Chereads / Universe Maker / Chapter 22 - Chapter 22(The Greater World)

Chapter 22 - Chapter 22(The Greater World)

Mortal Realm

The emberhumans came in contact with humans a little less than a century ago. The emberhuman were able to see that their godly genes were getting weaker with time, so demigods ended up starting to marry other demigods before the specie lost all of them. So, royalty in the emberhumans were still demigods, but with god's genes very small percentage barely qualified them to be demigods.

I am glad they did not start to practice incest, they at most mary their cousins at one point, but not one generation after the other which is probably the cause of several mutations, some that can be considered genetical sickness, that the nobility ended up propagating to their future generations, in several earth history moments.

The emberhumans ended up getting themselves a strict and unmovable class system, that divided them first into the demigods, that became the owners and caretakers care of all their tribes, that were called royals, and the common people that do all other functions in society.

Later, the second class suffered more divisions so under royalty was the class of warriors( that came from the followers of the royals), the class of tailors( it includes artisans and bronze smiths), the class of merchants( this class consisted of wandering merchants, they have to usually live all their lives traveling from tribe to tribe selling and buying products but never getting the right to have fix residence at any tribe), and the lowest of all the class of farmers (they were usually obligated to serve a tribe their entire life, oppressed, their function is to grow crops for their tribe cattle to eat.

As well as, no mortal may ever be, except in legendary conditions turn to demigods, and no lower class will ever get the right to do something for the other, in a way the child is obligated to follow the steps of their parents.

Some may comment that this system is quite depressive as it kills all the hope of advancing in your own life path, but it at the same time does not create false hopes that serve to explore the people like in some fake meritocracies.

It is quite a troublesome system in my opinion, if this system served as a way to make each person do their own work and be content with their life, and understand that without their( as a class) and others' work, society may collapse; I would support it. But it only made some higher classes feel superior to others.

To the point of having the situation of mortals, for example, filled with arrogance from the warrior class, feel that they were inherited superior to the merchant class, and see them as nothing more than inferior bugs; when both of them are mortals and were born naked. Though their feeling of superiority may come from their better physic as royals, warriors, and tailors can have a diet much richer in gold.

Though some merchants are rich enough to purchase how much gold they want, usually the tribes they travel to are not interested in selling much gold to them. So some can barely obtain the amount that they need to survive. As the tribes usually control the regions with more fold.

Nevertheless, the class superiority complex is intense when a class two or more ranks above interact with a lower class, for example, royals usually treated warriors well, but saw the other classes as nothing more than cattle; warrior treats tailors well, but mistreat the lower classes; and so on. Sadly, the young master sickness seemed to be spread in that poor land. Making me have to control myself to not punish their whole specie because of it.

Only royals were usually priests, though some more liberal faiths started to accept people from other classes. Still, none accept merchants and farmers. The emberhuman formed a very advanced method of animal husbandry.

They not only carefully grow the animal and that includes magic ones, but they usually have houses to dismantle animals and export parts of them. They lived in tribes that work more like very small countries, usually, a tribe royalty specializes in growing different types of herds and buying and selling from each other.

This makes the profession of wandering merchant very important but does not take away the common distrust that the very sedentary tribes show to outsiders. The isolationism of merchants grew so much that they started to take over wasteland in some strategic locations and build several temporary and permanent habitation. Those places ended up developing into small merchant towns.

Some royals that leave near the sea, raise usually sea fish in dug holes near the coast filled with seawater. They also raise sea monsters as pets, different from the interior ones that usually raise magical variations of dogs and cats. Though, pets raised by emberhumans are usually a war weapon. And the sea monster pets that sea royalty raise can freely walk inland, which made them even better.

A royal of an emberhumans tribe was traveling through the sea riding a domesticated giant whale when a storm ended up making him completely deviate from his route. The noble ended up traveling for months completely lost in the sea, having a hard time bearly surviving with rain water, and fishing sea, but suffering a temporary mineral deficiency by not having soil to eat, as well as a gold deficiency.

The second is an emberhuman's medical complication that usually does not have any early symptoms, but in long term may lead to muscle problems; extreme fatigue; nailed hair, nail, and skin problems; osteopenia, and osteoporosis.

After long struggles, he finally could see land. Reaching it he could barely muster the strength necessary to walk out of the beach and finally eat the land's soil. And so he passed a long time, in the human continents rainforest, above a tree sunbathing, drinking water from a near river, and fishing.

The rainforest is quite new. It covered the whole of the continent's central region. With the soil fertilized with the vulcanic eruption sent long ago. I used my aspect to quickly refill the region with a diverse amount of plants, even putting some species that did not exist in this world previously at all. Some of which were inspired by the trees of the fairy realm.

Others were magic plants previously only found in the haploidhumans' world. I even added miniature versions of the monsters and dinosaurs found in the haploidhumans' world. There you may find a twenty centimeters or eight inches tall tyrannosaurus rex and five centimeters or two inches tall dragon. Though, I only added five monsters and seven dinosaurs. It was quite a marvelous place.

He did not find any placer gold near the coast. So he keeps traveling looking for gold for him to feed himself because gold is essential to keep an emberhuman healthy.

Thankfully for them, their continent not only has the largest gold deposits but every single river there is filled with placer gold. However, that's not the case in the Saub continent. So this traveler kept traveling with his whale companion until he found a small tribe of hunters.

Some farmers started to migrate into the woods running away for their country's feudal taxes. Since the great migration and the ascension of the Great Siraj kingdoms to the ranks of a see power slave trade has been in a decadent condition.

There is only a bit of slave trade inland and some measly trade done by a few brave pirates. Though even pirates avoid this field as Siraj's navy takes priority on hunting this type of pirate, and some gore tales of Siraj kingdom's navy pirate hunt can make even sociopaths shiver.

Kingdoms in the human at this time had a sort of feudal system, most serfs sadly were treated as a sort unsellable slaves. However, not all were treated like that. Siraj kingdom's neighbors, where Siraj's faith was the strongest, were the nations where the vassalage system was not a system of national exploitation, that only serves to give the serfs duty and no rights, and more like a system that emphasizes nobles' obligations of protecting their people.

That started mainly because, some centuries ago, several serfs from some of Siraj kingdom's neighbors started to run away from their countries to the prosperous Siraj's kingdom, where every farmer family own their piece of land, taxes were low, and every migrator could get their own land as long as they have the disposition to reclaim wasteland. Because of that a coalition of five kingdoms, ask for financial repair for their lost manpower from the Siraj Kingdom and the return of their slaves(serfs), which was obviously refused, them they declared war on it and were easily defeated.

Four of these nations have their territory annexed by the Siraj kingdom, which ended up investigating every noble crime there and under martial law, executing several nobles. The fifth country has a fourth cousin from their king, that was the bastard daughter of a baron, at that time ruler of Siraj's kingdom ended up considered a decent person and was crowned queen.

After that, the Siraj kingdom's people ended up inspiring a lot of terror stories, that other nations' noble parents tell their kids when they misbehave.

There was one that says that the ghost of Jomei may pull misbehaving noble kids' feet, while they were sleeping. Others said that a Siraj kingdom ship grew legs and pointy teeth and run after bad kids, and eat them, spilling blood and organs through the floor that ended up being cleaned up by the ghost of these kids, which end up becoming that ship's slaves for eternity.

I have to admit that this story in particular is too violent for kids, but they still use it. Finally, from the most popular ones, it is said that a symphony played by dead Siraj kingdom's soldiers may start to play warning kids with bad behavior, if they do not change their way before it's too late, moveable sand may appear someday below them and stuck in it, they may slowly drown.

Returning to the story, although living with humans he still looked for a river with gold. Finally, he found one, concluding that in the land he was gold was rare. He obtained more and more so he could feed himself for quite a while.

Selling at a near town the jewelry he have in his clothes pockets, he was able to obtain a good amount of wealth, which he used to live as a sort of traveling merchant. Funny enough, this worked as a sort of currency exchange, as sculpted jewels are the coins that emberhumans use.

They did not have metal coins, because they already use bronze, and probably will iron, as material to make weapons. Gold is important for their healthy diet and silver is toxic for emberhumans ingestion just like it is for humans. It is considered a poison, as there were cases of gold being forged with silver and used to poison emberhumans.

The jewel system uses cheap stones, going from the less valuable(agate) to spinel stones. They keep some rare gemstones as ceremonial "coins", some that are used at warriors' loyalty oaths, others are used as a symbol of an alliance between tribes, others during the marriage, and some are even used at burial rituals.

He went from town to town he was able to gradually increase his wealth, with tasty gold, and influence. He was not desperate to return home, as he was far from being his family heir and don't have much responsibility back home, so he enjoyed this unrequested travel experience.

At some point, he was able to build the first shipbuilder in the backward western part of the continent and start an expedition to the emberhuman continent, eventually being able to return home with magical honey, with each he was able to obtain a large amount of wealth.

Trade was later established between humans and emberhumans, nevertheless, the only thing made by humans that the emberhumans have an interest in is the bronze weapons, as they do not eat fruits, seeds or vegetables, and only grow them for animal husbandry.

Humans, though, have a high interest in magical meat; magical milk, magical eggs, magical clothes, a marvel that emberhumans can create using the wool of magical sheep or silk of magical silk insects. Emberhuman produces magical honey as well put in far less amount and with a much lower quality compared to the beehumans ones.

Magical food in general is still very hard and expensive to transport between the continents, as it needs an ice mage to refrigerate it constantly. It is also a very sought-after item because it's quite useful for all followers of any supernatural path.

After all, although people specialize in controlling and learning new techniques in a path, they have all three types of energies in their body, and when they absorb one, they end up absorbing the others as a collateral effect, more like the energy absorbed no matter the type make a pressure that makes the reserves increase their capability a fit more energy not mattering the type, so if a qi warrior, for example, eats meat filled with mana he will end up with more qi in its body as well.

So this emberhuman named Jagatbehari ended up changing an era, and with all the adversities he passed through the years he ended up healing himself of his young master sickness or syndrome, as some like to call it, becoming gradually a sort of bearable person, and at the end of his life an activist, preaching for reforms in the harsh class system that the emberhumans used. He also wrote all his adventures in a book that he called "The Greater World".

He lived one hundred and twelve years. After his death, he did not go to the reincarnation realm, as I summoned his soul to the god's meeting place.

"Jagatbehari Pelles, lived for one hundred and twelve years. By accident ended up being the first emberhumans to come in contact with humans, changing an era. Suffered from severe young master mental illness, while young, and passed his old years trying to heal his people from this terrible sickness." I started resuming his life. He seems to have no idea what young master syndrome is, but I was too lazy to explain him.

"Never married, which is quite uncommon at the emberhuman's continent filled with arranged marriages. But he annulled eight engagements, one after the other, because of the difficulty of dealing with his brides severe young master syndrome. Quite comprehensible indeed." I continued.-"My name is Raziel, and I am offering you an opportunity to become a god, for you to continue your utmost quest of cleansing your specie of the terrible young master mental sickness."

"I accept, lord Raziel, the father of the Sun god." he answered. Seemly most people take Siraj as only the god of the sun.

"Good."I said creating a true form of the new god. It was quite simple, in fact, it was basically a giant emberhuman with the clothes of a traveler. So his domain was basically traveling, which I think fit him a lot.

I was too lazy to explain to him more about the god's meeting place and its functions so I threw the responsibility to the newly ascended god of war(Caddock) and ascended goddess of ruling(Edith). The divine honey, that Edith made, also allowed them to use divine energy to slowly supplement their incomplete demigod's domain and become gods.

I think I will stop procrastinating and go to make origin energy, qi, and maybe even peculiar energy species.