"What you know about rabbits. The Draize eye and skin irritancy tests are extremely painful and cruel. While being experimented upon, rabbits are often locked into full-body restraints to prevent them from touching the eye or skin sores. why rabbits? because they are small and gentle and so easy to handle. they are relatively cheap to maintain if only basic standards are adhered to. and they breed fast, creating new test subjects quickly. And most important you know how rabbits are being abused by having their throats slit after being hung upside down so that they can be eaten to having their fur repeatedly ripped out of their backs, rabbits often suffer horribly at the hands of humans. They are some of the most abused animals on Earth. Somehow I feel the same. Are you sure you are ready to read my story"
~No matter how fast you run your legs
. always guide you to me"
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