Chereads / The Crying Wolf / Chapter 3 - Chapter Two

Chapter 3 - Chapter Two

Valerie's Pov

"What's going on, Silver?" I asked nervously as she started racing like we were chased by something.

 "I think we might have crossed a border..." Silver replies, and it takes me a moment to realize what kind of border that might be. 

"Oh no... A tribe's?" I whispered, and her silence roused me up.

"This can't be good," I mumbled, and I felt Silver's adrenaline rush through our blood. She jumped over fallen trees, took tight turns, and nearly fell over at one point.

"Are they close?" I whispered... And I could sense that they were. 

We kept a high-speed tier, which took us deeper into the forest.

"What if we are running deeper into their land?" I uttered nervously, knowing what the tribes did to trespassers.

"I don't know. I wasn't paying attention, Valerie. But I should have known better than passing a border." Silver replied, and I could feel her guilt.

"It's not your fault." I replied, "Yes, it is. You left me in charge, Val. I should really have paid more attention. This is my fault."

We kept running but abruptly stopped before a tall mountain with a narrow road leading up to the top. We had nowhere else to run: we could turn around or go up.

We took a chance and headed up the road, hid behind some big rocks, and stayed low, hoping no one would find us there.

This was the first time I felt the fear consume me like it had the night of the attack on my tribe.

This land gave me a bad vibe.

"I am getting a bad vibe up here, too," Silver stated, making me more tense than I already was.

"Did you hear that?" Silver asked, and I did. 

Low thuds came closer up the mountain, and we heard them stop a short stretch away.

"The trail ends up here!" Someone mumbled, "So they must be hiding somewhere on this mountain? And there is only one way down? Amateur!" Someone else continues.

"What are we going to do?" I asked, "I'm trying to think of something. There are only two of them, but more wolves can come any second. 

I need to do something drastic." Silver cried, and before I even had any time to react, she had already lunged from our hiding spot and was out in the open. Everything happened so fast from here, and it was a big blur.

Silver jumping on a big, red wolf, biting, clawing. Tumbling over a black wolf, more biting and clawing. 

And then we went for it. Down the mountain and back to running through the forest once again.

But this time, we had two wolves behind us, and they would not stop the chase, not now.

I sensed these weren't typical Omega wolves, like the ones we had defeated in combat.

No. These wolves were posing a more significant threat to us, and I was starting to realize that this would be the night we were killed.


Arctic's Pov

"Damn it, Saga!" I roared through the mind-link when I spotted the rouge coming at her.

I took a big jump and managed to take it down, and soon, I found myself tumbling over. I could tell it was a she-wolf, and she was fast in her movements, and before I realized what had happened, she was already halfway down the mountain again.

"Come on!"

We took up the hunt, and I was behind her in the forest. 

Titan was close, and more wolves joined in on the hunt.

It had been a while since a wolf had crossed our borders, and I could feel the excitement rushing through the pack as more of them joined in behind us.

"She's running towards the south border; do not let her pass it!" I demanded through the mind-link, hoping the south team still held their position.


Valerie's Pov

We continued to run, and more and more wolves were on our tail. 

"I don't think we can lose them, Val. More wolves are ahead of us. I'm sorry." Silver cried, and soon, it all came to an abrupt end when our way was blocked by two wolves.

Silver turned to the right and tried to change direction, but other wolves cut her off, and we were trapped in the middle. 

"We are never leaving here alive, are we?" I whispered, shrudding as I felt their threatening energy drain us.


Arctic's Pov

"That's enough, back away!" I roared after seeing the rogue barely left alive on the ground.

The pack had had their fun, but I didn't want her dead, not yet.

"Bring her to the cell under the arena! Now!" I demanded, watching Titan and Victor dragging the wolf between them.

"Why bring her into the cell? We always kill the rogues on the spot?" Saga said, a little confused, "Call it a hunch. I don't know what it is yet," I replied, and Saga shrugged, "Okay, but I hope you know what you're doing... Because your father always wants them dead." 

"I know that, but this is my call, not his," I answered, a little irritated,

"Hey, don't get mad at me; I'm just stating the obvious. You need more than a hunch for your father's approval."

"I know; just drop it, okay?" 

"Fine, I'll drop it!" Saga replied, "Good, let's get back home. It's late, and I have a lot of work in the morning!" I said, and we started to head back.