Chereads / The sin of the Countess of Malibrán. / Chapter 1 - Balcony operation.

The sin of the Countess of Malibrán.

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Chapter 1 - Balcony operation.

It was a little after 11:00 in the morning on that February 11, 1982 when they found them very happy and talking, holding hands and as if they were elementary school boyfriends, in that traditional donut shop, located in the down town of that port.

- I told you that your boyfriend was with her!

Her friend Érika Cienfuegos tells Romaia Montero, while they are watching them, hidden in some bushes.

- I've seen enough!

Romaia says that she was a young girl of 17 years old, a high school student, dark brown hair, 163 centimeters tall and white skin, who dressed in that plaid schoolgirl uniform that could not hide her well-formed body, finished off with a face beautiful with light eyes lit up in ashes, who was heading like a wild beast towards the couple who had not realized her presence.

- But; How could you have betrayed me with this?

The surprised boy, did not even manage to articulate a couple of words in defense of him, when he had to get up suddenly, enduring the hot coffee that had been spilled on his face and on his shirt.

- And you damn fake blonde, that you well knew that he was with me!

The girl who was also very young and pretty, tried to get up with the intention of being safe, when she felt taken by her hair and being thrown face to the ground, she said.

- But we weren't doing anything wrong!

-Of course it's not bad to hang out with someone else's boyfriend, it's terrible, and more when I thought you were my friend!

Pamela Ballesteros, who was the attacked girl, a little taller than Romaia and with longer arms, managed to raise one knee and taking her by the legs brought her down, while the unfaithful boyfriend tried to help her, but Erika, trying to stop him, was thrown to the ground for the boy who was very tall and stocky, who, managing to rescue Pamela from Romaia's strong hold, could not prevent him from pulling out a couple of blonde locks when unlocking, the girl looked at them, snorting with fury and with clenched fists.

Érika got up angrily immediately after falling to the ground, being knocked down by Gael again but this time with a punch, a fact that bothered a group of boys who were watching the scene from another table, and intervened by hitting and kicking him, causing so he ran away while they continued beating him, leaving the blonde girl at the mercy of her 2 enemies who flanked her furiously, while a small crowd began to surround them, among which were the donut shop waiters; Romaia adjusted her clothes, her hair, and snorted, approached Pamela.

- Thank you!

She tells her about her shaking her hand.

Against what everyone expected, and the disheveled girl smiling while she was getting ready, received her greeting.

- What I didn't like is that you pulled my hair out! And my money?

She tells her, while she was adjusting her clothes and hair; Romaia, who was already looking for something in the pockets of her uniform, gave her a small wad of bills and the 3 meetings left the donut shop.

- The last time you tore off an earring and scratched my face!             –says Romaia.

When are we going to stop betting on the bride and groom?                 -Erika says angrily. - That stupid man broke my mouth!

-When we find the faithful boyfriend.

Romaia answered to she and so, that group of friends from the Villa Rica preparatory school walked away, in that coastal port capital of the state of Veracruz in Mexico, called with the same name: Veracruz.

Érika Cienfuegos Espíndola, 18 years old, 170 centimeters, dark hair and green eyes, a native of another port located just over 500 kilometers from there, known as: Tuxpam, who had arrived in Veracruz as a student, becoming friend of Pamela Ballesteros Retana, also tall of 168 centimeters, blond hair, long and straight, white skin and blue eyes, 17 years old, a native of Veracruz, and Romaia Montero Sobrevilla, a native of a city located more than 300 kilometers from there, called: Poza Rica.

Which although it was not the highest, if it was the one that attracted the most attention of the 3 girls, due to the beauty of its face and body, which despite being in full development, was the best formed and sensual, in addition to the strongest character, being the unelected leader of that group of three girls students known as: "The 3 drunketeers", but that is another story.

The 3 beautiful and young high school students had a common aversion to being cheated, on and therefore had a friendship pact, in which the boyfriends played at seducing each other, for the same reason they did not look for boyfriends from the same school, but from others where they did not know their game, because in their game they had already ridiculed several youngsters, making them fall into the trap of the 3 musketeers in search of their D'Artagnan;  Erika and Romaia lived in a pension for young ladies, and Pamela in her family's house a few blocks away.

Romaia was the only one who had a car, a Volkswagen Caribe model 80, sedan type, but with an egg-type back, or hatch back, as was its technical name.

-Your boyfriend resisted me for almost a week. –Pamela says.

-Well, Mario didn't last 3 days, you lack technique.

No. 1 D'Artagnan is a literary character created by Alexandre Dumas and protagonist of the so-called Novels of D'Artagnan: The Three Musketeers, Twenty Years Later and The Viscount of Bragelonne (volumes I, II and III), installments of folkloric origin recounting his adventures, from his departure from Gascony to Paris to become a musketeer, until his death in the siege of Maastricht.

- Look, look, what they say to be the expert on men! If you are still a virgin. -Pamela says.

- You too and I don't need to go around offering my ass to make them fall, like you! –says Romaia. –And still you spent more than a week with the stupid Gael.

- We bet a lipstick of the Makeup shop to see who looks first!  –Pamela says.

-A bet, it serves that you replace the one you beat me with Mario. –says Romaia.

- I bet on Romaia! –Érika says.

And so, talking about schoolgirls, that group of young women arrived at Pamela's house to drop her off, and they went to the pension for young women that was a few blocks away, to do their homework when it was time for lunch.

- Some body call you, Romaia!

The voice of Mrs. Adelina Román was heard, who was the owner of the house, where they lived in as a pension for young ladies, and the one who looked after them; Romaia went downstairs to answer the general telephone in the house.

- Hello my love! Can I go see you?

The voice of Gael Dominguez is heard, who was the boy from the cafeteria.

-Yes honey, my love, my life, I miss you! –the girl answers him, maliciously.

-Only, you already know that missis Adelina won't let us put boys in, but we can see each other through the garden window.

- Then wait for me at the window so you can see me coming!                    –said the confident and happy boy.

- Yes my love, here I wait for you! –Romaia says hanging up the phone. - Erika, we have balcony operation!

- Yeah!

Said the girl leaving the task that was about to begin.

-Side of the Sun or the Moon?

- Side of the Sun!

Romaia says referring to the right side of the Román mansion, located on the border of the Veracruz-Boca del Rio conurbation, in the middle of the boardwalk, an old house with a large terrace in front, balconies and gardens, with more than 20 rooms, where 16 young ladies lived students, its owner Adelina, a couple of maids who worked from entry to exit and a worker who did everything, gardener, butler, plumber, bricklayer, etc., mister Hermelindo Herrera, 40 years old, attractive, tall and thin, brown skin, brown eyes and dark hair, and who lived in the back of the mansion in a house for servants, the girl prepared a bucket with soapy water, acid, chlorine, remains of watercolors, ketchup, beans, and everything she found to make a mixture that would cause the most difficult to remove stains.

-Let me call to Pamela so she can come see! –Érika says going down the stairs towards the phone.

-She won't be able to get there anymore, because here comes Gael!

Romaia says, leaning innocently repentant against the window, while Erika climbs the stairs with the bucket.

Although the house was fenced in and equipped with a strong wooden sliding gate that opened the garage, it was normally open at that time.

- Who are they going to execute with the balcony operation this time?

Adelina asks when she sees them, helping them a bit by pouring food scraps into the bucket.

- You pass me the aluminum fret and hide so I don't see you!

And so the unfaithful boy found her, with a sad and contrite look, leaning against the window, while he hugged an aluminum dish.

- What happened in "La Parroquia" was not what you thought!

Gael says referring to the donut shop where they had found him with Pamela.

-I know my love, I know that you love me and that I am to blame, for not having the courage to be yours the times you have asked me; You forgive me?

Says the girl with an accent of guilt, while she did not stop hugging the aluminum fret.

-Forgive me, I wouldn't want to ask you that, but you are so pretty and I want you so much, that I can't control my nature when other girls approach me, but I swear that when you agree to be mine, I will no longer have eyes for any never another woman.

- Really, you swear it? –says Romaia, lowering the aluminum fret a little.

-I swear you, my love, but; for what do you want that aluminum fret for?

- It's to make you a cake my love! Do you want to see how big your cake is going to be?

Asked Romaia, already leaning in front of the window frame, she extended her arms with the aluminum fret.

-Get back a little please, so you can get an idea of ​​how big your cake is going to be.

- Is this okay? –Asks Gael confidently taking a little step backwards.

- One more step back, my darling!

Romaia says, with her arms outstretched, dropping the fret, which was the signal for Érika, who already had it in her sights from the balcony above the window, with the bucket filled with viscous and smelly liquids, to empty it, achieving a perfect shot, as her friend.

With a quick movement and a mocking smile, took a picture of her with an instant Polaroid camera, immediately closing the window.

Gael furious, with one hand he began to pound on the window, while with the other he wiped his face, until he heard the barking and growling of a huge black dog that stalked him.

-You better go boy, because Queco only barks 3 times before attacking, and he already barked 2.

Adelina tells him with a serious accent, while he looked out from the porch of the house, the Queco growled threateningly, while the owner of the house made like he was surrounding him so that he would not attack him, but that was when the imposing dog released his third bark, that the lady screamed.

- Run now!

And Gael came out as a soul that the devil takes, with the Queco biting his butt and heels, while Adelina prepared the garden hose laughing out loud with the girls, that they were already looking at the snapshot that Romaia had taken, and after a few seconds the slide was automatically revealed in the sunlight.

-While you finish cleaning what was left of your balcony operation, I am going to continue making the food because the others arrive soon. –Adelina says going to the kitchen. - And I want it very clean, not just drained and smeared!