Chereads / Legacies Of Light / Chapter 391 - Arc 10.140: The final celebration part 12

Chapter 391 - Arc 10.140: The final celebration part 12

My skin tenses up with rage, but Péatra grabs my arms and says, "Right now if you cause a scene in front of everyone it will be a mess and a show of weakness to the people."

Restraining myself, I look at Bricriu who says, "Cú Culainn the warrior whose name has been spread far and wide throughout the empire has committed a grave sin.

He has aided human slaves in their escape from the empire, siding with the idea that they deserve to be treated as equals to us. He has betrayed both the empire and his blood.

These slaves are now loose carrying critical information about our empire and will aid our enemies in upcoming battles. But do not worry as Ferdiad has bested Cú Culainn today, he has overcome the rapid warrior and now stands on top of the greatest talent in the empire!"

Walking forward Ferdiad says, "Know this as long as I stand at the head of my generation. I will never allow tragedy to befall you all, I will fight tooth and nail till the east has fallen. So from today on I am Cú Dannan, the protector of the people of this land!"

The people let out screams into the sky, and as they do I grip my fist, and say, "We were outplayed. This failure is not one we will be recovering from."

Φ And just like that, the wedding between both Lugh and Péatra had come to a climatic end. The ripples of this event sent shockwaves through the empire which had to be guarded against.

-One week later-

Location: Gorias prisons

A humming echoes through the area as the child of light within the empty prison sings to himself hopping to pass time quicker. His tune amuses the guards standing in front of his cell, so they join in on the tune.

But as they dive deeper into the tune, with one step after another the embodiment of light walks through the prisons of Gorias, and as he moves he signals all those standing guards to leave his presence.

His face shows a discomfort that spooks the guards as they walk by, but what worries the guards, even more, is the humming that doesn't stop despite who just entered the room.

Soon Lugh stops in front of Setanta and looks down towards his smiling son humming without a care in the world. Looking at his father, he says, "Good morning, sir, you look stressed?"

Lugh looks back at him then he kicks up a peddle and catches it. With a flick of his wrist, he throws the peddle at high speed into one of Setanta's eyes which causes Setanta to roll on the floor in pain.

Both his hands and legs are tied so he struggles to pull out the stone. But after he manages to get it out, Setanta says, "I was just trying to lighten the mood."

Pulling one of the guards' chairs towards himself, Lugh sits down and says, "If you wanted a kind mood, I would suggest not pulling the stunt you did, it caused quite a bit of trouble."

Calming his demeanour, Setanta with a worried look asks, "What has the fallout been?"

"Your name has been dragged in the mud, and now lots of the recognition you had has been given to Ferdiad with the help of a rather skilful propaganda campaign.

Which I had to support them since the people had lost their would-be hero and we needed to replace it. Not only that but Bricriu, the pest himself has gotten a lot more support and recognition so getting rid of him is far harder than we ever thought despite having his throat in a bind."

Sighing, I say, "It looks fine."

"How is this fine?"

"Because my little darling and unit aren't getting harassed."

"I feel like you are underestimating how much you have screwed up Setanta. A week ago, you very extent held immense control over the people of Gorias and had the support of three kings. Now it has gone from a matter of when you become the high king to if?"

Sighing, Setanta says, "So all the rumours were true, you were trying to turn me into the high king."

"If I told an idiot like you, and you acted with that information. I can't imagine what you would do with that information after this nonsense."

"Nonsense? I saved my friend."

Lugh smashes his foot into the ground, and says, "You let a human go with a royal wonderbeast, and him to take more humans and escape."

Smiling Setanta says, "So he escaped. I am glad."

"You're a fool Setanta."

"And you're a liar!"


"You are saying all of this to me over how the people will react, but if that was the only thing you were angry about you wouldn't be reacting this much. So, father, my king, tell me why you see humans as below us?"

Sighing, Lugh composes himself and glares right into Setanta's arms, then says, "Setanta how many races do you think lived on the earth like beastkin and humans?"

"Isn't it just humans, dragons, and beastkin?"

"Incorrect. There were 7 in this world. Humans, Beastkin, Dragons, Seers, Nephilim, Yugaku, and Seraphs. Each one where thinking creatures like us, and existed on this planet just like us."

"Then how come I have never seen them?"

"Because just like us beastkin, almost all of them have been driven to near extinction. The only exceptions are dragons and Seraphs who have distanced themselves from us. Did the stories we read to the children not say Danu had siblings, these races are descended from these siblings."

"Wait, that doesn't make sense. Doesn't the story say that Danu and her siblings blessed humans with powers and that it was the god called Messiah that defeated them in a vengeful battle?"

"That's merely the popular theory that was pushed by nationalists when we first founded the empire, it is based on faulty information. The truth of the matter is that lots of records have been destroyed, and the true story is unknown to us. But using our current knowledge we know that Danu had a family and part of that family where others including the human god called the messiah. The exact familial relationship is unknown, but to our knowledge, just all the seven known races descend from one of the family members. Danu never blessed humans, we beastkin are a different race entirely."

"If you knew that why did you teach us we descend from humans?"

"First, the logic the nationalists used when saying we didn't descend from humans is faulty, and was made before the discoveries were found, and second it makes it easier for beastkin and humans to get along that way."

"So is that difference the reason you think we can teach humans whatever way we want?" Setanta says with an aggressive tone.

"Setanta through the efforts of the Cumhaill and Biorg, we know a battle took place in which the seven races fought, and the humans came out on top. But without a doubt, they are the weakest out of every single one of the races, so I ask you this question how did the humans survive?"

Setanta freezes for a moment unable to answer, and then Lugh says, "It is because of a simple weapon they wield, love.

As a race, they have a greater emotional range than the rest of the races, which they often use to seduce and trick the leaders of the other races into destroying themselves, whilst also converting the other races to their side. Then during the infighting they reproduce like bunnies to increase their numbers crushing their opponents with serve numbers."

"Everything you just said sounds like sound tactics to defeat a stronger opponent. Cowardly, but not foolish."

"You miss the point. The greater emotional range given by humans leads to their greatest problem, stagnation. As a species, they hate each other just enough to wipe out all they have built and almost themselves, but at the same time love each other enough to never fully destroy themselves.

They cannot commit to kindness or hatred and constantly move through each state bringing all the others on the planet to ruin along with themselves."

"Hate and love coexist in all of us it is necessary for balance to exist, it sounds like you're just making a reason to not accept people!"

"Setanta balance is a perfect harmony of two things that allow them to move forward. What humans do is shift from one extreme to the end with their love and hate, which causes them to stand still? But I agree with you in that they still have value."


"We were given these bodies to help us connect more with nature, and understand the balance of life. It is our job of us dictated by our biology to lead them forward.

Guide them so they can experience happiness and joy whilst enjoying the fruits of their own labours. To make sure their stagnation ceases, and they move forward into the future.

That's why we exist Setanta, to lead them. But like all leaders, there will be times when we have to make sacrifices, and we refuse to do such a thing. So, my son, I want you to change your views and move forward with me to build a better future."

Setanta looks down, and says, "You're really amazing Dad, but I refuse."

Slamming his foot on the ground in anger, Lugh gets up and pulls Setanta's body against the railing of his jail cell then says, "Now why is that you arrogant spoilt brat."

"Because everything I love about you has nothing to do with your biology. You have been far too good to me for me to believe something like biology matters that much."

Shock manifests itself over Lugh's face, and he drops Setanta. Then he says, "You will be staying here until further notice, I don't care how many years it takes, that parasite in your brain will be removed."

Lugh walks away, and as he does Minagrain walks past him and over to Setanta. After she arrives a very loud slap follows, and Lugh says, "I can still try to fix his reputation during the invasion east. If I plunk him on the battlefield during a critical moment, we can still turn things around."

As Lugh leaves Setanta face Minagrain, and says, "I am sorry darling. Don't be mad."

She brings her head close to him, and head-butts him over and over, then kisses him, which makes Setanta say, "Aww."

She hits him again, and then she communicates, "I didn't know what happened to you! I was worried! And what kind of surprise was that?"

Rubbing his head against the floor, Setanta says, "I am sorry I won't ever do something that makes you uncomfortable ever again."

Raising his head, he says, "But I do have a least one slight favour that may make you uncomfortable."

Minagrain headbutts Setanta again, and Lugh finally makes it out of the underground dungeons, then he says to the guards, "Give the two a few minutes of time to spend with each other."

Lugh walks away, and running down the corridor in front of him Darragh yells, "LUGH WE HAVE AN ISSUE!"

"Don't yell like a brute."

Darragh ignores him and just puts his hands on Lugh's shoulders then says, "There is a massive issue, and all of the Red branch houses have been summoned."

Seeing the look of distress and panic on Darragh's face, Lugh asks, "What happened."

Darragh says, "The humans-."


Continent: Victoria

Location: Land of Niruuian; Private quarters

Φ Sitting on a bed a broken man lays who has no sense of self or his surroundings, and by his bedside, there is a man, a child and standing on the child's head an owl. The child holds the hand of the man who can barely keep his drool in his mouth, and says, "No uncle, you can't be doing that."

With a piece of paper, he cleans the drool, and the adult in the room pats the boy's head, and then he sticks up his thumb saying, "Good job."

His son smiles and says, "I WILL!!"

"Blu keep my son close."

The omega owl Blu flaps its wings at the man.

The man gets up and then walks to the doors of the room they are inside, and then turns back saying, "I will return Nero,"

As the man leaves, he is greeted by four warriors wearing cloth similar to him with the only metal on them begin the weapons at their sides.

Each of them has a mantle dappled over their right shoulders which all have the designs of animals, with the leader of them having a Condor on his.

They all walk forward and soon they stand in front of a giant crowd of humans, far more numerous than all those gathered in Gorias during the celebration.

Standing in front of everyone, the man in front of his four warriors, the man says, "Our suffering ends today, our fear ends today, our sadness ends today, our slavery ends today.

On my name, I swear to you that the freedom I have allowed you to taste will be given to all of humanity till the day we bury ourselves in the ground. So give me your hearts, your swords, your lives, and swear them to me and I will be victorious! NOW ROAR MY SOLDIERS!"

The humans scream, and then they chant, "Charles Animus, Charles Animus, CHARLES ANIMUS!"

On the 27th day of the 2nd month of the 133rd year of athbhreith beithíoch calendar, King Charles Animus declared war on the Empire of Louernia and started the second human-beastkin war.