You gained 140 GP.
Current balance: 2880GP
3 Citrine 50 gp
1 Calcedony 50 gp
9 Amethyst - transparent deep purple 100 gp gems
25 sp
1510 cp
10 Azurites ( opaque mottled deep blue) each gem worth 10 gp.
Usman' Great. '
Firuza " That was a good strategy."
Usman" Seemed like it."
???" Oy! Who are you people?" Said an elf coming towards us.
Usman' Luminous!'
Luminous ' Everything will be alright.'
He's reddish, huh.
He reached us with a bow and arrow.
???" I said...."
???" Boy! You are finally back!" Said an elf smiling and coming towards us.
Luminous ' Woody, a guard with altered memories. He and tavern owner are only your acquaintances.'
Usman' Just two.'
Luminous ' Due to some reasons, rest of them died.'
Usman' I hate him.'
Usman " Hey, Woody."
Guard " You knew him?!"
Woody" Yeah, boy grew up here. Even his mercenary training was conducted here."
Guard" I didn't see him before."
Woody" Well, he was on his first quest."
Guard " Which was?" He said towards me.
Usman" It was to retrieve this and I also had some other quests in the north."
Woody" A citrine! But why North?"
Usman" Theif was hiding there."
Woody" Ah! I see."
Guard" But I still want your documents."
Usman" Here."
I gave him. He opened it.
Guard " A cr 5. It must be false!"
Woody " Nope, it's real. See the seal."
Guard " But.."
Usman" Than, take me to Merlin plate."
Woody " Yea, that will ease you."
Guard" Alright."
Usman" But you will pay for it." I said unmoving.
Guard" Then, you will have to pay tax."
Usman" Sure."
After that, he took us to reagent office. Who both justify the seal and took my test.
Guard " It can't be."
Woody " ~ A high average, you grow up, boy."
After that, we went to tavern. Where we have our meal and slept in our rooms.