Meanwhile, Doc Matt could be seen speeding across the city as the same images flooded his mind again.
"Doctor Matt, we need to carry out CS as soon as possible!"
"No buts! Can't you see she can't push anymore? She's dying! Get the form and hand it to her husband to sign immediately!" The head doctor yelled.
"Yes, senior." Young Matt, who looked about 16–18, was seen rushing out of the delivery room to deliver a message.
"Are you sure my wife will be gone after the CS?" the husband asked.
"The terms and conditions are written. You have the option to read them, but I'm afraid there is no time. But I can run you through the words."
The man shook his head and grabbed Matt's coat, pulling him to his face. Even though the man was like two heads taller than Matt, he was able to look the young man in the eyes.
"Speak to me as a human with feelings. Are you sure my wife will come out alive after the CS?"