Roman asked her to make 20 level 1 blinding magic pills, 20 level 2 smoke magic pills, and 20 level 2 lightness magic pills.
When Cassy looked through her book of level 1 and 2 magic pill formulas to find the corresponding magic herbs she needed to make them, she read their effects, and the level 1 blinding magic pill, when thrown to the ground sent out a flash of intense light that momentarily blinded any person or magic beast that looked at it.
The level 2 smoke magic pill sent out a thick smoke that allowed you to hide inside or escape.
And finally the level 2 lightness magic pill, allowed you to feel the gravity less and to be able to make higher jumps and to increase their speed, its time of use was only for 2 minutes and its effectiveness was limited because after all it was only a level 2 magic pills but it was indeed a great boost and it woud definitely be useful for Steven and Adrian tomorrow during the tournament.