Chapter 83 - Security

A small smile appeared on the face of Tanya for a moment but it disappeared as quickly as it disappeared.

She knew that she needed to improve and not make such mistakes since one mistake could cost the lives of others especially when there were higher numbers of zombies with lower numbers of arrows to use.

Tanya may have gained a little confidence after overcoming her struggles but the losses she took on during that time had still taken a toll on her.

Not being able to make a shot effective and accurate enough had cost her the lives of some friends and others that relied on her.

She may have been known as a skilled archer in her club but there was a limit to how much firing at a target could teach.

Tanya was skilled enough to adapt to kill the zombies but nobody would be perfect enough to be able to always fire a killing shot.

Their movement patterns made them difficult to hit and hitting their head which was even more difficult in certain places was the only way for to truly kill them.

The target was moving erratically and was smaller so she could not be blamed for it yet she still felt that she was not good enough.

Having someone encourage her despite her making a slight mistake was quite comforting to her.

Her determination to get better still remained and was growing much stronger thanks to the influence of Brick no matter what small actions he may have taken.

Something her father considered as a hobby was currently being used to help others and play an important role in current events so she could no longer tell herself that all her efforts before were useless.

Even though her father did let her have such a hobby, he never really expressed a liking towards it and sometimes made offhanded comments about it being very unrefined and unladylike unfitting of her status and as someone who would marry someone in the future.

A daughter having such a hobby could be accepted by some families but most tended to like their daughters in law to meet a certain criteria along the lines of being obedient, having a good background, having a good education but not in a position to overshadow her husband.

If there was a meeting or something similar where her father met with potential business partners or those he had considered arranging for their son to meet Tanya, he would always boast about her good grades and beauty but he was always leave out her other activities like they never existed.

It was like he was humouring his daughter letting her have one hobby until the day she had to give it up to get married helping him solidify more power and influence.

Each arrow fired may not have always hit its target but they played some role in slowing their advances or allowing for an easier second shot.

The area was quickly cleared since there were not many around compared to other areas.

Most of the nearby homes belonging to other rich people had similar large walls and gates which had helped to keep out or contain the zombies unless the gates had been left open.

As the zombies were starting to be cleared, more stepped outside and those related to the Flying Heralds under Tanya that had already gained some experience had begun to assist her.

After helping to make the area a little safer for others to step out from their vehicles, Brick walked cautiously towards the gate while climbing over the parked cars that blocked the way.

Once he arrived at the gates, his eyes widened slightly upon looking around. "These idiots.."

He turned back and started sighing as he came back to Homer. "I thought you informed them we were on our way back?"

Homer shrugged in response. "I did. What is the problem?"

Brick looked slightly annoyed but suppressed his frustration. "Help others climb over the walls for now. Park a car near the wall if you must in order to help others have an easier time climbing."

Inside his head he continued to complain. 'Yup..this place is really no good. Much too vulnerable and unprepared.'

It was much too easy to climb over the walls for anyone that could reach and climb up so it was possible for the Reed Residence to be breached at some point.

At a time when there should be someone greeting them to allow entry, there was nobody at the gate.

If there was nobody at the gates even when others were made aware of their arrival then it was even less likely that any kind of patrols or better security had been put in place yet.

What was worse was that even though new arrivals were known to be coming, they had not made the preparations to welcome them to avoid any additional problems from arising.

If the number of zombies outside was on a much higher scale then many lives could have been lost due to such a slip up.

Rather than waiting longer or shouting in a way that could endanger others by drawing nearby zombies to their location, everyone had to quietly climb over the walls to enter.

It took some time as they were climbing over until there was finally a little movement from inside.

Someone had finally spotted them climbing over and ran to tell others in a hurry but it was already much too late.

Upon hearing that the task had been successful and that Tanya had been brought back safely, so many were surprised and relieved to hear such good news.

Everyone was already getting used to being disappointed and expecting nothing but bad things to happen from now on that the return of Brick along with the others was enough to create a small amount of hope for those that were already falling further into despair.

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