Chereads / Legend Of The Auras / Chapter 10 - Affections and Revulsions

Chapter 10 - Affections and Revulsions

The burnt village looked like a massacre site which one can deduce with one swift look. Lingering faint smell of burnt flesh was on the air surrounding it. With the sun just raising the place looked ghostly. Just outside the village, someone's fresh grave was built. A few black-clothed men scrutinized the area along with the woman in charge of the group.

"Yin furen, I have found something. You should come and see", said one man.

Yin, cocked her head with an icy expression and said, "Where?"

The man said, "Just over the Silver Stream."

Yin turned around and commanded, "Three of you come with me and the rest keep checking the area. I want nothing else to be missed."

Four men and Yin reached the site where a couple of days ago the fight against the bugeomul took place. She squatted and checked the whole area which had burned due to the monster's fire. Surrounding all over were faded footprints of people and suddenly Yin spotted it. She swiftly stood up and crossed the stream and reached the other side, with the men following her. Huge footprints of an eagle-like creature were imprinted in front of them. The men puzzled looked at each other. Yin gasped with her eyes unable to believe what she was seeing and whispered to herself.

"How is this possible? Looks like a shenyagaru's footprint?"

One of the men asked her, "Furen, what is this thing?"

Yin said, "Not sure. Looks like a sheynagaru."

The man asked, "What is a sheynagaru? A monster"

Yin said, "The exact opposite. The heavenly creature can't be killed by any weapons or magic, except certain venom, supposedly extinct. Who must be the owner of it I wonder"

The men looked at each other with shock and whispered among themselves.

One of the men from the other group came running towards them and said, "Yin furen, we found a small abandoned camping site a few meters from the village. I am afraid we lost the chosen one again. But there are horse footprints going towards the west alongside the mountain. In fact, not just one but seems like a few horses."

Hearing it Yin grew red with rage and fisted an angry frustrated punch on the ground. She stood up a said with gritted teeth, "Follow the horse footprints. Now."

They ran over to their horses and rode off following the horse prints through the forest.

The Mountain Sect of Shrughna was preparing for Adara's big day. After today she will officially become a full-time aura. The whole Sect was in an energetic mood today. Mongmit, Dilara, and Yanvi were already at the ground helping with the preparations. The other Sect guests were up to getting ready. Tan Feng came back from washing up to find Yi Yun already dressed and ready. He sighed and thought to himself.

"Yi Yun probably will get a heart attack like this."

Last night he came back late and when Tan Feng saw him he was out of words and stupefied. The person in front of him stood like a tattered piece of cloth. When asked what happened Yi Yun told him how he was beaten up.

Tan Feng, "Whoaaahhh, I just said that in passing but who knew it's going to turn out to be true, that you actually got beaten up by her black and blue."

Then he looked at Yi Yun and saw that his expression was just the opposite of his condition. He then suddenly turned to Tan Feng and said excitedly,

"Feng'er, we should rest tomorrow is a big day for us."

Tan Feng was confused, "Us? We have nothing to do tomorrow."

Yi Yun, "Yes it's her big day so it's important. Let's sleep."

Tan Feng shook his head in hopelessness witnessing his friend's smitten state.

The next day when Jiva came to take them to the arena it was found that Jin Ho already left early. When Jiva asked, Dong Yul said,

"Jin Ho went to aghassi to accompany her to the arena. This morning she asked him to escort her"

Tan Feng was flabbergasted by that. He dreaded what sinister was going to happen now that Yi Yun who was ever so excited just got whacked by the news. Tan Feng can already feel the heat radiating as Yi Yun's temper is legendary in the Tianxia Mountain Sect. Tan Feng spoke,

"So when did Yeo xiong leave?"

Dong Yul, "Very early. She wanted to take him somewhere before the competition."

Yi Yun's happy and excited mood has been completely replaced by an unspeakable rage which, if looked carefully, can be seen radiating from his eyes. He quickly said,

"You guys go on. I will meet you in the arena."

The boys were puzzled as usual and Tan Feng shook his head in dismay sensing an inevitable disaster.

Jin Ho reached Adara's house and she came out wearing a black fighter uniform outfit. Her hair today was put up in a long ponytail. She had Vayusaka dangling by her waist. Jin Ho felt a rising likeness towards her but he somehow managed to put on a friendly face. When she came Jin Ho spoke,

"Adara-shii, you look more than ready for your test today, but why did you ask me to meet you and escort you??"

Adara, "I was strictly instructed by my friend Mongmit that you need your final checkup for your health after two days of the injury. So jhingu-yaa let's go to the medical facility before heading to the arena."

Jin Ho was so flustered and delighted with her gesture of being responsible and caring that he was at a loss for words. He somehow spoke, "Eiiii….you didn't have to do that. If you told me I would have gone there myself. After all, it's an important day for you today."

Adara, "Hey, listen I found you guys, and being guests here, you are my responsibility. And also I thought we were friends unless you think we are not."

Jin Ho flustered even more and said, "No no no of course we are friends. How can we not be?"

With that, his eyes looked at the girl who saved his life and he cannot help but feel attracted to her even more and it sure wasn't a friendly one. Since Adara doesn't like riding horses at all they walked together to the healing center. Jin Ho was checked thoroughly and there was no trace of any evil after-effects of the injury. Jin Ho folded his hands and bowed to the elderly medicus and thanked him for taking care of him and came out. He found Adara in the same spot the first time she came to take him; the blue lotus stone basin. He quietly approached her not trying to disturb the beautiful scene he was witnessing of her admiring the flowers.

Jin Ho, "Do you like blue lotuses?"

Adara looked up and saw Jin Ho already standing near her, "Ohh yes very much. It is my favorite flower."

Jin Ho, "In Yeoson we have lots of blue lotuses, especially in the imperial palace. I have never been there but it is said that the blue lotuses of the imperial palace are so beautiful and fragrant that one enters into a trance-like dream once it hits your nose."

Adara, "Whooaaaa, now I am dying to see it."

Jin Ho, "If we successfully carry out the mission in hand then I promise I will take you to Yeoson to see."

"Tianxia's blue lotuses are fabled too. In fact, blue lotuses have their origin there and later spread to Yeoson and other places."

Suddenly both of them were startled by the deep voice that spoke the sentence, interjecting their conversation. Yi Yun was standing supported on a tree just across the fence of the healing place and was long watching the two chatting among flowers.

"So, if you want to see blue lotuses then you should come with me", Yi Yun said while walking towards them.

Adara turned irritable and astonished by the untimely interjection and asked, "What the hell are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the arena with the others?"

Yi Yun came and cheekily said, "No I am supposed to be with you but looks like someone else is already here."

Adara, now visibly irritated, said, "Who said you should be with me?"

Yi Yun, like a confident flirt, replied, "I do."

Adara and Yi Yun both stared at each other. The former is in irritation while the latter in a shamelessly straightforward way.

Jin Ho somehow got the whip of the situation and hurriedly said,

"Ahhh well, then I will take my leave. Yi Yun-shii can accompany you."

Jin Ho was about to leave when Adara caught his hand and stopped him. She sternly said, "No, I asked you to accompany me today. You are going nowhere."

Yi Yun's face twitched with indignation but he swallowed it and quickly said, "Fine then, I am coming too."

Adara let out a breath of frustration and started walking with Jin Ho followed by Yi Yun who spoke in his mind.

"Yeo xiong! Looks like you and I need to have a chat soon."

The trio reached the arena and Adara turned toward both of them and said,

"Ok then, you guys go and have a seat. Wish me luck," to which Yi Yun grabbed her hand before Jin Ho could say anything and said,

"I wish you my best jiejie."

Adara hastily said thanks before taking her hands off his and leaving. The two boys then went and joined their friends. A little while later the chief master of the Academy, who was also a councilman came forward and announced three names for the ceremony. Adara's name was at the last and when her turn came the crowd became anxious and excited with silence as she stepped into the middle of the arena. A loud screech was heard piercing the silence. Looking up Adara's face flashed a bright smile. Yeongsin slowly flew across the arena watching her down as there was no space for her to settle and watch her companion. That was her way of wishing her good luck.

The event began with a sword fight between three senior auras and Adara, whom she defeated within minutes. The boys were shocked to see such a fine level of swordsmanship but all of them are waiting for something more. Next was her special test in which she was up against her kalarippayattu guru. The guru proved to be a very skilled fighter in the martial art technique and soon it was proved that he has successfully trained Adara for she ultimately defeated him and her master proudly announced that she passed her test and was fully combat-ready. After this came her power tests of mind and air. For mind, she was up against one of the Councilman who was an ace in mind spells. He almost subdued Adara but her intense practice paid off and she narrowly won it. It was the last that came as a shock to her. The person she was up against was none other than Daksh. It was unexpected as someone else with air power was supposed to be up against her but somehow Daksh replaced her. Adara was stunned and asked, "Why are you here?"

Daksh, "I volunteered to be up against you."

Adara, "Why? It was supposed to be someone else."

Daksh, "I know. But she is your batch mate right? Not a worthy opponent."

Meanwhile, in the audience, Jiva was spellbound, "Wow, this is really awkward. Unexpectedly awkward,"

Tan Feng asked, "Jiva xiong what's the matter? Is something going on?"

All the boys were equally inquisitive with Yi Yun the most.

Jiva, "Tan bhai…emmmm…actually these two have a history. They used to date before….emmm..but.Daksh…."

Yi Yun sternly asked, "Daksh what?"

The deep sinister voice with which he spoke the words startled all the boys. Jiva unaware of Yi Yun's situation told with uneasiness,

"Well, Yi bhai he cheated on her. She was very invested emotionally and loved him but he never cared for her and got involved with another girl. Ada was heartbroken to death. She stopped eating, sleeping, and even practicing her swords and powers. We were very worried. She gradually recovered but since then she seems a little indifferent and closed her heart to emotions. But you know at least she is past that depressing phase."

The feeling of seeping rage gradually rose within Yi Yun and he glanced at Daksh with a look so deadly that it seemed that he will kill him in this instance. Dong Yul then spoke with indignation,

"Omo sesanghae! how can someone be so heartless to do such a thing to aghassi? I mean she is a gem of a person, any blind can see that. And this moron could not see it."

Jin Ho looked at Adara from afar and thought to himself that until that moment no one could have known by looking at that smiling face that she had experienced such heartbreak.

Daksh meanwhile was ready with his spells and threw one at her. Adara was so distraught with facing him that she became defenseless. Daksh kept on throwing water spells at her that hit her making her fall on the ground repeatedly. Then it happened. Daksh came forward and said,

"I wanted to face you one last time now that I am about to get married off. But know this I lo…care for you deeply, even if you don't want to believe."

Hearing that Adara was so disgusted at this person's audacity and shamelessness to come in front of her informing about his marriage yet saying that he has feelings for her, she rose to her feet, all wet by the water spells, and looked at Daksh with fury. Daksh then did something unexpected which brought back memories to Adara. He threw that same drowning spell during which Adara discovered her air power. But Adara, full of exasperation didn't realize it at first. What instantly came to her was immense hatred toward the person who only caused her pain claiming he has feelings for her. The feeling was so overwhelming that she retaliated twice, with the power than she did last time.

She cast an air spell around her and with one flick of her hands created fire and in the same way she gradually evaporated the water choking her. But this time she did not just stop there. Instead, full of rage, she continued to rain attacks on Daksh with her fire power. Caught off guard with such, Daksh tried to defend himself with water spells but he was no match for Adara's fire spells. He tried to stop her but what she did next made the crowd roar with shock. She unsheathed Vayusaka and swung it in full force combining it with her fire power, on Daksh. He threw a powerful water spell which fortunately lessened the magnitude of the force but it still injured and threw him a few feet away. Adara then came forward swinging her sword again at a defenseless Daksh before, Mongmit, Dilara, and Yanvi ran into the arena with Mongmit shouting,

"Adara! Stop! That is enough."

Mongmit's voice made her stop and she lowered her sword. She looked up at them with teary eyes and then the next moment felt to look at a familiar figure who, by that time had left his seat and come down, standing at the edge of the arena. Yi Yun was so distraught and worried that he could not control himself from coming down and was about to go stop her but Mongmit already did it for him. So he stood there watching Adara standing like a tree ragged by storm. Adara unexpectedly looked back at him; tears in her eyes and a heartbroken look. Yi Yun felt an unspeakable desire to run and hold her in his arms but he stood stupefied. The whole crowd has gone into pin-drop silence. Councilman Shera hurriedly came down and called her,

"Ada beta, it's over. Calm down."

Hearing her father's voice Adara broke down into sobs and ran to him, who embraced his daughter warmly and consoled her. Adara, however, wanted to run away from the place and since her mind is synced with Yeongsin, she came, flying with a loud screech and this time did not hesitate to land within the arena creating a whirlwind of air around. She looked up at Shera and said,

" Please excuse me, Baba. See you at home."

Shera knew his daughter likes to be alone when she is upset so he did not stop her and let her go. Adara ran towards Yeongsin, mounting her and flaying off. The whole crowd watched it along with the boys who have gone all silent and serious. After she left they all came down and Jiva said gloomily,

"Guys let's go to the inn, shall we? We can talk there freely."

Jin Ho however did not miss what Yi Yun did and he finally understood why that morning he went up to the healing place. Being a noble person Jin Ho didn't feel any negative emotions toward him. Instead, he went up to him and placed his hand on Yi Yun's shoulder and said,

"I know how you feel. Don't worry she will be fine. You can talk to her once she gets hold of herself."

Yi Yun being an obnoxious person at times snorted back,

"Really? Looks like you know a lot about her."

Jin Ho smiled mildly and said, "I won't say that I don't, but I can see you are more into her than me."

Yi Yun received shocked and mumbled, "What into her? I don't know what you are talking about"

Jin Ho, "Come on man spill it already. I noticed how you look at her and how you are all annoyed whenever you don't get to talk to her. I know this because I like her too."

With a blatant confession like that Yi Yun was flustered, shocked, and annoyed at the same time but seeing Jin Ho being friendly and meaning no sinister he gave out a naughty smirk and said,

"You should retreat Yeo xiong because you will lose this fight."

Jin Ho smiled and said, "Well let's see. Till then let's go grab some drinks."

Dong Yul saw these two chatting alone and he called out,

"Oiiiiiii! Are you two planning for a romantic dinner here or what? Come on man let's go. I am famished."

The boys left for the inn leaving the grounds. But Yi Yun's mind could not forget Adara, the way she stood devastated, her teary eyes looking at him.

Meanwhile, a group of black-clad assassins rode through the forest towards a small mountain village.