With Khazthorim behind them, Gerard, Delilah, and a platoon of dwarves marched towards Castle Horomiir. Those on the road wore solemn expressions. Gerard saw those same faces worn by countless men and women he served with. One thing sat at the end of their journey. War.
Gerard held onto the reins of his trusted Floradran companion, Alder. Delilah rode atop a horse from the castle.
At the back of the caravan, fifteen battle archillians trudged forward in unison, each carrying two dwarves. The Stoneguard. Each member of the elite dwarven unit wore reliable plate armour, carrying various weapons ranging from battleaxes to crossbows.
Between Gerard, Delilah, and the Stoneguard, the dwarven craftsmen rose in their wagons, nursing the parts to their precious ballistae and crates of weapons and armour.