Chereads / Storm 01 / Chapter 62 - Unstable Shockwaves

Chapter 62 - Unstable Shockwaves

Chief pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned furiously. The lights were back on, and the alarm had stopped. He stood in front of the many Rain agents including Rain X and the golden-haired girl, Rory, and the rest of Department H's agents. He rubbed his face with his palm and sighed.

"You all had one job, one fucking job," he yelled. Ace stood behind Chief with a plaster over the bridge of his nose. His hands were folded around his chest and the only thing that was visible on his face apart from the plaster, was the rage that exudes through his glasses.

"Might as well strip you all off of your badges and hand it over to a bunch of kids in the ghetto of the Underground!"

Rain X looked over Chief's shoulder and couldn't help but smile as he caught a glimpse of the blonde-haired man. For the first time since he first set his eyes on the Electro agent, he was smiling while looking at him.

"Twice you couldn't stop an attack here, Twice. What would the people think if we can't even defend this ship, that is swarming with agents?"

He remained quiet and scanned the entire room. "If whoever did this can step into the D.H. And leave without getting caught, they might as well walk into the Prime Hall and kill the Prime in a meeting."

Chief pulled out his phone from his pocket. He took a moment to read the content before mouthing the word, "Fuck."

"This better not reach Miss Havishma. I'm the Chief, I'll handle things," he added before walking off the stage.

Rain X scoffed and turned to Percy who had just walked up to him. "What was that all about?" He queried.

Rain X opened his mouth to speak but ended up replying with a shrug. "I think what Chief needs is a job as a spaceball coach. Just imagine him giving a big speeches like this to the Weirs on a big game against Earth," Percy joked.

The crowd slowly starts to disperse, leaving only a few of the agents there. "Too bad Winter Weir has been disqualified from the competition."

Percy shook his head and furrowed. "Whatever, that's not why I'm here. I wanted to ask…"

"Hey." They both turned to see Sox standing behind them. She smiled weirdly at Percy before turning to face the dark-haired man. "We need to talk," said the blue-eyed woman.

Rain X turned to Percy who puts his hand up. "It's fine, I'll talk to you later." Without waiting for a reply, he turned and walked away.

"What's up with him?" The dark-haired man questioned. "Strange, isn't it?" Sox replied.

The Rain agent turned from Percy to the blue-eyed lady with his brows crooked up. "Let's go somewhere else," Sox said.

As they both walked out, the dark-haired man locked eyes with Ada who shoots him a mischievous grin. The duo entered the bar in Department H and sat in one corner of the room, away from the earshot of the other two agents in the bar.

The two were quiet, both looking off in a different direction from the other, avoiding each other's eyes. It does not take a genius to sniff out the awkward atmosphere between them.

"This isn't about the last time you got drunk and almost..."

"No, no. It's not that. And please don't bring that up again, you promised you wouldn't."

"Oh, sorry."

Sox finally mustered enough courage to turn her head to face the dark-haired man sitting in front of her. "You were the attacker who took out the power supply of the ship, aren't you?"

"I guess there's no avoiding this topic any further, so let's just… get it over it," Rain X stated.

"What was in the laptop you took? Do you think Miss Havishma won't realize it's gone?" She probed.

Rain X dug his hand into his hair. "She probably will, and that's not something I intend to ponder on right now. Let's just say, I'll cross that bridge when I get there," the dark-haired man said with confidence. "What about you? It's only fair that you also tell me what you were doing in Miss Havishma's pad."

"You didn't even tell me anything about the… never mind. It's been eating me up inside and having someone to talk about it to would be relieving," Storm 03 beamed.

"What is it?"

"Miss Havishma is my mother."

Rain X was struck quiet and facially emotionless by the sudden revelation. He stayed that way for a couple of moments before speaking. "H-how?"

"What do you mean how? She gave birth to me."


"I-" Sox shook her head and furrowed unbelievably. She couldn't help but chuckle softly.

The Rain agent puts his hands up apologetically. "I'm sorry, that's a stupid question. I just find that hard to believe. You both have nothing in common, Miss Havishma is entirely self-centered while you… you're not..." He lets his words trail off and pinch the bridge of his nose.

"It's fine, you don't have to dial down on the hate you have for Miss Havishma because of me."

Rain X raised his head to look at Sox. "Of course, like that's possible now," he said. "Why doesn't she treats you like her daughter?"

"It's not surprising. Miss Havishma only cares about her work. She won't even tell me who my father is. Which is why I downloaded all her files and document hoping to find something, anything."

Rain X dug his hand deep into his hair and groaned. "Oh my god, this just changes the entire picture. There was once a time I saw Miss Havishma as a very remarkable woman. If you had told me this earlier, I would have envied you."

"Yeah. I've never once told anyone this. I don't think anyone knows. Maybe the Electro agent that walk with her knows," Sox mumbled. "Could you not tell anyone about this?"

The dark-haired man nodded understandably. "Sure."

Sox exhaled deeply. The relaxation that engulfed her entire body after laying the words off could be seen on her face. She lets a small smile slip off her lips before moving forward. "You still haven't mentioned what you needed the laptop you took for."

The dark-haired man opened his mouth to talk but changes his mind before the words came out of his mouth. "I'd rather not. For everyone's well-being, trust me."

Before Sox could reply, the Rain agent's watch began to beep with a blinking white light. He looks at his watch before standing on his feet. "I have to go. You can trust me not to say anything about this to anyone."

"Thank you."




The dark-haired man met with Chief in the hangar of Department H. "The next time I summon you, I need you to be there before I even think about anything else," he barked at the Rain agent. Chief hissed before taking off his oversuit and tossing it to Rain X.

"I'm meeting with Damiano in the Realm. Hope you know how to fly a ship," he added before stepping into a nearby spaceship.

The dark-haired man's jaw tightened. "Yes Sir," he answered. He followed Chief into the spaceship and set a course for a port in the Realm of Winter Weir.

After a long minutes of the dark-haired man navigating through the sky and the many thoughts in his head, he turned his attention to Chief who called out to him. "Listen to me agent," he started. "Very soon, I'd be moving to a different planet to start anew, and I'd like you to come with me," the Chief of Department H revealed.

"But I'm an agent of D.H. I can't leave this planet…"

"I'm sorry," Chief chipped. "Did I make that sound like a request? Let me rephrase it then: I'd be moving to a different planet and you will come with me."

"…" … "Yes, sir."

The spaceship landed on the soil of the Realm. The Department H personnel exit the spaceship and entered a long fancy car and drove out of the port.

The cold winter moon shines its light down on the planet. The night was quiet, so quiet that the dance of the trees in the area could be heard a mile away.

Rain X slowly drove the long fancy car through the trees and made a stop in a large open area surrounded by trees where another car was parked. Some men wearing Department H uniforms but with red stripes where the other squads had their team color stood around the car holding heavy guns in their hands.

Chief exited the car, he fixed his hat before walking over to the other car. He looked inside the car and caught sight of Damiano and Miss Havishma. The door opened and Damiano walked out with a smile on his face. "You're late Chief. I said 7 pm and it's 8 pm. If you want to keep this going between us, you need to adhere to the designated time, okay?"

The dark-haired man stepped out of the car and strolled closer to Chief.

Chief glared at Damiano for a few seconds before speaking. "What's going on here? What is she doing here? And who are these people?"

"Lots of questions. Which do I even answer first?"

Miss Havishma walked out of the car. "Allow me," she said while placing her hand on Damiano's shoulder.

"These are the newest squad I created, the Red Troopers. I made them solely for one objective… to get rid of anything or anyone that stands as a threat against me."

One of the agents stepped forward and without hesitation, he opened fire at Chief but Rain X pushed him out of the way, taking the shots instead. The dark-haired man crashed to the ground, he stayed like that for a couple of seconds before attempting to rise back on his feet. "I won't let you do this…"

His words were cut short as a Red agent tackled him back to the ground before binding his hands with a special cuff. The agent then picked up his gun and aimed it at Chief.

"What are you doing Miss Havishma? What the hell is going on?"

Miss Havishma placed her hand on the agent's gun to stop him. The agent nodded and took a step backward to join the other Red agents.

"I want you to remember this one thing, Chief; nothing goes on in Winter Weir without my knowledge."

Miss Havishma pulled out a gun from her pocket. She then turned to Damiano and handed the gun to him. The said name collected the gun but confusion lingered on his face. "You do it," Miss Havishma ordered.

Damiano furrowed before extending his hand to pass the gun back to Havishma. "I don't use weapons, I'm more…" he stopped as he noticed the look the blue-eyed woman was giving him. He swallowed before hesitatingly aiming the gun at Chief. "It'll be quick."

"No, stop. You can resolve all this without hurting anyone." Rain X tried to electrocute the cuffs but couldn't channel his powers.

Chief fell to the ground with a low thud. He had seen it happen, but the dark-haired man stared at Chief's body in disbelief. He never thought he was going to be present when it happens.

Miss Havishma curb down to the dark-haired man's height and fixed a stray hair on his face. "I see the two of us taking this planet to places no one could ever. Don't disappoint me, agent," she stated before walking away from the Rain agent.

She stopped and tilted her head. "Welcome back, Agent Storm 01."
