Chereads / THE TALE OF THE BLACK RIPPER / Chapter 1 - Another Day of Pain


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Chapter 1 - Another Day of Pain

This is the story of The First Black Ripper.About 19 years ago there was just a little boy. A little boy hat always tried to keep a smile on his face no matter what the situation was.He was so so innocent, so kind, and people thought he was so happy. But they didn't know what was going on behind the scenes. This boy was bullied constantly. jumped for just existing, He didn't even have friends that didn't stab him in the back, And was constantly abused by is parents to the point that his brothers and sisters ran away without him. Leaving just him to deal with all the pain and suffering.All of this caused him to have a deep depression and because of that he was failing all his classes, He was losing hope on his goals, He didn't even know what were his reasons for living anymore. Every night he cried himself to sleep, and every morning he woke up in tears. This was pretty much his daily life. He woke up, go to school, get bullied, Continued to fail all his classes, get bullied more, walks home beat up. Gets abused by his Parents. And then cry himself to sleep. Every time he see someone or people happy and successful he body gets full of envy and wonder why that couldn't be him. He Wondered why he didn't have the life they had. But then one day the bullies would once again try to attack, they was more anger and aggressive with there punches. They kept hurting him as the boy was screaming and crying for help but there was no one around.Then the one of the bullies grabbed a kitchen knife and tried to stab the Boy. But the boy's tears turned to anger and he pushed the knife back and then kneed the bully in the crotch and stole the knife. As all the others tried to jump in all the boy saw was anger and he sliced opened the bully's throat.But then realizing what he had done he dropped the knife in fear. As all the other bullies ran away.As the boy realized what he done and realizing the murder is one of the biggest sins in religion. He grabbed the knife and got ready to commit suicide. But suddenly an insanely tall black creature prevented the boy from killing himself, And then told the boy something only the boy could hear. They after he was done talking and then the boy said "I am the black Ripper" and just like that that he has transformed into a tall buff man wearing all black with his veins turning black a started to show.As well as Spiky Gloves that are covered with Silver Chains and Chains hanging on his plants and last but not least a Black Robe to cover his body. And then he murder and slaughtered his entire school. He killed all the cops the got in his way. Ripped open the skulls of his parents, and destroyed and burned down everyone and everything that was successful. Everyone was in fear of the black ripper and when he would return. But now In the present day.The Black Ripper was yet to return he became forgotten and was a Myth.But in this story, we see history repeat itself...

(Cuts to a guy just waking up)

Sayden:Why…..Why did god open my eyes today?

(This is Sayden,He is the Main Character in this story, as of right now he just 5 ft 6 15 years old and is pretty chubby and is darkskin and has a very low fade)

Sayden:Another day…..Another God damn day.

(Sayden Starts to get ready for school and just finished showering)

Sayden:*Opens Closet* Same clothes everyday.

(The only Thing that is in his closet is a dirty black shirt, A Ripped up Jacket, Badly ripped jeans and a Messed up Pair of white shoes)

Sayden:(At the very least I could get some new clothes but no. [My Dad got fired from his Job and my mom is working at a damn grocery store Making Barely any thing])

[If you see a sentence that has [__] in between that means the sentence might be some important information about a character or some important information for a future chapter)

Sayden:*Takes a look outside his window* This neighborhood is horrible, down right horrible. Why can't my family be like the people with the nice with the Big houses. But no I gotta be here In the hood.But what else you expect form a family that lost everything they could've had.

(Sayden walks downstairs with no motivation)

Sayden:Dad I'm Going to——

(Sayden's Dad is knocked out because of all the alcohol he was drinking)

Sayden:Wow. And I already know that my mom isn't she is way too busy with that job. *Checks clock* I'm gonna it late too. This might as well be a daily routine.Well I guess I'm walking home again or I could just not go. Yeah cause what's the point anyways. I'm just walking to hell again and again and again.I don't even know why my mom wants me to got to that school.

(Sayden's Phone rings)

Sayden:Speak of the God damn devil. *Answers Phone* Hey mom.

Sayden's mom:Hey there my little Sayden.

Sayden:I'm 15.

Sayden's mom:We'll your still my little boy anyways I'm just calling to see if your at school.


Sayden's Mom:Yes honey?

Sayden:Mom I really don't want to go to school

Sayden's mom:Why?

Sayden:You know why.

Sayden's mom:[Is it because of them kids again.]

Sayden:Yes. There's always there to push me down when I'm at my lowest mom. They would say so many things about me.

Sayden's Mom:Oh just ignore them Sayden. In the end of the day they are just words.

Sayden:You don't understand mom. I hear those words everyday.It's getting hard just to ignore them and trust me I am trying my best to ignore them but there words are just glued to my head. And I just keep hearing them over and over again. It's getting to the point where i can't even think straight.

Sayden's mom:I do understand but you just gotta Stay focused on yourself and keep studying.

Sayden:Mom you saw my grades. [You know the grades are terrible]

Sayden's mom:It's because of those people Sayden your letting them put you down.

Sayden:But there right mom.

Sayden's Mom:What?

Sayden:There right. Everything they say is right.We are broke, We do live in a horrible neighborhood, and I am a dumbass.

Sayden's mom: That's not true Sayden.

Sayden:Yes it is mom! Look at us! Look at dad! Look at this house! Look at the food in the kitchen! Look at our clothes. But then I look outside the neighborhood and I see people living there best life. Nice houses, Nice Neighborhood and Nice cars.Why can't that be us mom? Why can't we be like them?

Sayden's mom:You need to hustle for opportunities like that. There is a lot of people just like us that became millionaires even billionaires.But in order to earn that opportunity you need to go to school.

Sayden:Mom please not today.

(Sayden's dad wakes up and he is still drunk somehow)

Sayden's Dad:Aye boy. What's with all this noise? Ain't your ass supposed to be at school?

Sayden: Mom I'll call you back!!

Sayden's Mom:Wait honey—

(Sayden hangs up)

Sayden:Listen Dad. I just don't what to go to school today.

Sayden's Dad:Cause of them bitch ass kids?

Sayden:(I don't know how to answer that) listen Dad your still drunk ok just lay back down and—

Sayden's dad:*Starts to take of his belt* Oh I'm fine. You wanna know what's not fine? Then damn grades!

Sayden:But dad I can't focus cause of the kids that are bullying me.

Sayden's dad:SO WHOOP THERE ASS!!!

Sayden:But dad I-

Sayden's dad:You what?

Sayden:I can't!

Sayden's dad:What the hell boy? What type of BULLSHIT is that? *takes off his belt*

Sayden:Dad…Why are you doing this to me? After everything me you and mom is going through? I this going to fix anything?

Sayden's dad:Yes! This is going to fix ya damn attitude and make your be grateful that you still have a roof over your head and to make sure that your as getting the grades I want and not some Stupid shit so you can get a diploma for a good college!

Sayden:Go the collage to major in what dad? I don't even know what I want to do man.

Sayden's dad:Listen hear boy? You call my dad not man. And your ass better figure out what you wanna do cause you running out of time!

(As this is happening, Sayden's phone Rings and it's is His mom once again)

Sayden:It's mom.

Sayden's Dad:Put that phone down cause that whore can wait!

Sayden:You called her a what? Dad this isn't you. You would never call mom such a word!

Sayden's Dad:Lower your tone Boy! And that's my wife so I can call her whatever I want to call her! Got it?

(Sayden is speechless)

Sayden:'a dad:Now boy imma ask you this one more time. Why. The. Hell. Do. You. Not. Want. To. Go. To. School?

Sayden:It's because—I—I.

(As Sayden is stuttering, In rage His own father starts Beating him with the Belt)

Sayden: *Screaming in Pain* DAD STOP YOUR HURTING MEEE!

Sayden's Dad:You did this to yourself! You could have changed this problem by doing your damn School work!!

Sayden:Dad Please!!!

(His Father continues to beat him)

Sayden: (Why…What did I do? WHAT DID I DO TO END UP LIKE THIS? All I truly wanted was to be happy. To not force a smile on my face. but all I get is Beatings and I always get bullied and I can't even buy candy at the damn Grocery store)

(Sayden's dad Continue got beat him for 10 minutes then finishes)

Sayden:Why dad? WHY???

Sayden's dad: [Your adopted son]

Sayden:What? Your kidding.


(Sayden's dad walks out of Sayden's room)

Sayden:How can he just tell me that? Is that why he doesn't love me?? *Holds back Tears* IS THAT THE REASON?!?!?

(Sayden starts to get up and leave the house to go to school)

Sayden:*Walks outside and Looks around* We all basically have the same damn house and they don't have these problems

(Sayden is trying the forget what his dad told him as he walks to school is silence. Get looks around and sees all the younger kids having fun, and then see a young boy with his parents with joyfully smiles on there faces, and then he see a group of people jumping a innocent Man so he crosses the street)

Sayden:(What the hell is wrong with people? What's the point of Ganging up on that one poor guy but then there is also some good in this world. And if that was a lie I wouldn't see that family with so many smiles on there faces. If only that could be—*Remembers what his father said*—-Nevermind. My parents wouldn't even think about smiling)

(And then a old lady sitting near her front door Sees Sayden.)

Old Lady:Aye kid are you ok?

Sayden:(Me?) um yeah I'm ok.

Old Lady:You sure?

Sayden:Yeah I'm fine.

Old Lady:Ok. And always remember to have a good day on purpose not by accident.

Sayden:Um ok.

(Sayden keeps walking)

Sayden:I'm fine..

(And then all the pain and mental torture he had been thought all his life starts go really kick in)

Sayden:I'm Fine….

(Then he tries to remember the times when he was happy but they get overlapped by all the time when he was sad and Crying.)

Sayden:*Starts to really get emotional* I'm fine…..

(As his legs start to get weaker, he tries is best to think about what if his family was successful but that doesn't help neither)

Sayden:I'm Fine….I'm fine….I'M FINE!!

(Sayden falls to his knees and burst into tears. Letting it all out as only the worst of his memories are stuck in his thoughts

Sayden:*Crying* I'm not fine….I'm not fine….I'm not fine at all.

???:It doesn't always have to be this way.

Sayden:Who was that?

(Sayden see a insanely Tall black creature standing on top of him)



Coming This week or next week


ENTER REALITY Chapter 20:Coming this week

WELCOME TO ZENN HOOD Chapter 6:Coming This week or next week


Coming Christmas Day

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