Chereads / YOU WERE HERE / Chapter 10 - Raidan -

Chapter 10 - Raidan -

"Ok, fine. You win. But are you really not a gay?" she said giving a curious look.

"Adding insult to injury?? What a wonderful way to treat your fiance!!!" I said, narrowing my eyes.

"No.... No.. I'm just... Curious. Yeah right, I'm curious, cause to think, I mean given how close you are with him, anybody would be mistaken", she said with a grin.

"Oh really? Is that how it is?" I said giving her a suspicious yet amused look.

"Yeah", she replied almost before the words left my mouth.

But as she saw the amusement in my eyes she added, "Are you playing with me? Stop changing the topic and give me an answer".

She sounded serious, almost like me, when I'm with others. It's really embarrassing to finally know how others must feel when I'm like this with them.

"Ok, don't yell. I'm telling you.... umm... I'm not gay. And M, he is my best friend and brother", I swallowed before saying the last word.

Because, even a moment ago nobody knew about my actual relationship with my friends. M, B, A, S, they are not only my friends but also my brothers, cousin brothers might I add. But now she knows. I was expecting an exploding reaction from her.

But she just stared at me and said, "That's all?"

"Yeah, unless you were expecting something else. You weren't expecting my sexuality to be..... ??" I paused seeing the guilty look on her face and after a while I continued, "I swear I'm straight. I've no interest in men whatsoever", I tried to explain.

Cause she is the last person in the world I would want to misunderstand me. "Ok, I got it. Don't yell", she said in a low voice.

I wasn't yelling, I would never yell at her. Yeah maybe I've yelled at her a few times before but I won't do it anymore. I was going beg her to believe me again, when I felt a vibration in my pocket, it was my phone. Someone must be calling me. My phone number is very personal. Not everybody has it. Only my friends and Mr. Kim and Steve had it. So, it must be one of them. I took out my phone to check who it was. It was M. But I didn't want to answer it. So I hung up with a text saying 'I'm busy'.

So, he sent me a text, which says, "Alexia, she knows!!!! You told D??? She told her, likely!!"

Ok fine. Now I've got another problem to deal with. And I don't like this problem at all. It's a frustrating problem. But I don't blame Lam. They are friends, best friends actually, so it's completely natural. But gosh!! Am I being understanding right now? If it was someone else in her place, I would have probably killed her right now. But Her!! I just can't even bring myself to ask her if she told Alexia, let alone killing. Gosh!! Someone save me!!! But who can save me when I want to bring doom on myself. Even though I won't ask her about it but I need to warn her about something.

"Umm.... Lam, can you do me a favor? Don't tell anyone about my relationship with M", I quickly mended my sentence as I realized that how weird it sounded ,"I mean don't tell anyone that he is my brother, Ok?" I looked at her making puppy eyes that I have never ever made infront of anybody else.

"I'm not a gossip girl. I won't, don't worry", she said with an assuring smile.

I smiled back at her with relived eyes.

"Raidan, may I ask you something?" I nodded.

"Why did you turn into a different person as soon as I joined the team? I mean, you were so good to me in the waiting room, just like you are right now. But then you changed. You treated me like a shit!!" she bit her lower lip after saying the last word and soon said, "You treated me so coldly". She complained.

And I am guessing this complain is the reason why she had added the condition in the contract which said, 'No cold treatment'.

But actually this is the question I feared the most from her. Cause, I don't know how to reply to that. I don't have any explanation for that.

I made an apologetic face and said, "I'm sorry. Don't worry, like the contract says I won't treat you coldly after our marriage. So, rest assured".

She is really naive. My these little words brought smile on her face. It's probably the most purest smile I've ever seen. Gosh!! I've got to treat her like a queen after she becomes my wife. Otherwise I'll fail myself.

"But Lam," I hesitated a moment before continuing "What about love? Last time you had said a marrige without love is baseless. Then what about now? Don't you want love anymore?" I said without blinking, fixing my gaze on her.

She shrugged and said," That was just a question to test you. Cause love is nothing but a cover that hides lust. And since it's a marriage", she paused and then took a deep breath and continued "so it doesn't really matter. And like you said it's not a fake marriage, it's a real one. So, those superficial things aren't necessary".

I was a little hurt by her statement honestly, cause it felt like she doesn't believe in love. But how can someone so good and kind not believe in love. I got puzzled for a while. Because if she actually didn't believe in love or somehow lost trust in love then it's going to be really hard for me to win her over, completely making her mine.

"You know the secret wasn't inside", I said as I walked with her through our dormitory gate after parking my car.

She looked at me blankly, as she didn't understand what I talked about, which I bet she didn't. "The tea sandwich, the secret behind its taste wasn't hidden inside the filling but it was the bread. The process of making the bread is different and also the butter. They made the butter in a special sort of traditional way", I explained.

After taking it all in, she looked surprise and gave me a look which I believed said, 'Screw you'.

"What?? No way?!! No freaking way", she quickly bit her tongue and said, " No doubt that I couldn't comprehend what it's secret was", she exclaimed in wonder.

And then she turned to face me, she stopped and I followed her, "You knew it the whole time and you are telling me only now? Why didn't you tell me while we were there? Maybe I could have steal a sandwich and run a research on it to know, to discover its secret". She said, pointing her index finger on me.

"I'm so sorry but I didn't realize that you were this intrested. I would have definitely enlighten you if I had a slightest idea", I said honestly.

"But then again, if you want to know so badly then I can definitely take you back there again", I added feeling that she might be pissed off at me.

"You would better be", she said making her eyes bigger and pointing her index finger on my way. I nodded.

We were inside the gate of Lam's dormitory when I noticed Alexia approaching us. She is probably here to confront me. Which is something I wouldn't want now, not infront of Lam. I hope she is also wise enough to understand that.

"We need to talk", she said looking at me.

I didn't even bother to reply. I wasn't even looking at her. Cause all my attention was on Lam. Like it has always been as long as she is around me.

Seeing my statue reaction Lam said "Hey Al, what are you doing out here?" side hugging Alexia.

"I'm here to steal him", Alexia said, looking at my face.

"You wouldn't mind if I steal him from you for a while, right?" Alexia added, still looking at my face. And in her eyes, she had so many things. Questions, frustration, anger and some other things that I don't really give a damn to.