Huguel had to throw his back against the wall hurting Víctor who falls off him. He breathes heavily, he feels dizzy
Huguel kick Victor's face
Huguel hold Victor's shirt
is throwing against the wall
and Victor groans in pain, clutching onto his head which had begun to bleed
The two of them look at each other
they're panting slightly
Huguel: I'm glad we had this talk Victor. Now get out of my sight, and do what needs to be done.
Huguel be seen
It's Victor, run towards Huguel and throw him, both of them fall out of a window.
Huguel and Victor wake up they look at each other not saying anything
Huguel starts to get up and get into a fighting position
Victor if you get up is to get into a fighting position
the fight between Huguel vs Victor begin.
Both of them start shooting and hitting each other in the face and in the chest with various kinds of ammunition, their clothes get dirty and stained.
Both of them begin throwing kicks at each other as well, both of them try avoiding each other's attacks, but it was harder than it seems because they were both wearing protective gear which kept protecting them from most of the blows that their opponents threw at them.
Huguel and Victor both have small cuts and bruises covering their bodies, there are scratches too
both of them had bruises all over their faces
Huguel began to throw a few punches, causing Victor to block them
Huguel: Stop dodging, you idiot
Huguel continues to throw punches, until Victor manages to land a couple of hits on him.
The next second Victor was tackled onto the ground
Huguel held his wrists above his head
Huguel: You win Victor, you win
Huguel lifts Victor off of the ground, he then pulls him towards himself and slams his body down. Victor lets out a painful cry as they land on the ground and fall on the floor. Victor looks up at him as he struggles, his breaths heavy and eyes filled with fear.
He's shaking, his breath short and quick, his vision starts to blur. He feels a sharp pain in his chest and stomach when he inhales. There isn'
when Victor will land another blow on Huguel
Huguel pulls out a gunf and shoots Victor 3 times in the chest
Victor lets out a scream of pain as his blood spills on the ground. There's blood everywhere, on the ground, on Victor's clothes, all over the place.
Victor looks up at the man who just shot him
Victor:, stop...please
he's pleading. He wants it to be over, he just wants to sleep, he wants to go back home, where he can finally have a quiet night.
No matter how badly he hurts, the only thing that he wanted was to be back, where he can feel safe, where he can finally relax and feel comfortable. The only thing that he wanted was to go back home, where he couldn't hear all those noises anymore, where he was alone and happy.
He knew that the fight was useless, because the moment that Hugo fired the bullet, it meant that he was officially dead. He was already aware that even if he won he didn't stand any chance at winning against Victor, so why did he still keep trying, why did he keep fighting?
Because he needed to prove to himself that he was worth fighting for
that he deserved to have something he loved in life instead of having none
that he deserved happiness.
"Please..." Victor whispers to himself. His head lolls to one side
"You killed me, so you'll suffer too!"
Victor closes his eyes, hoping that he'd open them again when this nightmare would be over.
But he never opened his eyes ever again after this, as everything around him turned dark, everything became silent, everything turned cold. Then everything went black
victor dies
Huguel looking at Victor's body without an expression on his face
Huguel puts the gun away and leaves, leaving Victor's body there.
He walks through the halls leaving the mansion, leaving his dead friend behind, leaving his house that has lost someone important to it...
Hugel stops and leans against the car in front of him taking deep breaths to calm his nerves and get rid of the anger and hate that were building up inside of him. A tear escaped his eye as he looks down on the lifeless body laying in front of him.