On the conflict between the Northern West Netherworld and the Heavenly Realm, pandemonium reigns...
Celestial Soldiers, leads by God of War Tian Feng, and demons Soldiers, lead by Goddess of War, Mo Feng She... Despites being Immortals, both have their limits, but refused to back down from the vicious fights, each with their own egoes...
The two Gods were battling while conversing in a scornful tone, their powers were undeniable, their fights seems leisure, but one could tell that fights were both marvelous despites seems vigorous, as they put lots of energy into it, after all, they wouldn't be gods of war for nothing...
Mo Feng She uses her famous venomous Demon whip, as Tian Feng uses the Phoenix's Feather Flame sword...
"Mo Feng She! I won't beat a girl, better surrender your kingdom to the Heavenly Emperor for the good of both realms!...otherwise, more bloods will be shed in this field!..."