Chapter 10 - A plan

Kyle continued to toss the football across the field.

Catch. Repeat. Catch. Repeat.

It was relaxing, and he enjoyed it.

Kai watched, drinking in each detail of their surroundings.

The morning air was crisp, if a bit chilly, but it did a good job of keeping them cool as they exercised. The trees off in the distance swayed in the wind, casting all sorts of beautiful shadows.

The way the shade changed as clouds covered the sun offered a refreshing change whenever the scenery grew boring.

The shadows danced across the sharp yellow goalposts, contrasting against the greyness of the sky.

The angle of the shadows slowly changed, and Kai continued to observe until the bell rang.

Third hour was Spanish class, and Kai was incredulous at Kyle's inability to speak, read, or even comprehend words.

After all, wasn't language meaningless, only given meaning by the humans who used it? All in all, Spanish wasn't so different from English, or even Chinese or Incan. It was only a vehicle for thoughts and communication.

However, Kai did not step in. He continued to observe Kyle's continued failure as the day went on.

History class was only different in the fact that Kyle's disinterest was matched by Kai's own. Instead, Kai spent the class observing the interactions of the other students.

As lunch rolled around, Kyle joined the line and grabbed a slice of pizza before joining some burly teens at a crowded lunch table.

Kai wished he were surprised by Logan's presence. If only his host could be a bit better at picking less… annoying friends…

Logan was actually a lot less awful to be around when he wasn't making emotional speeches, and could sometimes even be slightly funny.

By the end of lunch, Kai's distaste for Logan had shrunk, if only by a little.

The days continued on in this fashion, Kai watching out of the window in Kyle's head, seemingly content with enjoying the sights through the eyes of another.

Kai learned of classes, of friends, and of football. He did not particularly enjoy any of these things, but his distaste for the ick of humanity had lessened slightly.

Despite this, he still preferred simple pleasures like the taste of water to the unpredictable, irrational workings of society.

But no world could be perfect, and Kai was willing to give this one a shot, if only because it were his only option.

This delicate balance Kyle was unaware he was upholding was eventually threatened, however, by Kai's need to feed.

As his hunger grew, he only wished his host were an angrier human. Strife and conflict smelled the tastiest, but Kyle seemed to treat any disruptions in the world around him as if they were normal. Sometimes it was even to the point of being a complete pushover. Even when pushed against a locker, his host had not even considered fighting back.

It seemed finding a meal would be harder than waiting for Kyle to get into a one-on-one argument with someone.

Kai needed a plan.

He still wished to avoid drawing attention to himself until he better understood what he was, so hijacking Kyle's life was out.

Waiting for Kyle to get into an argument for someone also appeared to be out, at least for now.

He could also try finding a new host, but Kai wasn't sure what made for a suitable host, and he didn't want to find out he had made the wrong choice as he shivered and evaporated away into nothingness.

Perhaps the best choice was to pick a time, and then impersonate Kyle. The only problem that remained was his need to exit the body in order to feed.

Kai continued to backseat until the answer presented itself to him - the bathrooms.

Despite being smelly and unclean, they were the perfect place to hide. If he locked himself and his target in a stall, it would most certainly take Kyle longer to escape than it took Kai to feed. Or at least, Kai hoped that was the case.

As the week neared its end, Kai was ready.