Good evening ma, good evening dear my name is mercy, sorry ma I'm here to see my friend Dera. Okey my dear but your Friend Dera is not around Okey. Mercy quickly stood up from were she is sitting and went home.
The following day Dera quickly went to Mercy's house to know why she visited her yesterday when she was not around on reaching there she saw her friend mercy crying on the floor.
She quickly run to know why she is in pain my dear what is the problem but mercy kept quiet. but her friend Dera said is obvious you don't want to tell me what is actually wrong with you, why than mercy open up to her friend Dera
she said she that ever since she is born she never have a fatherly care in her life.
Mercy went ahead to explain to her friend why she is crying and what make her to cry. She said that is because of childless that make her uncle to Beat her the way he did today.
But her friend went ahead to ask her what happened before the beating she said that the uncle was fighting with her wife when she enter the house, and she rushed to help her wife at list to stop her from crying but when the uncle saw he beat too.
At that time my uncle wife was pregnant than one day my uncle wife feel sick and we rushed her to the hospital, after all set and done the doctor confirmed that she is pregnant, after 9 months my uncle wife gave birth to a bouncing baby boy that is when happiness until my uncles household that is why I named this book beauty of a baby.
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