightning Manipulation
Yeah... An absolute monster when it comes to causing havoc. An ability that lets you harness the power of the skies. A quick, destructive, and formless ability that grants you immense strength.
Looking at my choices this is probably the strongest out of the bunch. But at the same time, it's the most dangerous.
Harnessing lightning is a dangerous game. Though it's considered one of the strongest abilities, there's no one in the world who was able to reach great heights with this ability. It was mentioned once in the original story, where a boy awakened this ability, only for him to fry his parents and his house causing him to die in a very gruesome way.
This was the strongest but also the most unstable choice. I should only pick this when I'm in an emergency. In case I fight something I can't beat, or when I have a way to suppress its instability.
C.) Fear Inducement
The last choice of the bunch.
Hmm... It sounds cool I guess. It doesn't give me much if you think about it. It's a support skill that targets someone's mentality. It doesn't kill or hurt someone so I'm not really sure about this. This is good if I know how to wield a sword and use it to kill an unstable enemy, but yeah...
Anyways, that's pretty much all the choices I was given. I still don't know what to pick, whether it's the balanced Spearmanship, unstable yet powerful Lightning Manipulation, or the mysterious Fear Inducement.
I'm gonna choose when I reach that point. I'm still under 100 Attention anyways. I need to achieve ten times more, so I'll try to think about it longer. I need to think about how the skills fare well in most situations and how they would complement my stats.
I could always look for some artifacts if I need something to grow stronger. Something like this violet string I grabbed from the treasure pit.
Violet String of Charm
A string handcrafted by someone made for their timid partner.
Charm: +1
Yeah, it's an absolute treasure. Invariable stats are stats that you can't normally mess with, except through the use of artifacts. And due to this condition, artifacts like these are normally incredibly rare.
Why was it in the pit earlier? The first Guardians probably didn't know its use or it was just too chaotic back then, that no one cared if they look good or not.
Anyways, I should focus on garnering Attention first before I proceed with my plans.
* Present time *
" Wait, isn't that him? "
" Omg... He's a wanderer. He's going to die! " The crowd seems to have realized who I was. Well, I would say more than that as I look at the numbers steadily going up on my screen.
Attention: 79653/1000
" HAHAHA? A fucking wanderer? " The weak-looking man overheard everyone causing his maddened expression to turn absolutely sadistic.
" What gives you the FUCKING courage, when you're so fucking useless?! " He looks absolutely crazy as he starts to shout looking at me in absolute ecstasy. Like he just accomplished a lifelong dream.
Fucking hell... This is the first time I see such a severe expression by a real person. I normally see this when I act, but if I wasn't, I would've probably cowered in fear due to the sheer bloodlust this guy is emitting.
This isn't even allowed in Sense. Fighting on school grounds without any instructors present to facilitate the fight results in punishment. But it's not like I can rely on that. Griza Duke... the man with the most power here standing on the balcony watching this fight with an engrossed smile. I'm sure he doesn't like the fact that I'm a useless chess piece, and is also somehow interested in how I managed to defeat a Grand Lizard.
This fight isn't stopping without a side winning that's for sure.
So it's now or never.
Claim Rewards: Ability Selection, +1 Stat Upgrade
I got the ability selection sure enough. But the second reward isn't something I can say I'm satisfied with. There was another reward, which was the ability upgrade, I could've received rather than the +1 stat upgrade but it seems like that B luck is actually all a sham.
I mean it's a quick way to get stats without spending any effort, but I could've just trained. Ability Ascension is much more complex and harder, but that's probably why I didn't receive it.
So now what should I do... It's not like this bastard is going to give me time to contemplate what to do, so I need to decide quickly.
" You seem troubled... Mr. Wanderer... " The weak-looking guy continues to erupt in his mad laughter as he seems to enjoy my expressions.
It's not like that bastard is the main fighter, he's an E rank like me and I could shove his head to the ground if I want to. That big hunk is the one that's the real problem here. Like a summoner with a massive golem in his arsenal.
" Cat got your tongue? HA?! "
Hah... You know what, I've decided.
" No, It's because you're standing in front of me, that I might barf if I open my mouth. "
" You're a fucking shitter aren't you... " He looks at me fully enraged.
" You're dead... " He says as he grits his teeth in anger.
" You should've fucking kneeled when I told you to. " He raises his arms causing the burly man to slowly walk towards me.
I faced the burly man, as I put my hands in my pocket.
" I'm a visual learner what can I say... So why don't you teach me? " I say with the smuggest smile I could.
Claimed: Fear Inducement
" Kneel "