"Obelisk Blue Alexis Rhodes and Obelisk Blue **** **** please go to your designated testing field for your exam."
The voice of the teacher behind the microphone fell as it called out for Alexis to duel against an Obelisk Blue girl.
Alexis looked to her side and nodded at Ali with a serious face :"alright, it's my turn now. I will give it my all."
Ali nodded with an encouraging smile :"don't worry, you've got this. With how much we have improved your deck, this duel will be as easy as a walk in the park."
The voluptuous blond gave another nod before walking to one of the fields as a normal looking girl stood on the other side.
While she was walking towards the field, Jaden and Syrus walked towards Ali with excited smiles :"hey, Ali!"
Ali smiled back at the two as he raised his hand and fist bumped Jaden :"hey, J, Sy. Awesome duel, Jaden, you really turned the tides against Chazz with that play."
Jaden flashed a huge smile and gave a peace sign :"I know, right?! I was totally awesome back there with how I turned the tables!"
Just before the teacher called Alexis and the other girl to come to one of the fields, Jaden had dueled against Chazz.
Normally, that shouldn't have happened since the field tests would be against the same dorm. So Jaden should've dueled against someone else.
But Dr Crawler had a hate boner against Jaden, so he gave all of the stolen cards to Chazz and pulled a few strings to have him duel against Jaden.
However, unfortunately for the both of them, Jaden won the duel with the rare card that Dorothy had given him because he helped her in the morning.
Ali nodded nonchalantly as he took out a lollipop and put it in his mouth :"yeah, you got really lucky there too.
That VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon would've wrecked you real bad if you didn't have that card Dorothy gave you."
{VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon: Machine/ Fusion/ Effect/ Light/ Lv 8/ 3,000 ATK/ 2,800 DEf.
Fusion Material: "VW-Tiger Catapult" + "XYZ-Dragon Cannon"
Effect(s): Must first be Special Summoned (from your Extra Deck) by banishing the above cards you control. Once per turn: You can target 1 card your opponent controls; banish that target. When this card declares an attack on an opponent's monster: You can target the attack target; change that attack target's battle position. (Flip effects are not activated.)}
But Jaden put his hands on the sides of his waist as he smiled smugly and confidently :"nah, no way. I have tons of monsters and cards that could deal with it!"
Ali playfully rolled his eyes before looking towards the field that Alexis was in :"yeah yeah, whatever. Let's see how Alexis will do now."
Syrus looked at the field and at Alexis as he complimented :"with how Alexis dueled against you back then, I'm sure that this duel won't be a problem at all."
A mean smirk appeared on Ali's handsome face as he gave a low, dark chuckle :"oh believe me, Alexis got this in the bag. Her deck is actually a lot stronger than back then. After all, I've helped her strengthen it."
Jaden was a little surprised as he raised an eyebrow :"what? You actually helped Alexis make a better deck?"
Ali nodded with the lollipop in his mouth :"yup. She came to me a few days ago and asked me to train her.
And so, I accepted her as a student and have been helping her since then, teaching her different strategies and combos."
An amazed look appeared on Syrus's face whoaed :"seriously? With your help, her deck must've gotten a lot stronger. Buhu, and you have such a gorgeous student, when will my luck come?"
Ali chuckled as he shrugged :"maybe the day your puberty arrives." Causing Syrus to helplessly glare at him :"heeey!"
Jaden slapped Syrus's back with a smile :"Ali's just teasing you, Sy. Forget about that, let's focus on Alexis's duel!"
With comedic tears in his eyes, Syrus smiled sadly :"yeah, let's just forget about my puberty. Not like it will come anyway..."
Causing Ali to snort as he attempted to not burst into laughter. They all then focused on Alexis and her opponent.
And by the looks of it, the girl didn't really like Alexis that much :"hmph, let's duel! I will show everyone that you're not as big of a big shot that they think you are!"
Alexis snorted softly without the serious look leaving her beautiful face as they drew their cards :"I don't care about what other people think of me. Let's duel! I will go first! Draw! First things first, I summon the Marauding Captain in attack position!"
{Marauding Captain: Warrior/ Effect/ Earth/ Lv 3/ 1,200 ATK/ 400 DEf.
Effect(s): Your opponent cannot target Warrior monsters for attacks, except this one. When this card is Normal Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower monster from your hand.}
Seeing the ATK points of Marauding Captain, the Obelisk Blue girl immediately grew cocky and disdainful :"hmph, that's it? I knew you weren't much, but this is just disappointing."
She wasn't the only one either. There were quite a few girls that started whispering to each other. Definitely because they were jealous of Alexis.
But Alexis smirked confidently :"of course that's not all. And I'm sure you won't be so disappointed when you know Marauding Captain's effect!
When Marauding Captain is normal summoned, I can special summon a monster from my hand! And I special summon Command Knight in attack position!
{Command Knight: Warrior/ Effect/ Fire/ Lv 4/ 1,200 ATK/ 1,900 DEf.
Effect(s): All Warrior monsters you control gain 400 ATK. If you control another monster, monsters your opponent controls cannot target this card for attacks.}
You see, Command Knight has a very useful effect. As long as this card is on the field, all the warrior type monsters that I control gain 400 ATK points!
That means that my Marauding Captain and Command Knight now have 1,600 ATK points! But I'm not finished yet.
Marauding Captain: 1,200 ATK & 400 DEf -> 1,600 ATK & 400 DEf
Command Knight: 1,200 ATK & 1,900 DEf -> 1,600 ATK & 1,900 DEf
I activate the spell card, Double Summon! The name is pretty self-explanatory, it allows me to perform another normal summon this turn.
And I choose to summon another Marauding Captain which then allows me to special summon another Lv 4 or lower monster from my hand!
Get ready, because I special summon another Command Knight! And with two Command Knights on the field, that means that all of my warrior type monsters gain 800 ATK points!"
Marauding Captain: 2,000 ATK & 400 DEf
Marauding Captain: 2,000 ATK & 400 DEf
Command Knight: 2,000 ATK & 1,900 DEf
Command Knight: 2,000 ATK & 1,900 DEf
Everybody present except Ali was shocked at the combo as they looked at the line up on Alexis side with wide eyes!
They couldn't be blamed, after all, she got 4 monsters with 2,000 ATK points on her side in a single turn!
That was some pro shit right there! Heck, even the students on the other fields watched their duel!
The murmuring of those jealous girls had completely stopped as cold sweat ran down the opposing girl's face.
Syrus looked at the field in amazement with his hands on the railing :"whoa! Holy moly! Check out that line up!"
Jaden wasn't any better as he watched with wide eyes :"yeah, she really was trained by you, huh, Ali? She is putting one monster on the field after the other like how you always do!"
Ali smirked as he snorted :"yeah, and I think she isn't finished yet." Causing an even more surprised look to appear on their faces as Syrus gasped :"what?! She's gonna do even more?!"
Ali's smirk stayed, but he didn't answer, because Alexis did it for him instead with a confident smirk :"I'm sorry that I'm taking so long. I promise that my turn will be finished after these two, maybe 3 moves.
I activate Pot Of Greed to add two draw two cards. Then I activate the spell card, Future Fusion! In case you don't know what it does, it allows me to fusion summon a monster from my extra deck by sending its fusion material to the graveyard from my deck!
And I send Etoile Cyber along with Blade Skater to fusion summon my ace monster, Cyber Blader, on attack position!"
Future Fusion was also a card that had changed. Instead of waiting for the second turn, you can fusion one monster the turn you activate it, and a second monster the next turn!
Seeing how Alexis's ace monster danced till she reached her position at the center, the entire room was silent and speechless!
The opponent was even shaking a little, and Alexis's next words didn't make that any better :"I hope you haven't forgotten about my Command Knights' effect.
Because of the 800 boost in ATK points, my Cyber Blader's ATK points reach 2,900 ATK points! I then set a card and end my turn, go ahead. Show me what you've got."
Cyber Blader: 2,100 ATK & 800 DEf -> 2,900 ATK & 800 DEf.
Ali couldn't help but chuckle. She had said that she didn't care, but she was going all out like this against her.
And she didn't even say how her side of the field was completely locked down. With the Marauding Captains' effect, that Obelisk Blue girl couldn't attack even if she wanted.
With these moves, the duel was as good as over. Not that many cards could deal with Alexis's field, and only a handful of people had those cards.
And even if she had those cards, she still wouldn't be able to do anything. For the simple fact that Alexis set Solemn Judgment in her last move.
Ali couldn't help but feel proud, after all, this was his first student. And she was owning the field like it was nothing!
The poor girl was about to cry with how bad the situation was for her as she shakily drew :"I-I draw... I s-summon Sonic Duck in defense position... I end my turn..."
{Sonic Duck: Winged Beast/ Normal/ Wind/ Lv 3/ 1,700 ATK/ 700 DEf.}
Ali snorted with an eye roll :'no doubt that she had put that card in her deck because of its ATK points.
Its ATK is quite decent, especially in this era. But even a strong monster will just be trash if it's in the hands of a fool.
Just like Rex Raptor who threw away Serpent Night Dragon because he was too fucking retarded to know how to summon it.
Hmph, these kinds of dumbasses are just 3rd rate duelists who don't even know how to play. And some of them even went to private classes for this? Retards.'
While he was trash talking them in his head, Alexis on the other hand was honestly confused :"what? That's it?"
She wasn't even making fun of her, she was just confused. After all, she had seriously thought that she had the skills to talk like that.
With how she said that she is gonna win against Alexis, she didn't take any risks and completely dominated the duel.
But now, this girl just summoned a single monster in defense position and ended her turn. How could she not be confused?
the girl on the other hand blushed in shame as she looked down on the ground. Alexis just shrugged before she got to action :"alright, I draw then.
Activate the equip spell, Fusion Weapon and equip it to Cyber Blader to raise her ATK points from 2,900 to 4,400! Now, Marauding Captain, attack her Sonic Duck!"
And that's exactly what he did as he destroyed the only card on the Obelisk Blue girl's side and opened the way.
Alexis pointed at the opponent with a serious face and commanded once again :"Cyber Blader, attack her Life Points directly and win this duel for me!"
And she didn't need to be told twice as she spun so fast that she looked like a mini tornado before she kicked the opponent, making her let out a scream before her Life Points hit zero!
Alexis LP: 4,000
Obelisk Blue girl LP: 4,000 -> 0
DP: 600,000