I spent the night restless, tossing and turning within the empty bed and half tempted to just give in by the time midnight rolled around. Part of me wanted to slip to the couch where I knew Tallon had posted camp, crawl into his arms, and beg for forgiveness, but there was another part of me that knew if I did that, nothing would get fixed.
And I was going to fix this, no matter what.
It was all too easy. As the morning light came fluttering through the window, I got out of the lonely bed to get ready for the day. I dressed lightly in thick clothing, stealing one of Tallon’s leather jackets from the closet and pulling it over myself like I was preparing for war, like I was a soldier and this was my armor.
It still smelled of him despite having been washed, and I slipped my phone inside the inner pocket, finally feeling like I was ready.