Chereads / NIGHTS OF HALLOW / Chapter 37 - Sthena–The Mysterious Man.

Chapter 37 - Sthena–The Mysterious Man.

'The beating of my heart betrays me with you around' — Amzy_Bella


"What do you think one will be doing in that part of the castle, Perdita?"

Her name rolled smoothly out of his tongue almost a whisper. He always called her green eyes and now he said her name, it sounded sweet and intimate in her ears.

Perdita seized breathing to stop the hitch in her heart but failed to stop the skipped beat of her heart which Sthena clearly heard.

She answered, "What one will be doing there depends on what one has in mind to go there"

Always smooth and smart with words. Sthena chuckled his chest vibrating against the back of Perdita.

Perdita felt her heart twitch lightly inside her chest again. This was the second time she was hearing Sthena laugh tonight and she couldn't deny it didn't sound rich and sweet in her ears.

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