Chereads / The Scion / Chapter 266 - Chapter 266

Chapter 266 - Chapter 266

Everyone that was seeing this sitting at their respective table was confused, scared, angry and fearful. They had never witnessed such a blatant disregard for the principles of nobility and decorum. The room, once filled with lively conversation and laughter, fell into an uneasy silence as the weight of the prince's words settled upon them.

 The guests exchanged worried glances, unsure of how to respond to this unprecedented display of arrogance. Entitlement and power. Whispers of concern and disbelief began to circulate as they realized that their lives and the stability of their status were now at stake.

Those who believe that power overrules everything and saw this as their clan's opportunity to sweep Empress Allatou Estrith Demiurgo's future abolishment of the authority that nobles and aristocrats have over those who are weaker and were born as commoners,

Those who were on the open field of the Royal Academy felt a surge of chaos and panic. The prince's words had shattered the illusion of invincibility that they had held onto for so long. They knew that if the Empress succeeded in her plans, their privileges and dominance would crumble, leaving them vulnerable and exposed to a world they had never imagined. At the same time, those who were in the great hall inside the Royal Palace grew tense as they contemplated the uncertain future that lay ahead; their once unshakable confidence was now replaced with doubt and apprehension.

But their arrogance was still theirs, and giving up the life they have known for many years can never be changed that easily. Some wage everything just to gain power, and those acts were not honorable, many of them also followed illegal activities just to get ahead of the rest, even if it meant resorting to dishonorable and illegal activities. The allure of power and wealth blinded them to the consequences of their actions, causing further division and unrest among the people.

Each clan that rose to power was created by blood, greed and ambition, leading to a cycle of corruption and exploitation. The once united community became fragmented, with trust and loyalty becoming scarce commodities. The pursuit of power became a never-ending game, with each clan vying for dominance and willing to do whatever it took to stay on top. However, the price paid by the people was immeasurable, as their lives were constantly disrupted and their futures uncertain.

They hide these acts by manipulating information and controlling the narrative, ensuring that the true extent of their corruption remains hidden from the public eye. The clans employ propaganda and censorship to maintain a facade of stability and prosperity while suppressing any dissent or opposition. This further erodes the people's trust in their leaders and fuels a sense of disillusionment and frustration among the population. Ultimately, the consequences of their actions not only perpetuate division and unrest but also hinder any possibility of progress or positive change for the community as a whole.

Even now, Empress Allatou Estrith Demiurgos knows that many of these nobles were accommodating malicious acts while her ex-husband was sitting as the Crown Regent before, but as soon as she returned to claim her right over the crimson throne and proved she had regained her former power, they instantly changed sides. She wasn't that naïve, and she could see through their opportunistic behavior. Their constant flip-flopping and lack of loyalty only added to the existing mistrust between the people and their leaders.

It became clear to Empress Allatou that these nobles were more interested in personal gain than in serving the best interests of the community. As a result, she knew she had to take decisive action to weed out these individuals and surround herself with trustworthy advisors who shared her vision for a united and prosperous kingdom.

Countess Herleva Mirielis, along with some of her noble friends and family members, was also on the open field. She didn't mind because Ramiel's real aim was to test their honour on the battlefield and prove to Ramiel that they were worthy of Empress Allatou's trust and loyalty. She believed that only by facing the challenges of battle together could she truly gauge their commitment to the kingdom's cause. Additionally, she saw this as an opportunity to demonstrate her own clan's prowess and leadership skills, further solidifying her position and showing that the Empress would never show favoritisms to those who were invited. 

Lady Laerdya Galadhiel calmly told her that her family will never face death, but they will feel what it means to fear in the face of uncertainty.

She explains that Ramiel has sufficient power to make sure they learn from this battle. Countess Herleva watches intently as her two sons and her beloved husband grip their weapons tightly, ready to defend their honor and prove their worth on the battlefield. Countess Herleva Mirielis knew that this would be a defining moment for her family, a chance to showcase their strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

The total number of those who came was less than two thousand fully armed individuals from their respective family clans. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as Countess Herleva Mirielis and the rest of the female guests observed the diverse group of warriors assembled before them.

Each individual represented a different branch of their family clan, united in their determination to emerge victorious from this battle. With such a formidable force at their disposal, the countess felt a surge of confidence that they possessed sufficient power to overcome any obstacle that lay ahead.

But Tridentum, the dukedom of the Beastkin Nation, was filled with anticipation battle frenzy as their greatest general and their strongest force were standing among the sea of warriors.

The power of secretly gaining additional wealth was the primary reason they all flock together, as Empress Allatou Estrith Demiurgos told all of the male leaders and their strongest warriors that she would distribute the gold her ex-husband plundered from the land and administer it to those who could prove they were truly strong and has the desire to prove their honor as a true warrior.

after hearing this Many secretly came for power, some for material gain, and a few for honor, seeking to prove their worth in battle. Regardless of their individual motivations, the warriors of Tridentum were united in their determination to emerge victorious and claim the rewards promised by Empress Allatou. Little did they know, however, that the challenges they would face in the upcoming battle would test not only their strength and skill but also their loyalty and resolve.

Ramiel took out his primary weapon that he favors due to its violent and destructive nature, the bar mace, which was polished to be sharp enough to cut a man in half with a single swing. Each step they took towards the battlefield brought them closer to a destiny that would shape not only their own lives but also the fate of their beloved clan.

Before the battle commenced, Ramiel lifted his bar mace, which was two and a half feet. He swung it, and the centrifugal force that it created was enough to send shivers down the spines of all of the bravest warriors standing a few meters away from him. The sheer power behind each swing was a testament to Ramiel's raw power. The very air was being forced to follow the pattern of his swings, creating a whirlwind of destruction around him; the very soil was being pushed outward; and there was a small electrical surge in his bar mace.

What he was doing was already an impressive feat, but what everybody made them two small steps backward was the energy he was imitating. It was different. A cold wave embalmed all of them as the hairs rose on the back of their necks and their mouths ran dry. 

making all of those warriors muscles tense, Ramiels killing instinct was above anything any young person could possess. Ramiel aura was so savage and intense that it sent shivers down their spines. His every movement exuded a primal ferocity, as if he were channeling the raw power of nature itself. The air crackled with an otherworldly energy, leaving everyone in awe of his formidable presence.

Seasoned veteran warriors question what they were feeling. The all-new Empress Allatou Estrith Demiurgos clan were born with huge amounts of mana, which is why they gain supremacy on the battle field, but seeing the youngest Demiurgos cast and show his power was truly a sight to behold and a cause for fear.

The sheer magnitude of his magical abilities surpassed anything they had ever witnessed before. It was as if he had tapped into a wellspring of untapped potential, unleashing a force that could reshape the very fabric of reality itself. The warriors couldn't help but wonder what kind of future this young Demiurgo would carve out for himself and what it meant for the balance of power in their world.

As Ramiel stepped onto the battlefield, his eyes locked with all of his enemy's, a fierce hunger burning within him. With every strike of his mace, he felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, knowing that the outcome of this battle would not only determine his own fate but also the future of his mother's people.

Ramiel understood that sometimes too much freedom to achieve anything in life can be overwhelming and lead to chaos. He believed that by seizing control and establishing order, he could bring stability and prosperity to their war-torn world.

 Ramiel's determination to become the Demiurgo stemmed from his desire to restore balance and ensure a better future for all, even if it meant sacrificing many freedoms that he saw and deemed to be unnecessary or detrimental. He knew that, in order to create a harmonious society, certain restrictions and guidelines needed to be put in place. Ramiel was willing to make tough decisions and enforce strict measures, understanding that it was for the greater good of his people and the survival of his mother's empire.

Too much of everything was leading to division and instability, and Ramiel believed that by implementing control and regulation, he could bring stability and progress to their society. He recognized that excessive freedom could lead to anarchy and hinder the growth of their war-torn world; thus, he aimed to strike a delicate balance between individual liberties and collective well-being. 

Ramiel's vision for a better future required sacrifices in the present, but he believed it was necessary for long-term prosperity and the restoration of their once-thriving civilization.

When he was on earth, seeing this freedom was turning mankind into a chaotic and self-destructive species. As everybody can do whatever they want in the precocity of their so-called happiness, even at the expense of those others who were also seeking their own happiness, greed and ambition were always the narratives they followed. Everything they in the beginning was meant for good, but as time passed, it became clear that too much freedom was leading to the downfall of society.

Many wars started because each nation, race, culture, or individual believed that their own happiness and success were more important than anyone else's. This mindset created a constant power struggle and competition, fueling conflicts and dividing people further apart. The consequences of this selfishness and disregard for others' well-being were devastating, as societies became fragmented and the world became a battlefield of conflicting interests.

In a world filled with magic that can manipulate the very reality they were living in to have a proper life, people became even more consumed by their own desires and ambitions. The pursuit of personal gain overshadowed any sense of collective responsibility or empathy, leading to an even greater divide between the haves and have-nots. As individuals sought to reshape the world according to their own whims, the fabric of society grew increasingly fragile, teetering on the edge of collapse.

The consequences of this selfishness and disregard for others' well-being were amplified. People with malicious intentions could use their magic to exploit and oppress others, causing even more chaos and suffering. It became evident that a balance between freedom and responsibility needed to be established in order to restore harmony and ensure the survival of society.

Ramiel didn't need to look far to see the devastating effects of this unbridled power. Both here and on his home planet, he witnessed families torn apart, livelihoods destroyed, and a sense of hopelessness that seemed to permeate every corner.

The once-vibrant and united society had become fragmented and distrustful, with fear and desperation replacing compassion and cooperation. It was clear to Ramiel that a change needed to occur before it was too late. He realized that in order to rebuild their shattered world, individuals would need to set aside their personal desires and work together for the greater good.

and Empress Allatou Estrith Demiurgos, his mother, and all of his people share the same thought. He realized that without some form of regulation and collective responsibility, humanity would continue down a path of destruction. It was then that he decided to take action and advocate for a more balanced and structured approach to ensure the long-term well-being of their civilization.

Freedom to gain happiness must not come at the expense of the collective welfare. He understood that individual liberties should be upheld, but within the boundaries of a system that prioritizes the common good. By promoting unity and cooperation, he aimed to create a society where personal fulfillment and societal progress could coexist harmoniously.

He witnessed the negative consequences of unchecked freedom and understood the importance of maintaining order for the overall progress and well-being of society. Ramiel's observations reinforced his belief that a balance between individual liberties and collective 

responsibility was crucial for a sustainable and thriving civilization.

So by proving that having overwhelming power without any limitations or accountability can lead to chaos and harm, Ramiel emphasized the need for a system of checks and balances. He believed that by establishing clear boundaries and regulations, individuals could still enjoy their freedoms while ensuring that their actions did not infringe upon the rights and well-being of others.

So he knows that destroying this so-called belief that having power can lead to happiness is wrong and detrimental to the overall stability of every living being in the land, so he will now convince them that if he wants to, he can take everything they hold important in their lives, including their own, without even shedding a tear.

Explaining was useless; they will always find reasons not to change and resist accepting the truth. However, it is crucial to persist in educating them about the consequences of their actions and the importance of embracing change for the betterment of society. Only by beating them down to the ground and showing them what will happen if somebody with overwhelming tyranny does the same can they truly understand the gravity of the situation.

It is a daunting task, but one that must be undertaken in order to protect future generations from the path they are currently on.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and the concentration of power in the hands of a single individual could lead to tyranny and oppression. Therefore, he aimed to establish a system where power was distributed among different branches of government, ensuring that no one person or group could dominate and exploit others. In this way, he sought to protect the fundamental rights and liberties of all citizens, fostering a society built on justice and equality.

Ramiel took a deep breath and shouted,

"Prepare for war!"

And lunge toward the gathering gathered numerous different clans and tribes. As he charged forward, his heart filled with a sense of duty to educate them by force. He knew that unity and collaboration among the clans would be crucial in achieving their main task and maintaining peace in their land. With each step, Ramiel felt a surge of adrenaline, propelling him forward with unwavering determination.

A loud, thundering explosion shook the ground they were standing on, sending shockwaves through the air. The deafening noise echoed in everyone's ears, fueling their resolve even further. They all knew that the battle ahead would be fierce. Many who were watching this in the safety and comfort of the Royal Capital Great great hall, were all thinking and talking among themselves about how absurd it was that a single person could fight so many seasoned warriors.

The clash of swords and the cries of warriors filled the air, painting a chaotic scene of defeat and pain. Many whimpered, and their legs collapsed underneath their feet as they were struck with intense force, nearly knocking the wind out of them. 

Despite the overwhelming odds,

The veteran warriors were amazed by Ramiel's fighting style, as it seemed impossible to find any openings or blind spots. His automatic attack spell provided constant coverage from all sides, while his symbiote armor ensured that each attack was meant to disarm and hurt rather than kill. The warriors struggled to comprehend and counter his precise and accurate techniques.

Ramiel's weapon proved to be a formidable force on the battlefield, striking fear into the hearts of his enemies and earning him a reputation as a fearsome warrior. However, as the battle raged on, Ramiel began to question whether his thirst for violence was truly honorable or if it was merely a reflection of his own inner demons.

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