Chereads / Storm 01 / Chapter 51 - Terrible Feelings

Chapter 51 - Terrible Feelings

The cold winter moon shines its light down on the planet. The night was quiet, so quiet that the dance of the trees in the area could be heard a mile away.

A long fancy car slowly drove through the trees and made a stop in a large open area surrounded by trees where another car was parked. Some men wearing Department H uniforms but with red stripes where the other squads had their team color stood around the car holding heavy guns in their hands.

Chief exited the car, he fixed his hat before walking over to the other car. He looked inside the car and caught sight of Damiano and Miss Havishma. The door opened and Damiano walked out with a smile on his face. "You're late Chief. I said 7 pm and it's 8 pm. If you want to keep this going between us, you need to adhere to the designated time, okay?"

Chief glared at Damiano for a few seconds before speaking. "What's going on here? What is she doing here? And who are these people?"

"Lots of questions. Which do I even answer first?"

Miss Havishma walked out of the car. "Allow me," she said while placing her hand on Damiano's shoulder.

"These are the newest squad I created, the Red Troopers. I made them solely for one objective… to get rid of anything or anyone that stands as a threat against me."

One of the agents stepped forward and aimed his gun at Chief who puts his hand up. "What are you doing Miss Havishma? What the hell is going on?"

Miss Havishma placed her hand on the agent's gun to stop him. The agent nodded and took a step backward.

"I want you to remember this one thing, Chief; nothing goes on in Winter Weir without my knowledge."

Miss Havishma pulled out a gun from her pocket. She then turned to Damiano and handed the gun to him. The said name collected the gun but confusion lingered on his face. "You do it," Miss Havishma ordered.

Damiano swallowed before hesitatingly aiming the gun at Chief. "It'll be quick."

Rain X jumped out of bed, trembling and breathing heavily. He attempted to get off the bed but Ishary ran up to him and tried to hold him down. "Hey, stay calm. Don't move or you'll injure yourself," she stated.

Rain X exhaled deeply before lying back down. Ishary fixed the tubes that were connected to his hand before pulling a chair to sit on. She smiled and used her hand to tuck his hair back.

"What happened?" The Rain agent questioned in a low voice.

"You passed out in the ship on your way here," the arctic blue-haired girl revealed

"It's getting worse," Rain X blurted.

Ishary held up her brows and leaned in closer. "What is?"

"Since the fallout on Moonfour, I've been having more frequent visions. It used to be just flashes, mostly Miss Havishma, but now it's getting more vivid," he explained.

Ishary picked a notepad from a nearby table and tapped into it as she listened to the agent speak. "Miss Havishma?" She queried. She had thought that the visions the agent used to see were those about him, turns out she was wrong.

"Tell me about the recent one, the one you saw on the ship."

An almost deafening silence rocked the room as Rain X stared at the ceiling, letting himself drown in his thoughts.

Ishary held his hand in hers. "Don't worry, I never told Miss Havishma about any of the visions you spoke about. She doesn't even know you see them."

"Miss Havishma had Damiano shoot Chief. I don't know what it was all about, but I saw it, it was as if I was there…"

Rain X's words were cut short as Ishary leaned in and pressed her lips to his forehead. She pulled back and smiled softly. "You should get some rest. I'll talk to Chief about your condition," Ishary stated before walking out of the sick bay.

Rain X let out a heavy sigh before turning to his side. The door to the sick bay opened again. The rain agent turned to see Jesselyn standing by the door.

"Is it okay if I enter? Hope I'm not disturbing some meditation or something."

Rain X shook his head and smiled. "Come on in, it's fine."

Jesselyn entered the room and sit on the chair Ishary was previously seated on. "What happened? You really freaked me out the way you passed out on the ship."

"Yeah, it's a bit complicated and long. I have to get deep into it to explain," Rain X said.

"Let's hear it, we have the time."

The dark-haired boy sat upright and cleared his throat. "You know that the Z-syrup gave me some superhuman abilities like electrokinesis." Jesselyn nods yes.

"Well, I got more than just that," he started. "I can see things that are yet to happen, like looking into the future." Jesselyn stared at the dark-haired man, her jaw buried in the ground. "I'm sorry, what?" She uttered.

"I can see the future, I'm not entirely sure about this one, but I think I can also travel through time," Rain X concluded.

Jesselyn averted her eyes to the exit of the room as she tried to fully grasp what the fellow Rain trooper was saying. "You mean you can transport yourself to a whole different space in time?" She pondered deeper.

Rain X closed his eyes and let out a soft exhalation of breath. He opened them again and turned to face Jesselyn. "Nine years ago, the day you took me to the Cherry Palace, I got kidnapped by some guy. He had the Storm Troopers' uniform on and he claimed to be me from the future. The memory of that moment is foggy, and I use to think it a dream, but with what has been happening, I'm thinking otherwise."

"Is that a good thing or bad?" She asked.

"I don't know. But it's freaking me out, Jesselyn, I have this feeling that something terrible is about to happen."




The door to Miss Havishma's pad slid open and the arctic blue-haired lady walked in. She walked up to the table where Miss Havishma was and dropped a drive on it.

Miss Havishma picked up the drive and raised her brows. "It has the recordings of my meeting with the agent," the arctic blue-haired lady stated.

"Great. Anything else I should know?" She asked.

"Rain 05 is in there with him and I reckon he will tell her other important information he kept away from me so I have another device in the room."

Miss Havishma leaned back on her chair and sighed. "He's still keeping information from you, huh? Looks like you need to work on your seduction skills, Ishary."