Erik's communication device suddenly came to life, breaking the silence that nestled in his surroundings after the fight.
Emily's voice came through, sounding worried.
"Erik? Are you there? What are you doing?"
Erik took a deep breath.
"I'm here."
Mira's voice then came through the device.
"That guy was kicking your ass!" She laughed, irking him a little.
"What?! No! He wasn't! "
Mira laughed. "He was! I've never seen you in so much trouble in all the time I've known you!"
"Damn! I almost got killed, and you are mocking me?!" He remained silent a little.
"Besides, even if he was, there was no helping it. Haven't you seen him literally throwing me skyscrapers?"
"We saw it," Amber said. There was a brief pause then. "I guess you've gotten his power?"
"I did," Erik said. "In truth, I got two."