Chereads / Legacies Of Light / Chapter 340 - Arc 10.89: Intersection between the future and the past part 4

Chapter 340 - Arc 10.89: Intersection between the future and the past part 4

Throughout the area loud trumpets play, and then we hear, "His highest and the greatest power in all of the empire. High king Conchobar Ó Danu."

Soon after this is said together with a group of armed Fanalis, a man with an average build walks through the most extravagant door in the room, and descends onto us all.

He is covered from head to toe, in fine cloth and jewellery. This all gives him a great presence of authority and power, but even with all of this plus his guards, he doesn't grab my attention as much as Scáthach and Lugh did.

He might be the high king but I feel like his existence doesn't command the authority of such a title.

However, one thing that does is how quickly both Lugh and Scáthach's knees dropped when they saw him. This quickly made everyone else in the room including me follow suit, even Setanta did so without making a single scene.

Moving over to Lugh and Scáthach, he reaches out his arm and says, "Now everyone rise."

He lifts both Lugh and Scáthach up and everyone else gets back up, and then with a smile he says, "Brother-in-law how are you doing today."

Bowing slightly he says, "I was just dealing with my rowdy son."

With a hefty laugh, he replies, "Danu must be repaying you for all your behaviour."

Lugh looks confused, and asks, "Whatever do you mean?"

Scáthach says, "I truly wish I could see the world through the eyes of you and your son."

"You are free to harvest them when I die."

Conchobar says, "That's still a long while off. I plan to put you to work for every single bit of your remaining lifespan for the incident you caused."

The high king gives a look to Ronald, who turns his head and looks away. "You can look away all you want, but that goes for you as well Fuinseog."

Ronald looks slightly embarrassed and his younger siblings start to make fun of him a little.

Donald Fuinseog walking forward says, "My lord so will that be the punishment for the executions?"

Sighing he says, "Yes. But that isn't an excuse for you to go ahead and do all these things. I was seriously considering throwing the both of you into prison."

Everyone looks slightly shocked, and Donald says, "What changed your decision."

"Another one of the four kings stepped in, and she demands that both of you visit her."

Ronald looks shaken by this, and Lugh says, "I hope you know I am still married to my wife in soul."

"Well if you don't like this you shouldn't have acted in such a stupid way."

Surprisingly Lugh looks shaken, and Scáthach pats him on the head. Conchobar then says, "Now where is my nephew I would love to see him."

Conchobar looks around and then stares at his leg where he sees Setanta rubbing some of his snot against his garments. Me and Laeg instantly grab Setanta and I say, "Who dropped you!"

Laeg points at Ferdiad who is despairing and she says, "Look at what you're doing to his poor heart, he can't take much more of this you brat."

"Stop overreacting you two, it is just clothes?"

Conchobar grabs Setanta, picks him up by the face and says, "So it seems my sister didn't die, but came back to life in the body of an annoying dog."

"Woof," Setanta says.

"You think you're cute?"

"Utterly adorable."

Hugging Setanta close, he says, "WELL YOUR NOT!"."

Conchobar starts to pull at Setanta's cheeks in a rather unfaltering way, and Setanta equally fights back creating an embarrassing sight. Though the both of them look rather jolly as they fight.

Ferdiad walking up behind us, says, "Whenever Setanta is around, the high king starts to get infected by his cheeky attitude causing him to act in an unhinged manner."

"So that's why you were despairing at Setanta's actions."

"At this point, I just think we need to chain his arms and legs."

"As if that would even keep him locked up Ibar."

Soon another trumpet roars, and then another one of the doors opens, and the announcer says, "The genius who has discovered more of Danu's secrets than anyone else in our entire history. The king of Murias Medb Mac Céilús."

As the door of the Céilús family opens, an enchanting beastkin walks out and stands on the top of the steps, she doesn't move forward and for a moment she simply lets all of the eyes in the room gaze at her presence.

But then she turns her head back and a man walks out. Soon the entire room is filled with grasps and looks of shock.

And then I turn to my sister and say, "Isn't he the one from all of the picture books, and statues."

She nods her head, and says, "Without a doubt, I am sure it is."

The announcer regaining his bearing says, "Unknown to any of us, a rather wonderful event has just taken place. The hero king who fought against the humans and liberated us from their imprisonment, the one who established our great empire in the world, our first ruler Fergus Ó Danu!"

A man walks forward who is dressed in robes that only really cover the bottom of his body, the top of his body is mostly exposed with a few sections covered. He wears next to no jewellery but still stands out due to both his massive stature and the unending scars that plague his muscles.

He is a deer beastkin, so on the top of his head our beautiful antlers that by themselves could attract anyone's attention. His appearance is one of a walking legend.

But the thing that makes me feel that the most is the smile he wears on his face, confident and unending. Even with a grey head of hair, and beard, his smile is that of a cocky young man, but unlike such a person he seems to have the experience to back up such an attitude.

He walks forward and as he does each of his steps carries power and weight to them, so much so that I feel my body start to tremble.

The room is dead silent, and in this silence even I am able to pick up on the subtle movements of the fool close to me. Setanta instantly dashes forward and tries to strike him in the face, screaming, "HELLO GRANDPA!"

But almost as if time froze, I see Setanta in a carter on one of the walls, and another instant later I see Fergus stand in front of Setanta.

My sister says, "Please forgive him for his foolish actions."

"She is right as his men we should have handled his education."

He turns to look at us, but as he does that Setanta moves from the crater and strikes him in the back of the head, which causes Fergus to smile, grab Setanta and then say, "You got two new wonderful retainers, and have mastered spirit arts, YOU TRULY ARE AMAZING MY GRANDSON!"

With a hefty, and hearty laugh, Setanta responds, "Well what do you expect from the greatest beastkin to ever walk this planet!"

Laughing even more than Setanta, Fergus says, "That's some confidence, but what else would I expect from my little rampaging wolf."

Fergus slams Setanta into the ground, and says, "But don't think I will ever let you have the last laugh!"

Setanta moves and strikes him back saying, "I am not like how I was before, you won't be getting the last hit this time."

Both of them start to fight causing a huge disturbance, and I say, "It is like we have two Setanta."

Ferdiad walking up to us, says, "That's incorrect, it is more like we have two Fergus's. Setanta learned most of his behaviour straight from his doting grandfather."

"So the hero king is actually just another Setanta?" My sister says like a disillusioned child.

Looking at Ferdiad, I say, "Should we do something about this?"

"Just work with me and make sure none of the debris their fight causes will fly into anyone else. We don't need a fatality today."


Φ As the kids move to protect the guest, Medb moves towards Lugh, Conchobar, and Scáthach, then says, "Good day my fellow king," With a pleasant smile.

Lugh stares back at her, and says, "What a displeasure to meet you Medb."

Conchobar steps on Lugh's foot, and says, "He meant you are dressed beautifully tonight."

Medb says, "No need to cover for him. I already know this man lacks tact in many different ways."

Scáthach laughs a bit and says, "You say that but I was pleaded with to raise the both of you out of your strange ways."

Medb with a cocky smile says, "But unlike him, I have actually become a fully functional person."

Lugh says, "The day that a woman who spends her days cutting up animals, and sleeping with men is considered more functional than me, is the day the sky falls."

Medb slightly annoyed turns to Conchobar and says, "Would you please defend your mother."

"I will the day you experience either the pain of birthing me or that of raising me. Merely sharing a bed with my dad isn't enough," He says slightly annoyed.

"Oh I simply jest my high king, did you take me seriously? This is how you always fell for me and Deichtire jokes."

Conchobar says, "Those pranks would be considered too much to even inflict onto humans let alone a child like I was."

Lugh says, "Some people just don't have a sense for others."

Both Conchobar and Medb stare at Lugh, and then Medb says, "I surely didn't hear such a thing come out of your mouth did I?"

"Of course you did. It seems spending time with all those animals has impeded your ability to use your brain."

"Who was it again, that talked to the high king to let you keep your position."

"Don't talk about such as if it is a compassionate act, I for one know that whatever you want will bring shame onto my body."

"Is it really shameful if it would advance the empire of Louernia forward?"

"The very act of being associated with you is shameful."

Medb and Lugh's anger starts to leak out of their body, and Scáthach just laughs a bit.

Lugh says, "So she has finally gone senile, I promise to throw you a grand funeral."

Medb says, "I knew this day was coming, I could tell by her sense of style that her mind was degrading."

"You both overexaggerate. I was just laughing at how despite all appearances you're still my same kids. The king known for perfection still lacks as much tact as ever, and the girl who is known for her purpose and achievements is still a sensitive princess who used to cry into my chest. Looking at all of your talk makes me feel decades younger."

Suddenly a piece of jewellery flies into Scáthach's face at high speed and this causes fright to appear on the faces of all those around her. Sound they all turn their heads and see that the object came from Setanta and Fergus's fight, who have completely stopped as they realize what they have done.

Scáthach then says, "Please give me a moment to go educate a former and current student of mine."

Setanta and Fergus shake unendingly, and soon they are being crushed by shadows.

Soon after this, a woman with red hair walks up, and says, "My lady I am here."

She has burning red hair, and equally burning red wings, but her fierce appearance is contrasted with her shy expression. Medb then says, "Hello Setanta, this is one of my druids, Péatra Ní Céilús. I would like you to keep her company for the rest of the party."


"I will talk to you about it later, but think of this as the start to repaying your favour to me."


They both do a greeting and then walk away together.

Conchobar says, "My sister is probably going to curse you on the next Samhain."

Medb giggles a bit, and says, "If she was going to curse me for such a thing, it would have happened years ago."

"What could you mean by that?"

Walking away she also says, "My little secret."

Waving at Ronald she says, "Now let's talk about what you are going to do to repay me."

Φ Could those words mean what I think they do? "No I doubt it is true, and besides what I said was stupid. People stopped seeing the dead during Samhain years ago."