Chereads / Storm 01 / Chapter 30 - The Captive

Chapter 30 - The Captive

Department H

Storm 01 stood in front of a screen in a room with Miss Havishma, Ada, Electro 28, Ace McClain, Chief, and some agents of the White squad that were typing into a computer.

They were all staring at Jacob who was in another room behind the screen. Jacob stood still with his hands held up by a rope and multiple wires attached to his head.

"You are sure he won't break out?" Chief asked. He had just been briefed about what happened in ColdTech and was afraid that the machine would escape.

Miss Havishma held her hands behind her back and shook her head no. "The device attached to his brain stops him from moving, let alone lifting an arm to fight," she reassured.

Chief turned back to face Jacob.

"I've lived for many years, and seen a lot of creations by Quantum Realm, but nothing matches this machine in front of us. It's like it was built for war," Ace said, rubbing his thumb on the area just below his thumb.

"We have Storm 01, this is child's play compared to this thing I..." Ada lets her words trail off as Ace shoots her a piercing glare.

Miss Havishma tapped on a button in front of her and it projected some information. She slides through the details, her eyes glittering in what seems to be fear and a bit of awe.

"The composition is excellent," she started. "If this truly is from Earth, then we need to up our technologies, for our chance of winning just went down a slope."

"What exactly is it?" Electro 28 questioned.

"According to what I'm seeing here, he is part human, like a cyborg. He has a brain and a heart of his own. I think he was engineered to be faster, stronger, and better than his human self. And with the technological upgrade around those two vital organs, he was supposed to be an unstoppable machine for combat," she explained. "But the creators caged some of his combat abilities and increased his insight, comprehension, and socialization aspect. This is just a spy version of what they intended to make, they must have more."

"Do you think it's the same thing that hacked into the mainframe?" Storm 01 asked.

"Has to be. Our protection system is too secure for a normal being to be able to breach. It has to be one of these," Miss Havishma connoted.

"Can I have a look at that?" Ada asked, pointing at the information Miss Havishma was peeling her eyes into. Miss Havishma stared at Ada for a while before she nods and slid it to Ada.

"Are you planning on creating one of our own?" Chief puzzled Miss Havishma.

She looked at him with a disturbed look on her face. "I'm sure the technicians at Q.R.C can if they put their minds to it." She turned to the white trooper by her side. "How's it looking?"

"We tried overriding his system but something keeps plugging us out. We don't know what, but It's keeping us out of his mind," the agent disclosed.

Miss Havishma had a white loosed long-sleeved shirt and silky black pants. She folded the sleeves of her shirt and strolled in the direction of the door of the room Jacob was in.

"What are you doing Miss Havishma?" Electro 28 asked.

"To question him. We've weakened his mind, he should be easy to penetrate now."

"I'll come with," Storm 01 said, walking up to Miss Havishma. She nods and they both entered the room.

Storm 01 and Miss Havishma stood in front of the Cyborg.

"In ColdTech when we were fighting, he said he would have killed me if that was the order given to him," Storm 01 whispered to Miss Havishma. "Do you think they have other alternatives?"

"Mhmm," Miss Havishma mumbled. "Sox also reported that Jacob figured too soon that she was coming after him at the theater. There must be more than two spies here in Department H, " she whispered back.

"And one was definitely with us on the mission to capture Jacob Marksman."

Miss Havishma ignored storm 01's last statement and moved closer to the cyborg. It was the first time Storm 01 was seeing signs of confusion in the eyes of Miss Havishma. He could tell that the thought of someone close to her being the enemy was getting to her.

"Aix, let him breath."

[Orders received, Miss Havishma]

Jacob opened his eyes and looked up at Miss Havishma. He attempted to unlock his hands from the lock around it, but it was fruitless. "Where am I?" He queried.

"Somewhere you can't break out," Miss Havishma replied.

The cyborg let out a glitched scoff. "I'm in Department H, ain't I?" He cracked up. "I truly admire everyone at Winter Weir, especially those at ColdTech."

"The way you Weirs rebuilt your planet after the galactic war and became one of the most developed in the universe is fascinating, really," he added.

"What are your motives here in Winter Weir?" Havishma probed.

Jacob burst into a peal of hysterical laughter. "You think because of these devices you have in my head you'll be able to get the information you need from me?"

She pulled out a gun from her back pocket and pointed it at Jacob's head. "Why are you after Storm 01?"

"Why are you after Moonfour? Is it just lust for power, or something bigger?"

The door to the room burst open and a White trooper rushed into the room. "You need to get out of here ma'am, he's about to..."

Once again, everything slowed down but Storm 01. He looked at the agent from the White squad that barged into the room, his mouth was wide open as he was yet to complete his words. His eyes shift to Miss Havishma who was also trying to say something. She seemed to have already figured out what the agent was trying to tell her.

Storm 01 turned to look at Jacob but instead of the cyborg, he was somewhere else, he was in front of five masked individuals, each holding a sheathed sword in their hands. His surrounding was pitch black and he couldn't make out any sound. It all happened in a second and before he could make any sense of it, he was back.


"Get dow..." His voice was overlapped by the loud explosion that swallowed the entire room.
