Chereads / Storm 01 / Chapter 60 - Smoked

Chapter 60 - Smoked

1832 ( Another day of the Z-candidate training )


The teenage Coco threw a straight punch into the space in front of him. He turned to his side and throw another punch but doesn't meet any target.

The room was pitch black and the dark-haired boy couldn't even see where he puts his foot. "I don't understand what this training's for?" Tzal's voice reverberated through the walls of the room.

The lights in the room switched on to reveal all the candidates standing some distance away from each other. The candidates were in a transparent compartment with Miss Havishma and some other Department H agents standing outside the compartment.

Without saying a word, Miss Havishma took off her oversuit and handed it over to Electro 28 before starting towards the door to the compartment.

She joined the five in the scene and folded her sleeves up some levels. "Come at me," she ordered.

The trainees glanced at each other before turning back to the pale-skinned lady.

"What?" Coval queried.

"You heard me, come at me with everything you've got." Miss Havishma spread her legs and puts her hands up to her chest level, standing in a fighting position.

"Alright then," Tzal uttered before stepping forward. He attempted a right but Miss Havishma dodged and tackled him on the ground.

She then used her forearm to defend a punch from Mars and countered with one of her own which sent the chocolate-haired man down on the ground.

Coval and Teela both charged at Miss Havishma at the same time. Miss Havishma pulled back to dodge a right hook thrown by Teela. She grabbed Teela's hand and pulled her close.

Teela yelped in pain as Havishma twist her hand. She blocks Coval's attack with her forearm while still holding Teela with her other hand.

Havishma raised her leg high up and descend it on the shoulder of the boy with the eye patch. Coval groaned and crashed on the ground.

Miss Havishma turned her attention to Teela and rocked her face with a few punches before hurling her onto the ground. The moment Havishma turned, the teenage Coco's fist caught her cleanly on the jaw.

The teenage Coco didn't waste any time as he threw another punch at the stunned Havishma. She managed to move her head slightly and his hand flew past the side of her face, missing her by just an inch. Miss Havishma punched the dark-haired boy's belly. The teenage Coco groaned loudly and fell to his knees.

Miss Havishma took out a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped her hand. She made her way out of the compartment, leaving the candidates on the ground all writhing in pain.

"Release it now, agent," Miss Havishma said to Electro 28 who nodded to another agent sitting behind a table. The agent clicked a button and the compartment in which the candidates were immediately got filled with smoke.

The teenage Coco held his chest and began to cough loudly as the smoke got into his lungs.




1835 ( Present Day )

"Are you tired, Ishary?" Rain X lay on a bed in the place he always ended up in, the sick bay. His eyes were fixed on the ceiling as the words rolled off his tongue. "What?" The arctic blue-haired girl asked.

"Aren't you tired of all this? Don't you wish you could wake up one morning and not have any responsibilities to fulfill?" He queried.

Ishary turned away from her computer and dragged her chair closer to the Rain agent as she listened to him speak.

"Sometimes I feel like I'm getting overwhelmed by all this. I always put out my best, at least I try to, but it's never enough. They all keep expecting more from me, it's overwhelming," he added.

Ishary held his hand between hers. "What are you saying? No one expects more than you can give."

"Why? Why was I the only one who survived the Z-syrup? Why just me?" He mumbled.

Ishary smiled wryly as she caressed the Rain agent's hand. "You are special. You survived for a reason, and I'm certain you'll come to find that reason."

Rain X sighed and closed his eyes. "What has gotten into me?"

"Do you wanna continue or should I let you rest?" She asked.

"Let's continue."

She nodded and slide back to her computer. "What year was it again?"

"1808. It all happened so fast that part of me still thinks it was a dream," Rain X had narrated the story of what happened after the explosion to Ishary.

Ishary dug her hands through her hair. "Your body seems completely fine. I do believe you, but I don't think you should speak of any of these to anyone else," she mumbled.

The dark-haired man nodded understandably. He stood up and fixed his jacket before heading towards the exit. "Hey." Rain X stopped and turned to face the arctic blue-haired girl. "Please tell me you didn't tell anyone you were from the future."

"I-" the Rain agent stopped for a couple of seconds. "I didn't. I appeared back here before I could even fully comprehend what was happening. And I can't remember how I did it."

Ishary nodded and smiled. "You should get some rest." Rain X smiled back before strolling out of the sick bay. He takes out a rubber band from his back pocket and tied back his hair in a bun, before setting his course back to his pad.

As Rain X entered his pad, he threw himself on the bed and exhaled deeply. He had a lot going through his head and had no idea where to even start. He closed his eyes tightly, letting himself sink into the soft foam he was laying on. Just as he began to drift asleep, a light knocks on his door dragged him back into the abyss of a planet he lived in.

He opened the door to see one familiar golden-haired girl, Rory, staring back at him with an indifferent expression.

"Rory, hi. Come in." He shifts aside, allowing her way to enter the room before shutting the door close. Rory sat on the bed still not uttering a word yet.

Rain X sat in the space next to her. "Are you here for advice on Erins?" He questioned, trying to lighten up the mood.

The golden-haired lady raised her head to look at him with a smile on her face. "No, it's not why I came here. I got called over by Miss Havishma just a few moments ago," she revealed.

"Oh. Was it about your mother?"

"She wants me to move to the Rain squad to keep an eye on Chief and report back to her of his every move," Rory stated.

"That's not so bad, right?"

"It shouldn't be, but I'm sure she's trying to keep me occupied so I won't have time to even think about my mother..."

"No Rory," the Rain agent chipped in. "You're overthinking this. It has nothing to do with your mother. I'm sure Miss Havishma wants you in that position because Chief has been selling the Z-syrup to some group of terrorists and she wants to keep an eye on him."

Rory pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed loudly. "You may be right. But the reason I came to that conclusion is because I saw my mother's laptop on her table."

"Oh. Does that mean Miss Havishma really had something to do with your mother's death?"

"There's only one way to find out," Rory pointed.

Rain X slowly shook his head. "You're not planning on breaking into Miss Havishma's pad, are you?"

"That's exactly what I was planning, but I need your help."
