"Wait! you three haven't given me an answer?" at his words, the three women attacked his lips one after another. Raylene kissed him gently contrasting to her bold personality and held both his cheeks to look at her. "Darling, My dear Hiro. I do, Please let me love you until the day I no longer open my eyes. I would be honored to call myself yours."
Immediately after Lene finished speaking Vanessa pressed herself on Hiro's back and stole his lips, Vanessa kissed like she needed Hiro to breathe, she licked and sucked her man's lips like a talented courtesan and only let go when she got her fill. "My love, I do. My place is by your side, no matter what happens there I will stay. Please marry me Hiro-sama!"
Jade who just woke up had her pink scared skin showing. She lacked hair and had a petite body, but she smashed herself into his chest. Unlike the other two, Jade inserted her tongue into Hiro's mouth and searched for his like a hunter stalking its prey.