Prince Edward's eyes were red, but his mouth was covered, so he could only let out muffled screams and curses. He looked at Sally with such murderous intent that even Sally couldn't help but shiver a little. After Sally left the floor, those who were captured took the floor and explained what they knew. But all of this was just their word against the prince.
That was all until the second to last witness was called forward. Judge Seeral looked around because calling out: "Jose Yielding, please take the floor."
A young man walked out, being escorted by knights with handcuffs on his wrists and ankles. Once Prince Edward saw him, his eyes went from a murderous glare to that of hope. Someone who was finally on his side appeared! Even Marquess Duglous let out a sigh of relief. This man was Prince Edward's closest aid. He was sure to help turn things around. But soon, this bit of hope would be crushed. "Sir Jose, please make your statement."