He looks just like Lugh, but with far more wounds across his body. In fact, his hair looks exactly like mine does when I am in my Advent state. With his arm, Wolfie holds me down by my throat to the ground, and he says, "You have been rooting around in my head for a while now, haven't you?
Did you enjoy seeing all of my failures, my disappointments, my mistakes, and my regrets. All you have seen is what you humans call life. A never-ending avalanche of battles, which all look to destroy you.
And that's what I tried to save you from, but in the end, you still rejected my guidance, my care. Now, look at your body, under a Legacy that constantly makes you feel all the pain I have experienced and burdened with the lives of 7,000 strangers at the age of fifteen.
Now I am tired of this stupid little game I have allowed you to play."
The silver in Orb's hair grows and the blue in his eyes turns golden, then Setanta says, "I will be taking over your body now, and removing all the pests from your home, even if I have to kill them all."
Φ As the change encroaches on Orb's body, Setanta stops for a moment and says, "What's the look?"
Staring at Setanta, the parts of Orb's hair that are still his own turn green, and he has a giant smile on his face while crying profusely.
"I am just happy."
"Because you're everything I thought you were. Wolfie, you're such a nice and caring person who really was always looking out for me. But more than that, you lived a long life and got to share that with so many different people. I don't know much, but I did feel that at no point in your long life were you alone."
"The world would have been a better place if I had been."
Sighing, Orb says, "I can see why Ferdiad was angry at you all the time. But in the spirit of your brother, I will kick some sense into you!"
Orb moves his leg upwards and kicks Setanta in his gut with a kick infused with spirit energy, then jumps backwards, and says, "Stop being an idiot!"
Angered, Setanta says, "Don't think you can escape from here, this is my mental world, and nothing can leave when it enters without my permission."
Orb moves forward, and as he does, he flips and rotates his body, whilst saying, "Like I was planning to leave anyways."
Jumping into the air, Orb raises his leg into the air and says, "Helix battle arts; Spiral."
Orb axe kicks Setanta, and when he does, the rotational energy moves from his body to Setanta, sending a shockwave through Setanta's.
But when this happens, Setanta doesn't even react and says, "If something like that could do damage to me, my life would have ended back when I fought Daire."
Setanta grabs Orb's leg and throws him back. Then as Orb lands, he says, "Then show me what you got because I hope you know that I also happen to be a prodigy, Wolfie."
Orb locks his vision to Setanta's body, but the moment he blinks, Setanta disappears, and before Orb notices him again, his body is flying across the room.
Orb lands on his back and then brings his hands to his chest where he notices there is a fist mark, and moments later he spits out blood and says, "My lungs."
Appearing in front of Orb, Setanta walks forward slowly, and Orb says, "You are nothing like you were as a child."
"I died nearly a century later. Did you seriously think I didn't improve, you fool?"
Picking himself up, Orb says, "Regardless of if you did, I have still fought against foes far stronger than myself and won."
Orb charges forward and consistently attacks Setanta, but with minimal effort, Setanta block all of Orb's attacks while striking him at a speed Orb can't keep up with.
"Did you really think you were a prodigy you fool? Your spirit energy control is worse than when I first awakened mine; all of your innate fighting abilities are just instincts you inherited from me, your enhanced sense is also from my beastkin abilities, just like your regeneration.
If you weren't blessed with my powers, you would have died again and again and again and again. Yet you think your lucky break, after lucky break means that you are talented? Means that you can actually live some kind of life different to mine?"
Setanta kicks Orb in the stomach, then says, "Your life is just an amalgamation of the mistakes of others, who would take them back if they ever had a chance to. Don't get cocky!
I tried to protect and guide you away from all of this, but you let that poisonous man named Captivant destroy all I had built for you. I should have killed him the moment I felt him encroach on my land."
Standing up, Orb says, "If you think the only reason I do this is because of Captivant, you're a big dumb idiot."
Setanta moves his hand and then sends a wave of ice over to Orb, which freezes his body, and Orb starts to scream in pain. "Due to the blood of Vánagandr, you've never felt the cold before, but now I hope you understand the pain millions felt before they died."
As the cold seeps into Orb's body, the image of the woman with black hair standing over Orb's body plays again, but he quickly snaps out of it and stares directly at Setanta.
Setanta moves over to Orb's body and says, "That's powerlessness, that's helplessness, and you will feel that far more intensely if you continue to move forward, if you continue to fight for others, and stay out in the world. I am by no means the strongest, and my legacy will only ever get you so far. Orb, give up."
Φ I feel calm, far more calm than I usually ever do. It must be because this feeling of ice being ingrained in my body is something that gave me happiness for the vast majority of my life. Back when you raised me Setanta, when we stayed in the snow playing without a care in the world. At that moment, I was happy.
I have never repaid you for that kindness.
Through my body, I send spirit energy and burst forth from the ice with my skin ripping out, and I hug Setanta in front of me, and say, "Setanta you don't get it do you."
Freezing my body again, he says, "There is nothing to get, just be silent and follow my instructions."
"Not one of them regret it. All of them who met you hold it close in their hearts."
Pushing me away while increasing the amount of his ice, Setanta says, "You've barely seen an eighth of the memories I have experienced in my life, and now you think you can tell me what those who I cared for think!?
I have failed them far more than you know, I have made them regret far more than you know, and I have led to the deaths of innocent people who deserved to experience far more than I ever did. NOW SILENCE, YOU FOOLISH CHILD!"
"SHUT UP, YOU STUPID WOLF! You are always ignoring my feelings and my cries for you to come back. You barely understand how I child felt after raising me, and you somehow think you can understand others? Don't make me laugh.
I have seen your memories, and I have seen their expressions; I have made all of the same ones when thinking of you Wolfie. Yet, despite all of the sadness and despair I have faced since meeting you and since meeting Captivant, I would never say I regret doing it. I love you."
Setanta freezes for a moment, then pushes me back, and says, "I don't need your love, I need your happiness, your safety, for you to never experience the despair that comes from this unfair world."
I smash my foot into the ground and say, "My failures are my own, I don't consider any aspect of my existence to be unfair. I have always had the ability to fight and will continue to fight.
Right here and now, I won't be able to promise you I will be able to live a life I am proud of; I have given up on such a dream. But I can say one thing, that it is possible, and I am sure the people of Niflheim will show you it's true.
So Setanta come along with me and through my eyes see the beauty in life, through my nose smell all there is to smell, through my mouth eat the food people have poured their souls into, through my ears hear the joy of their voices, and with my mind understand how great all those who walk on this planet are.
Let's move forward together, and I promise you that if there is ever a time when what I say isn't true, I will come back here and live with you for eternity. So how does that sound, Wolfie?"
Setanta walks past me, then says, "That's fine. Do whatever you want."
Smiling, I say, "It worked. I thought for a second that you were actually going to control me."
"I will make efforts to stop my memories and experiences from falling into your head again. Now you should be able to interact with beastkin for the most part."
"Really, that's amazing."
Sighing, Setanta says, "A bloodline of fools," then he starts to walk away.
Running up behind him, I say, "Hey, I have a question."
As I run, the distance between us expands to a crazy extent, and he says, "I am kicking you out of here."
"Wait before that, can you tell me why you decided to stay with me!?"
"I was just repaying a favour, nothing else."
Right before I am forcefully kicked out of the world around us, I shout, "I LOVE YOU WOLFIE, AND WILL MAKE SURE TO MAKE YOU HAPPY EVEN IN DEATH!"
"Take care, Orb."
As those words leave Setanta's mouth, Orb is thrust out of the world, and then on the back of Cyrus, Orb opens his eyes.
Φ In front of the beastkin and Fanalis armies, including Suzuka, Maple, Willow and Iancu, Senán says, "And thus the second human-beastkin war came to an end, and our story."
Iancu replies, "The end? Isn't there a third and a fourth war?"
"Yes, but I think it would be pointless to tell the stories of them as they stand. For all I wanted to tell you today was to prove a point, the beastkins' foolishness and warmongering attitudes are what lead to our collapse first and foremost."
All of the Beastkin in the area lowered their heads, but then one of the beastkin say, "But the humans started this conflict, and it is only due to them that w-,"
Before the man can finish, Senán moves its giant head right on top of the man and says, "Please continue."
Senán body which mimic the size of a Behemoth, hushes the man out of pure fear, and Senán then says, "During that period, and the following battles, the beastkins refusal to make peace led to the near extinction of our people, because in the Red Branches own words, 'Death is better than defeat.'
Though one beastkin went through the efforts to stop this, Setanta Ó Faoláin, the beastkin who was locked up and hated for his love of humans, made this sanctuary you see here today. The fact that you all lived is because of that same human lover."
Shock moves through the bodies of the beastkin, and Senán says, "You all asked me why I never interfered with all the conflicts for the last 2000 years, and it is simple. Because I wished to prove beastkin were superior.
That if given time to develop, they would not fall into the same stagnation and foolishness humans have gotten themselves mixed up in, an experiment of sorts.
And I was proved that I was wrong, at the end of the day beastkin committed all mistakes just as grievous when separated. The people who were once tied together by their shared pain looked to dominate one another.
Back during the time of Louernia, the Fanalis would have been celebrated as the most superior warriors in our empire, but now they are abused just for existing. We are all just a pile of failures."
Cultúir on the ground says, "Don't listen to this fool! He has betrayed you and his people for 2000 years just to carry out his project, instead of spending that time improving our lives and bringing order.
Unlike this beast, those of us here are the continuation of the Red Branch; we carry their blood and their names, and we shall fight with all we have to reclaim our land.
The world belongs to us beastkin, and together, if we leave, we should be able to reclaim what it ours. So, my people don't lower you heads, but raise them up!"
Senán says, "Not a single one of you so-called Red Branch members carries their blood."
"I have kept extensive records of the lineage of the beastkin, and none of you carry the Red Branch blood. This sanctuary was set up for those who ran from war, otherwise known as cowards to the beastkin."
Cultúir drops her head and says, "That isn't possible."
"But it is. There are humans who have more ties to the Red Branch than you do."
Senán looks to the beastkin and says, "Your people have been nearly wiped out, your land has frozen over, and the world has moved forward while you have stagnated for 2000 years. Yet despite all of that, you choose to hate each other and kill one another, so I ask you what you want to do!?"
The beastkin and Fanalis armies look around, lost, but as they do, Senán says, "And that goes for you, inheritor of Setanta!"
Upon hearing Senán's words, all of the beastkin turn their heads and look at the people who have just arrived.
On Cyrus's back, Orb and Dillion jump off, landing on the ground.
Abbán and the rest of the Fanalis run towards Dillion, and after hugging him, Abbán says, "You're alive."
"Yeah, I am doing really good thanks to Orb and Cyrus."
The Fanalis look at Orb, and he walks slowly towards Senán, and seeing him, Senán lower his head to stare at Orb.
"So, you're the child who has inherited Cú Culainn's powers?"
"Yes, my name is Orb Rian, I have inherited Setanta as a legacy and a fair few of his memories."
"I am the grand druid and current leader of this community. My power is absolute and supreme over all those who live here. But I am only supposed to be keeping this title as a formality.
It belongs to the man who set this entire place up or his descendants, and you Orb, as the one with his legacy, fit the criteria. So, from this moment,t I veto all of my power towards you. In this moment, you are the new head of Nialathrú."
The beastkin start to whisper among themselves.
"He has inherited Setanta's power."
"Isn't he also a human?"
"Doesn't that mean he came with the rest of the humans?"
"That means he is untrustworthy."
"But the rest of those humans fought hard to keep us safe."
"So, isn't he trustworthy?"
"He is the only person who can control the ice that binds us, so he has to be the only choice for our leader."
"If Setanta has truly allowed him to use his power, he must care for us."
"I will trust in the man who went so far to protect his people."
"As will I."
Iancu seeing this smirks, and says, "IS THAT HOW YOU GREET THE NEW RULER OF THE BEASTKIN!"
Soon, all of the beastkin in the area bend the knee to Setanta and say, "Orb Rian, we pledge ourselves to you."
Φ This is the best-case scenario. Right now, all of the beastkin are submitting to the idiot. As long as Orb doesn't mess this up, we will have a whole lot more help and resources to set up Niflheim.
You know what to do Or-,
Φ Iancu's joy is quickly interrupted by the face of utter disgust on Orb's face, and he quickly runs over to him and says, "What are you doing!"
"CYRUS!" Orb shouts, causing Cyrus grab Iancu.
Stepping forward, Orb says, "The hell is wrong with all of you fucking idiots!"
The beastkin are shocked by Orb's words, but then he quickly says, "You hear all of that story, and your response is to bow your heads and tell me to handle it.
You guys made Setanta your scapegoat during the second war and now want me to fix all your problems because you're too lazy to do so, and you idiots don't even know anything about me, and you decided to bend the knee.
What kind of slave mentality is this? If you want to be a bunch of slaves, then find so be it. I will strap collars on your necks and sell you morons to the highest bidder.
If you have a problem with that you can shove it up your asses, because you all just bowed you head to me, so you're all my property, you got that my little pe-."
Maple comes up behind Orb and breaks his neck. Then, Willow and Maple start to bow their heads, saying, "Sorry for this idiot!"
Maple then turns and stuffs her fingers up Orb's nose and says, "Listen here you idiot, don't just go around antagonizing people who were just trying to kill each other! UNITY, NOT DIVISION!"
Scared for his life, Orb bows his head and says, "Ok."
Walking forward, Orb says, "You people have lost everything. Not a single piece of your glory remains anywhere to be seen compared to what you once had.
Now each of you walk a part to starvation, with the only thing you can do is to war against each other until your land fills with corpses once again, a pack of fools.
Yet you wish to have me take the role as a master who will lift you idiots out of despair. A complete and utter lack of responsibility for your own actions.
You take glory in your blood and land, but refuse to learn from the mistakes of them, and now you are all standing alone in this world without a single thing to support you outside of a stranger you don't know.
Up just above this land are people nothing like you. Those who lost their families or never had anything close to it, people who yearn for all you have.
Yet they don't fight amongst themselves or tear each other down. They stand together and fight against the fate that has been given to them, and aspire to build a place where they can belong."
The beastkin lowered their heads in shame as Orb talks until he says, "And I invite all of you to join them!"
Abbán says, "Would you really allow all of us to come with you?"
"Yes, but as long as you make one promise to me. Dedicate your lives to changing. Today, each and every one of you were prepared to lay down your lives and claim the lives of your fellow countrymen.
Show resolve when it comes to change, when it comes to combating your hatred, your fear, your sadness, your greed, and your history, the same thing that everyone above you does to allow themselves to move forward and become stronger. So will the beastkin of Nialathrú join us?"
Many of them start to bow their heads, and Orb says, "Don't bow your heads! Because what I need most from all of you is to stare right at the problems and fight with me."
Looking at Orb, they all say, "I will!"
One by one, each of them chants their agreements, and after hearing this, Orb claps his hand, then says, "Good! Now, let's get a few things done."
"First I strip every one of their noble titles, all government branches of their power, and all people of their rights, and give them all to me."
The beastkin stop and look at him in shock, then shout, "WHAT!"
"I am now the sole absolute monarch of you all! Next, I veto all judicial power towards Dillion Fuinseog."
Dillion, pointing at himself, says, "Me?"
"You were assaulted, which is the starting factor of this war, so you get to dish out whatever punishment you want on all of these people. Including the so-called Red Branch leaders over there."
Cultúir, Amadan, Olc, and Leisciúil start to freak out when Orb says this, then Amadan says, "You have no power to do such a thing."
The giant beast Senán says, "I am merely an extension of the will of the ruler, I will follow any command given. So, Dillion, what do you want me to do?"
Dillion thinks very deeply for a second, then says, "I want everyone to hug."
Abbán says, "Dillion, you can't be serious?"
"I didn't really hear the full story. But I do remember what the kids were talking about earlier, and we should all get along. So, everyone hug!"
All of the people who were moments away from killing each other stand there staring at one another. But then Senán slams its arm on the ground, and everyone in the area starts to move towards each other hugging one another.
Orb, looking at this, says, "What a good sight."
Then he turns and grabs Maple, Suzuka, Willow, Iancu, and Cyrus in one big hug. "Good job, everyone."
Cyrus says, "I-I-I-I wil-l-l do bet-t-t-tter next time."
Suzuka says, "Stop pulling me so close to everyone, my heart can't take it!"
Iancu says, "Let go of me, you dumb wolf."
Maple says, "Haaa, at least everyone can get along now."
Willow says, "Are you ok Orb? You're looking sad?"
Imagines of Ferdiad, Minagrain, Ruairí, Laeg and Ibar flash through Orb's mind, and he says, "I just missed you guys a lot!"
Senán laughs, and from his eye,s a tear so big that it could fill a pond falls out as he looks at the beastkin and humans in front of him.
Turning to Senán, Orb looks at his tree horns, then says, "Hey, can you get us all out of here."
Senán bites into his arm a bit, and as the blood falls down, he says, "Beast blood battle arts ultimate art: Glomar Fás!"
From the ground, all of the plants beneath everyone grow at a ridiculous rate, and Orb then says, "Cyrus, I need you to help me."
Both Orb and Cyrus jump up, and Maple hits them both with her legacy,y speeding them up, then Orb says, "Advent."
And as they both head toward the top of the ceiling, they attack with incredible force, pushing their way through the ground and making a hole to the surface.
Together with Dillion and Dumnorix, Abbán takes the first step onto their former continent, which they originated from, and he looks at the moon in the sky, he says, "This is the surface."
On the 28th day of the 12th month, Capricorn, the beastkin have been reintroduced into the world.
As they all stand on the land, Willow turns to Orb and says, "Almost forgot, happy birthday, Orb."
Looking up, Orb says, "I guess it is my birthday."
In the dead of night, as a celebration takes place in the distance, Orb walks forward looking at a wolf composed of snow in front of him, and he says, "Hey Setanta, I know it's you controlling that wolf so why don't you just speak to me directly."
The wolf continues to walk forward, and Orb says, "You're very cute, like a little girl hiding her feelings."
Soon, the wolf dissipates into the snow, and Orb runs forward towards its location, saying, "I know you're in my head, so you can vanish all you want, but you'll never be able to leave me."
As Orb walks, he sees a bump, then he says, "Isn't this where I buried Draga?"
Kneeling, Orb says, "I guess it has been some time since we caught up."
Looking to the left, Orb sees another bump in the ground and then says, "This wasn't there before."
Orb places his hand on in, but he smiles as he understands who it is. Moving in between the two bodies, Orb says, "I have a lot to tell both of you now."
Orb speaks to the lovely couple buried in the ground together, and Setanta watches from his inner world, and says, "I have already seen two of your descendants live horrible lives, so if any god hears my pleas. Allow those who descend from the family of Lux to truly be happy in this area. It is my only wish."