"hey, Levi we meet again the same place right?"
"Yeah sure, whatever"
walking away from my annoying friend , who kept on pestering me ...
A calm, cool day what more can I ask for, everybody just minding their own damn business and there is me who, of course I have nothing of importance to do just taking errands here and there looking for an apartment to move into.....yeah! I am 21 and my parents think it's time for me to move out of their house (come on mum, who's gonna cook for me arggg!) and even though I am a bit happy about it I don't think am gonna like it, you know, living alone and having to do all the choirs and all that shitty stuff.....anyways, talking of a good day, I had gone to the flavors Café to meet my friend, Frank, said he got a good deal apartment and that he wanted me to check it out .....he is such a whimp but I like him .....ever met a guy who talks about how his cat almost got raped by a neighbor's cat and how much he he got annoyed? ....that's Frank just so you know
"sure, I'll think about it an...."
"oh! my guy, don't think about going to look at the apartment just move in, I mean I've given all the details, it's just how you'd Prefer it plus I know you don't wanna be alone so you can just rent out the extra room to a God knows who😁😁"
my goodness that smiley face makes me sick, but something about that smile spells am-not-gonna-like -my-decision....
prrrtatatata! Thunder??
shia! it's gonna rain? not today, not now ,I didn't even bring my umbrella with me ....🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧
great am all soaking wet🙄..
I thought it was a nice day but I take those words back
I hate rainy days..