- Alert: The Stat Clutch was added in version 2.2 of the system. Logs indicated that allowing the System users to gain power too fast did not give them enough time to acclimate to Caliber diseases. The clutch is intended to ensure that users would never have calibers greater than 500 points before level 30.-
'What? Version 2.2? Someone is fucking patching this thing?! …Never mind that, why is there a need to keep it below 500 points?'
- Alert: 500 points in any caliber grants a system user rating of [Initiate], Initiates gain full use of the system and warp travel. The Caliber diseases no longer manifest as sickness but now cause the users to enter lost modes -
'Wait wait wait? Initiate? Warp travel? Lost mode? What the hell is going on? How is it that the more you explain the less it makes sense?'